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Hate Mail

Its great teasing a bunch of losers but im afraid its time to go home

Ahh yes the lovely hate mail. Where teenies look like fools and I get all the glory. I comment on these emails in the email it self using [ and ]. here is an example: Hi I think your site is humorous[I believe I feel a but coming up] but [BINGO!!!!]. Well here are my lovely hate mails. Remember keep on hating. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

WOW my last hate mail : { .....Im so sad i cant make fun of little stupid teenyboppers. o well, thank this ditz for giving me one more happy minute for this hate mail. thanks teenyburger.

Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000

From: ClaireBear !

Subject: The Rich Cronin interview...


Ok, what was up with the fake interview with my man Rich? [its for humor. is he really your man or are you just imagining again?] That was just dumb. [really i thought it was funny?] And what do u have against him anyway? [the same thing i have against every other boy band] I don't mean 2 be rude [well, your sure making it look that way], but I also didn't appriciate that. [ya know what you have to go now. your not in the right state of mind] Thanx, bye. [no thank you. you just gave me my last hate mail ever since i am gonig to stop updating this site. thank you and bye]

This is one hell of a long email. and she didnt even leave an email address how rude. this was also in the guestbook.

06/20/00 08:43:40 AM

Name: Linda Smithsom [why does that last name sound fake?]

How did you get here? An agry BSB Fan told me bout this ergent site that must be tooken down immidently [hahahaha]

Where are you from? Hurriton Bay [chuckle uckle la da de]

did you like my site? I like your site as much as I love green beans [now does that mean you like it?]

what are ways I can Improve it? You can't improve this site, it has goone to hell [no it has gone on the the way you are making a lot of typos]

Comments: I hoope [hoopla] you know you could get sued for this site? [i hope you know you can be put on the hate mail section for this message] I'm just warning you. [thanks for the useless warning] You are putting false words into the mouths of wonderful rich muscians. [okay you screwed up many its time for corrections.......1. they are not wonderful and 2. they are not musicians. Now look who is using false words] Please do not call me a teeny bopper [teenybopper], I am to old for that. [but your mind isnt] However you really shouldn't make fun of them it is rude to make fun of others. [thats a shame] Sure they sing heartwarming songs that go agaisnt your devil worshipping ways [hahahahahahahahahahahaha. you really do have the I.Q. of a teenybopper. Devil worshipping? Do you see any of that bullshit on my site? No you dont. What gave you the sense that I was a devil worshipper? Oh wait let me it because I like real music? That must be it. You are more pathetic than you know] , but you must understand, they make us feel good about ourselves [no they really dont. its not like they talk about real things that you can relate too] and make our hearts sprinkle with love seedlings. [is that why you are sending me hate mail?] They discuss feelings and they aren't singing about anything bad [and that is why they are fake. Singing about something bad doesnt mean anything. They can be singing about how drugs are bad or how drinking and drive is bad and they can be sarcastic in the music they make too....such as the offspring's cool to hate whgich is actually about how it is not cool to hate. so that is my counter puch for your "heart warming love"] , they are singing from the heart [dont you mean the writers' hearts?] to the women they love, their fans. [wrong alice. One of these days wam boom straight to the moon] How would you like it if I made fun of your little offspring band? [their midgets?] It just isn't very nice. [but there isnt to much to make fun of now is there? They write songs (about many diffrent things not just one pointless thing), they play instruments, they have talent, they are real. what is there to expose?] In fact talking bad like you do is just fruity. FRUUUIIITY! [wrong gushers are fruity and so are fruits. im neither so i cant be fruity] Some children these days need torelize life as more than something to critize and try to understand. [too bad it is our right and our human response to critize and to love when something is bad or good] If I was 13 again, I to would be in love with the Back Street Boys and N'sync [so your saying your not in love with them now and yet you are sending me this mail?], they are talented young men [wrong they arent talented] who dance lovely, [uhh huh] not matter what you say. [and no matter what you say will not change my mind and others. but some people grow up and relize that they are fake. i got a guestbook message like that when she said she liked boy bands but now relizes that they are fakes. you cant change our minds.......we can only change yours] They remind me of ol' elvis the pelvis, haha. [that really wasnt funny. stop trying to be funny like me and put haha after it. it fails for me it isnt going to work for you] Well your are rather rude, putting words into men who are trying to make a career. [i dont see them as men. and they arent trying to have a career. someone gave it to them and continues to give it to them] You however will not have a future because you feel the need to be better than others. [but i really dont. where did you get that from?] You feel you must trample others hopes and dreams. [uhh no. im just trying to bring reality to people. im not saying no you cant be a doctor. what exactly are you talking about?] I suppose you do not want a musical career? [umm actually i do. you clueless little turd you. you go out of the hole] If you do someday, you will not have my support or any one elses because you my ride little creature are a dream shatterer. [okay make sense with your grammer. i dont need your support because i dont know you. and i wont be like these boy groups i will actually have talent] Just leave them alone and make websites with nicer words and a much happier setting! [hahahaha. okay you convinced me. i shouldnt be allowed to say what i want to say. im a bad man a very band man. bye now..........teenybopper]

Now this same girl emails me.....sequels do always suck.....this time in the guestbook ahhhh

06/15/00 04:02:56 AM


Name: hippiechic [mean while your 12]

Website Title: hippiechic16's homepage [thats a shame i forgot to copy down the url. shucks]

How did you get here? surfin the net [on a surf board?]

Where are you from? georgia [HICK!!!!! your name should be hickiechic]

did you like my site? not at all [so supporting] Comments: i love the backstreetboys [and im sure they dont love you]

My first hate message in the slam book yay!!!!

hippiechic's Answers

Signed on Wed Jun 14 2000


1. What is your favorite TV show? TRL on MTV [you should be beatin' with a stick you know that?]


2. What is your favorite type of music? pop [you are pathetic]


3. Suggest a musical band for me to listen to. backstreet boys [no no see i said band]


4. What is/are your favorite band(s)? backstreet boys [once again i said band]


5. What is/are your favorite song(s)? All i have to give by: the backstreetboys [in my brother's words -"kill yourself"-]


6. What do you rate this page? (1-10) It better be good damnit!!!!!! 0 [i said it better be good damnit!!!!!!]


7. Why do you hate boy groups and which do you hate the most? What would you do to them if you and them were in a room alone for lets say 30 minutes? N'SYNC i'd kill them i love the rest of the boy bands [once again this proves how dumb you are. dont you know that nsync are the same thing as the backstreet boys? tennyboppers. ugh]


8. Do you hate me? i do if you hate the backstreetboys [then i guess you hate me]


9. Describe what you feel like waking up on Monday morning. very tired [maybe you should go to bed instead of agressively humping your backstreet boy poster]


10. What is/are your favorite movie(s)? backstreetboys all access [Oh God. isnt that a show? this girl is making me throw up]


11. Who is/are your favorite actor(s)/actress(s)? joshua jackson [who? hehe]


12. What is the worst thing about jail? What are the top 5 or 10 reasons for not gonig [typo hehe i just noticed that] to jail? i don't know [ask nick carter. oh wait he would consider that a good thing. nevermind then]


13. Suggest a website for me to go to. IT BETTER BE GOOD!!!!!!!! [okay once again i said it better be good. do you understand?]


14. If you could be any Simpsons character, who would you be? Where do you think Springfield takes place? You can also for the shows Friends and Seinfeld. i have no clue [jeez you dont even watch friends? what type of teenybopper are you?]


15. If you were President, what would you do? Bill Clinton set new standards. Now you have to beat those standards. ghfg [and they say george w. bush is dumb.just like democrats say al gore would make a good president. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Oh man is that a joke.]


16. What type(s) of music and/or bands do you really really really really really really really really really hate? every thing but pop [once again in my brother's well word -"die"-...aww is that all. what a shame. bye]

Its scary..........

Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000

From: jerry v.


Reply To: jerry v.

Hi nick. [there must be some misunderstanding here.......] IWant to meet you so does my cousin. [well fortunitly i am not................] I [why do you cut me o....] want two tickets to your concert . [WELL TO DAMN BAD BITCH. YOUR NOT GETTING ANY TICKETS BECAUSE IM NOT NICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOT IT!?!?!?!?! Good day madam]

Another pissed off loser fan. Here you are...

Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2000

From: "Yuen"

Subject: Re:Boy Groups [whats the re: about?]


What the hell do you have against boy groups???? [didnt you read my reasons section?] They are cool. [is the because they just drank nestea ice tea?] They have meaningfull lyrics. [i doubt that. and they dont have them their writers have them] Take Backstreet Boys for example. [na thats okay] They have the best lyrics. [not really] Very heartwarming. [you make me sick] Boy bands rock. [no they dont] Call me a teenybopper [okay. teenybopper] whatever you want see if i care but I think it's veru [*very* - spell check complete] dumb of you to have nothing better to do than just diss boy groups. [no i have better things to do. like star at people and get them pissed] I am voicing my opinion [no your not your typing it] and I am entitled to it [and as am i] so whatever [are you cher from clueless?] if u think I'm dumb or something [umm, so umm oaky bye]

She left no email and she signed the geust book how rude!!!!!!! what rude? you have to leave an email? if you dont your rude? I dont understand. Oy vey.

06/01/00 08:19:13 PM

Name: Jade

Where are you from? Houston, Texas


what are ways I can Improve it? You can talk about how HOT Lance is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [dont you mean how much of a killer and sycho he is?]

Comments: Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *N SYNC just came to town May 30 and 31!!!!!!!!!!!! [what town? am i suppose to know what town? does it matter anyway? who cares? you care? oy vey shmeer. hehe] It was like so Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [and your like so dumb] Lance looked so HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, baby!!!!!!!!!!! Woooohoooo!!!!!! [you should be shot. how dare you of all people a teenybopper a trendy use the words of HOMER JAY SIMPSON!!!!!!!!!!!!] And Justin has 'da BEST body!!!!!!! [your a freak arent you?] 'K now, bye bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Peace, and Chicken grease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [your not annoying. im surprised no one has killed you yet]Stay *N SYNC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [how can i stay nsync if i was never nsync? what do you mean nsync? do you mean in the sink? oy im so confused?]

PS-*N SYNC rules, man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [not really. bye hicky]

Short but still hateful. Gotsta love it.

Date: Sat, 27 May 2000

From: ctn00436



You are so stupid! [i know what you are but what am i?] Why did you even bother to make that site when you just sat there and called Nick a whole bunch of names? [because its fun] That is so immature. [okay so it is. but you called me stupid so your making fun of me right? so i guess your so immature. bye]

Hey what do you know she came back. yay!!!!!!!!!!

04/17/00 06:48:23 PM

Name: IDON"KNOE [okay once again its don't]

How did you get here? IDON"TKNOE [this time im not even going to tell you missy]

Where are you from? FROM POPLAND WITH N*STINK WITH ME [you said that already]

did you like my site? NO [thanks for the supprt again. it makes it all worth while]

what are ways I can Improve it? MAKE UP SOME FUNNY STUFF [once again that could work]

Comments: OH YEA WHAT SUCKS ON YOUR SITE IS FUNNYBOY GROUP NAMES [you said that already] REALLY SUCKS VERY FUNNY THERE JUSTIN TIMBERBUTT??!! [o God. does it look like im trying to be funny in this section. im just making up stupid crap] THAT IS NOT FUNNY!!! [I KNOW ITS NOT!!! and by the way your caps lock is broken] YEA I HATE BOY BANDS BUT YOUR SITE JUST SUCKS NOTHIN"S FUNNY!!!!!! [you said this. anything else?] MAKE UP FUNNY SHIT [guess you do] YOUR JUST REAL DUMB [i have an IQ of a pencil. Who are you calling dumb?] AIN"T FUNNNY [okay you done yet?] 2PAC FOR LIFE~~!!! [isnt he dead though?] Go TO [i should just delete this, but ill let it slide. well not slide but show yeah thats it] NOW THAT IS FUNNY [are you obsessed with this site?] AND IT"S ABOUT MARIAH CAREY AND I LIKE HER!!! [im sure you like all pop you are just pretending] THAT SITE HAS GOT FUNNY SHIT [i know it does] AIN'T NO FUCKIN STUPID JOKES LIKE this site [you used double negatives. that means you just said that the site you are talking about has stupid jokes. and she calls me dumb sheesh. bye now]

Nothing like getting hate mail in the guestbook. Sorry I forgot to get down the email address. Oh well.....

04/17/00 06:39:46 PM

Name: BOYBANDSRDUMB [and so are you]

How did you get here? IDON"TKNOE [its don't]

Where are you from? FROM POPLAND WITH N*STINK WITH ME [umm.....]

did you like my site? NO [thanks for the support]

what are ways I can Improve it? MAKE UP SOME FUNNY STUFF [that can work]

Comments: SITE SUCKS JOKES AREN'T FUNNY [you talk like homer. hehe funny. mmmmm food] WHAT'S UP WITH THE NAMING OF THE NAMES [here we go. they are made to me stupid for the tenth time] J.C FROM N*STINK J.C PENNY????!!!! [hehe j.c. penny hehe. damn thats not funny hehe] SURE VERY FUNNY THERE [i know] THAT MARIAH CAREY SITE IS WAT BETTER THEN YOURS AT LEAST IT FUNNY!!!! [yawn. i knew i should have stayed in bed. now i have to listen to this shmuck] AND I LIKE MARIAH [not good for you] YOU SITE JUST SUCKS REAL BAD NOTHING IS FUNNY ON IT!!!! [thats a damn shame, but you know your kinda funny on it. please come back again]

People know how I look even though they have never ever seen me before. Yay!!!!!!!!!

Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2000 17:32:19 EDT


Subject: Boybands rock [when all real music is dead and violins become guitars]


Boybands are awesome, leave them alone you freak.[hi to you too. just because i dont like "boy bands" im a freak. thats stereotyping. and besides im a jackrabbit] I bet your like ugly [and i bet your a doll] and shit ewwwww [God this is pathetic] I can just imagine. [how?] Blah who wants to imagine a face as ooooooogly as yours? [oooooooogly? imagine please. im as ugly as that superman deformed guy in that movie "The Goonies"] NOT ME I like cute guys like Justin Timberlake thank you much!!!! [i bet he doesnt like little 14 year old girls like you. hes interested in 14 year old boys. bye now]

Teenies are truly gullable.

Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 10:00:03 EST


Subject: your interview with nick carter


NICK CARTER IS NOT A BIG FAT PIG!!!!![well, thats what the pigs say. ya know they get offended when someone says that. they even know their skinnier than nick carter] I DONT BELIEVE YOU INTERVIEWED HIM.[no shiiiiit. you sadly are the only one who believes that. in the words of many.....kill yourself] YOU ARE A SORRY LOSER!!! [are you still talking about nick carter?] AND YOU AER THE BIG FAT PIG!!!!! [you could see me through the computer? i doubt that since you are wrong. well bye]

Hate mail they call it an obsession i think its kinda funny i think it kinda rulleeeeessssssss. [that was a parody i made just now from a lyric from an offspring song from their cd ignition. the song is called burn it up] weeeeeeeeeee.

Date: 3/18/00


Subject: (no subject)


oh my god yur sooooo cooL[thanks] that u waste yur time making a website about something u dont Like!!!!! [well, i really dont waist my time, although you are wasting your time writing this hate mail to me]oh my god ferget[ferget?] nsync yur my new idoL!!!!! [aww shucks. i cant believe nsync is your idol and you say i have no life] fucking queer. [isnt that chris from nsync?]

Hate messages in the guestbook. Thats meany. Oh well.

03/11/00 07:58:42 PM

Name: Pandora Firewell

did you like my site? no i do not like your site [uh man come on that really hurt]

Comments: would you like to see my bunghole [no and that still wont make up for what you said to me waaaaaaaa]

Im just putting this in the hate mail section because it says nothing. I checked the profile and got nothing from that really so here.

Date: 3/4/00


Subject: (no subject)



[I would use the line from forgot about dre, but since I used that already.....umm.......scooby dooby doo where are you without you our ratings will fall now. scooby dooby doo where are you without you our show will get canceled. im just a gay guy in a sailor suit the red head sucking my dick and the lezbo is eating her out, but if im gay and the red head is straight and umm yeah shaggy goes 3 ways boy girl and dog. lalalala........]


HAT TRICK!!!!!!! 3 3 3!!!!!! WE HAVE ANOTHER GREAT ONE. okay thats enough just read the third hate mail by the same person.

Date: 2/27/00


Subject: continue...


Aaron is not even in the stupid group [its still fun to make fun of him. its nick's bro. its my duty to make fun of him] so why the hell did you write those stupid crappy stuff??? [because that is what im suppose to do on this site] What the hell is wrong with you? [you asked me that before remember? i said nothing] Can't you understand that Aaron is innocent?? [no] Damn you! [ahhhhhhhhh] You're a stupid fag!!!! [okay thats it i may be stupid but im not a fag!!!!!!!!! hehe. bye bye]

Another mail yay!!!! this person also put a message in my guestbook, but i dont consider it a hateful message. so here is the second of 3 mails from ths person.

Date: 2/27/00


Subject: so what if it's a hatemail


What is wrong with you???? [nothing really] I'm all cool with you for hating boygroups [oh thanks] but [oh no i should have seen this coming] why did you have to bring Aaron Carter into this??? [umm because he is still into pop stuff and he is the bro of nick] He has nothing to do with those fucken fags!!!!!!! [well, actually he does. well, actually i want to make fun of him] He's a solo artist and he's just too young to write his music. [im 14, i write music. well, just lyrics] His voice is so cute but anyways, stop fucken bringing innocent people into your boygroups hating obsession!!!!!!! [i dont have an obsession. if hes an artist in pop music good chances are he will be made fun of. so bye bye]

Okay this might not seem to be a hate mail, but its the later mails this person has sent me that made me put it here. so ya umm ya.......

Date: 2/27/00


Subject: can you....


can you put a picture of yourself on your page?? [eh i dont think so. this page isnt really about me] i think alot of people would like to see it...[hmm...i dont think im going to. bye]

Okay I have no idea what is up with the date. Just check it out i havent even made this website compared to this date. Jeez.....

Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 [i have no idea]

From: Saridja Fenwick

Subject: fgdsgfgsdfgsfgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg [nowwa days everybody talks like they got something to say but nothing comes out when they move their lips just a bunch of jibberish those mothafuckers act like they forgot about real music]


that is sad. [i know it is. people just love to hatemail me] that is so, so sad. [you sad that already] i mean, what kind of idiot puts all his/her energy in hating boybands? [yes i put so much energy into this site. look at these pecks working now]i pity you, I really do. [yet you have enough time in your busy life to hate mail me]You must really lead a sad life. [not really just a sick one]

sj [san jose?]

Now people people when you are going to send me hatemail atleast say something. I mean come on. Its pathetic. Show the hate mail wait I mean umm just yeah.

Date: 1/23/00

From: [i recommend for you to email her and leave the mail blank]

Subject: you suck [do i really i always thought you sucked]



[wow that was a great statement you showed me there. i should have never made this site. i feel so ashamed. please please just leave me alone. ::starts to cry:: byeeeeee]


I dont even know how to explain these mails anymore so just read it.

Date: 2/23/00


Subject: interesting [isnt it]


What is your problem with boy bands? [havent you read my reasons?] I seriously can't get a handle on it! [and i seriously cant get a handle on riding a bicycle but you dont see me bitchin] I hate BSB but I love 'N Sync. [now why is that. arent they like the same thing?] But I also listen to Korn, Offspring, and Limp Bizkit [okay so you like music that actually has real talent but then you like nsync who has no talent at all. please explain that to me] Why do you have such a specific hate for boy bands? [once again go read my reasons in the reasons i hate boy groups section. that might give you a clue. bye now]

Hate and Hate and Hate and Hate and dont know the truth. Get it? Got it? No? Good. Umm that was dumb. Just show the hate mail.

Date: 2/21/00

From: "D A"

Subject: Such a Bad Site


Reply To:

Well first of all, most boy bands can play their own instruments[sorry but you are wrong. they either play one song or it is just the background sound, such as when they lip sing] but when they perform, they aren't able to the dance instructors.[what?!?!?!?! i suppose you mean they cant dance huh?] They look better dancing then sitting down playing an instrument.[thats just great] Most of them play their own songs but [they all play their own songs but do they write them?], maybe you never noticed. [maybe you never noticed that these groups do nothing] And only some are formed by a manager. [no most] Most are formed by the members grouping up with their friends. And how the heck do you know they don't believe in their music. [well lets see, the backstreet boys said that their idles were nirvana, limp bizkit, and korn. excuse me for one sec here. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Eh hem im done] Or yeah, forgot your in a boyband, right??? [that doesnt make any sense what you just said] or yeah, it takes a guy to have to say another guy is a homosexual. [umm okay] And who the F*** cares if we pay to see them. [umm, what the hell. i suppose you took that when i say boy groups only care for your money which is true]

What a stupid site. [what a stupid person] I also think your just so jealous cause maybe [umm no. for the last time i would be jealous of a real band like the offspring if it would be any band that i would be jealous of] you ain't as famous as them and don't get to wear all of those expensive clothes. [yeah im sure. the tommy and calvin klien that they where are to expensive for me. its not like i wear those name brands anyway]

Thanks, [no thank you for the hate mail]

Another hate message in the guestbook. I suppose they really think i care. Oh well, by the way this person is either really dumb in spelling or its just 500 typos at once]


Name: Stepph

How did you get here? i had a visiion [a vision of you being teased endessly?]and bsb rule [and no they dont]

Where are you from? Misssippir [learn how to spell your own state please]

did you like my site? No sbb rules [no bsb suck]

what are ways I can Improve it? no change it to loving things about te bsb boys [no i think ill leave it to hating the bsb boys]

Comments: BsB ru;es [for the last time teeny they suck]

Can the world get any worse. Oh wait yes it can. A dumb trendy teeny person put a hateful message in my guestbook. it is quite humorous. This person also cant spell. So read it!!!!

02/19/00 08:01:46 PM

Name: Christina

Website Title: You are so rude [ouch that hurt since you dont know me]

Website Desc: wats your porblem? [i dont know please tell me]

How did you get here? Nick Cater sent me [this is sad. listen he didnt send you. he is just a poster on your wall he doesnt talk to you]

Where are you from? my mom stomach haha! [umm thats not dumb]

did you like my site? let me think, no way! [let me think, your an idiot]

what are ways I can Improve it? change everyhting and add dolhphinS! [uhh]

Comments: look looser[look its loser] you should think abiot [you should think about a way to improve your spelling] what your ssauing [please stop typing]abouy [its a t not a y] bsb. I ust giot my compouter and look i dont like whwat I see! [what the hell did you just say?] I love nick carter and he loves me [no he doesnt you dumb bitch he doesnt know you (sorry for the language)] because im a true fan and he doesnt lieke you he told me. [Oh God help us all with idiots like this the world is definitly doomed] Your site is a total disgrace to the bsb. [isnt it suppose to be?] They are kind loving people and you are poop on a stick.[hey stupid you must have forgotten about the time when they said they arent going to see the girl with cancer. they were in her town and she was going to be at their show it was her last wish. loving my fucking ass] hehe! your such a dork i hate you so much. [like i care] Why do ou make fun of caring people like the bsb who love dolphins and the beach and thye love thier fans and they love the world they love evrything but you and thi s site. [you are so sad. they dont give a fuck about there fans why the hell would they care about dolphins they are just filled with greed and you know shit about them] oYou suck soo much butt juice and i hate you like so much.[you said you hated me already and what the hell is butt juice?] I wish you would just like die. [oh wow you arent a hypocrite] besides my mom doesnt want to sleep with you but thanks for asking.[umm what the hell? when did i ask you to sleep with me? when we never met?] nick is my boyfriend [no hes not shmuck] and he wants to beat you up!!!!!!1[i doubt he wants to and i doubt he can] He would kill you with one blow. [yeah if he sits on me] Youa re so gay. [im not happy and i dont like men in that way] You are so stupid, and retarded, and dumb, and homosexual, and everybad [you just insulted several people i hope your happy. but it wasnt me that you insulted] word iin the book of bad words so ha,[so ah so ha so shut the fuck up!!!!] i spit onyour grave[yeah you are so much about love you sick bitch] and I listen to my BSB tapes too on you grave and nsync and 98 degrees and all those wonderful bands [they arent bands they are groups] that write their songs [they dont write their own songs] so beautifully and gracefully that touches my heart. [bullshit. they only talk about them and this girl that they love. how does this help me?] You hurt their feelings [good] there for you shuld go to hell! [therefore you are evil and an insane bitch] Oh and like die too! [oh and i would like you to shut the fuck up. bye now]

One more for the ages. Hate mail that is, in the guestbook that is. Show the hate mail then come sit on santa's lap.

02/06/00 05:19:08 PM


Name: kala

How did you get here? suerfing the web [its surfing]

Where are you from? MISSOURI [no wonder]

did you like my site? NNNNNNNNNNNN OOOOOOOooooOOOOOOO [well arent you hyper today]

what are ways I can Improve it? SAING NICE THEINGS ABOUT BSB AND NSYNC [saying* things* || windows 98 spell check complete]

Comments: I HATE YOU [mooooooommmmmm, this person said she hates meeeeee......learn to spell please. then you can say nothing you want]

Another hate message in the guestbook. Oh, well atleast it gives me hate mail. LALALALALA. Oh wait umm heres the message.

01/28/00 07:22:41 PM

E-mail: this person must have been afraid of getting hate mail back from people, this person didnt leave a email. oh well.

Name: Bubba [Wubba]

Website Title: Cant find me [do I want to?]

Website Desc: Cant find me [umm okay]

How did you get here? i pressed go [dont you mean you passed go?]

Where are you from? US

did you like my site? no i hated it [that really raises my self-esteem. thanks]

what are ways I can Improve it? download a virus so everyone that opens the site gets infected [now that would just be down right mean]

Comments: You are god [no im not] and yes this is a hate message [wow, i couldnt guess that, since you called me god] even though you say no hate messages in the guest book.[i say that a lot dont i? wow that is really great, umm bye]

People still dont understand the meaning of no hateful messages in the guestbook. Oh well it gives me hate mail. hehe. This kid is defending another kid's site. You know the kid that said my site sucked, so I said his site sucked. So I guess this is his brother or his friend or something. I mean he does sound like him too, I guess. I dont know heres the freaking hate mail man!!!!


01/27/00 01:22:28 AM

Name: porq

Website Title: EVENFLOW

Website Desc: aol

How did you get here? via your anal [so your the little leprachaun in my ass]

Where are you from? your colon [yep, hes the leprachaun]

did you like my site? fuck no [fuck, fuck, fuck]

what are ways I can Improve it? report yourself for spamming and have angelfire tear it down [no thats okay, ill just leave my site up for the people that like it]

Comments: what the hell are you saying that queef's site sux for? [because he said mine sucks] i mean..look at your's and then look at his.[and your point. his site is totally different than mine. he has progs and crap i dont] are you just a dipshit or plain retarded? [hmm......thats a hard one to answer regis let me call up a friend]his has style..your's? your's has SHIT! [it does. no wonder it smells nasty]no artwork, or anything to make it look halfway decent[maybe i dont want to make it all fancy and crap. i like it the way it is. it doesnt blind the viewers and it isnt all cludy, and besides i dont know how to do all the fancy crap and i really dont care at this point]...what a moron. [what an insult. i should be ashamed]

eat poop you ass eating fag your site looks like my ass after a diarreah shit! [hey, look he did the same thing the other kid did (it use to move across the guestbook thing). im getting jealous, i want to do that waaaaaaaa. well not really. bye bye]

My oh my is it that hard to understand no hateful messages in the guestbook. Im just going to delete them for now on. Just email me. its the same thing. Its just sad. anyway heres the comment thing.


Date: 01/26/00 05:51:39 AM

Name: oogle [doodle]

Website Title: oogle page

Website Desc: alot better than yours you fucking fag [why do i doubt that?]

How did you get here? from your moms saggy cunt [okay your a fucking idiot. im sure you know who my mom is]

Where are you from? a penis [dont you mean a......umm nevermind]

did you like my site? your site is a piece of shit [why you have some great proof. all you do is curse because you think it makes you look cool]

what are ways I can Improve it? delete it [someone already said that shmuck]

Comments: your site sucks cock you fuckign fag,why dont you go fuck ur dog's ass you fucking child molester! [uhh huh, im really michael jackson. im going to check out your site now to see how much it sucks. bye bye]

This person is telling my site is copying another site. I had an email like this once before and i explained to that person that the webmaster of the other site helped me with mine, yet some people still dont get that. I screwed up with a part of the email with the part where it says BOY BANDS SUCK, that is suppose to be a link but like i said i cscrewed up so you can just go to my links section its there. Heres the email........

Date: 1/25/00


Subject: your website


man you almost literaly copied off of this website [hi to you too. didnt you read the last hate mail when a person said the same thing that you did. like i said before i know him and he helped me with my site. you are acting like i am coping every single thing he is doing. i even gave him ideas for his site such as the celebrity section and the boy band quotes section thing] BOY BANDS SUCK[lovely, you can also go to my links section to check out his site too] the hatemail the pariodies the celebrites no offense but yours isnt as nearly as funny as his[oh well, he is a natural comedian, im not. his site is maybe is better, but his was also up much longer than mine. my site hasnt even been up for a month] and if your gonna do Chris Rock quote him from the 9999 mtv vma's [i did that purposely and you never ended the sentence. bye bye]

Ahhh, a sicko is on the loose. How do I know. No, not because its life its because of this emial I got. Here take a look.

Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 20:08:45 EST


Subject: Hate Mail


Heeeey....CowBoooy!!!Hey, I wanna be a cowboy baby, with the top let down and the sunshine shinin'....] What is UP in THA hood?[whats up in tha hood? Thats a new one in the mails people send me] I LOVE COUNTRY MUSIC AND POP.[uhh oh, whats going to happen next the daring super hero wonders] I love boybands,[I have a feeling where this is going........yes again] because I like waing[waing] them do it up the butt to each other.[umm, umm, well atleast you admit they are gay] So, your site sucks![wow, you really showed me there, going from gays to sucks. hmm....] ha ha.[ho ho] You should make your site into a BOY BAND PORNO site,[okay you are just nasty] instead!!!!![instead you should crawl into a hole and never come out] I like watching them do it up the butt.[umm now you watch them?] Yoou Knead tu Lern hOw Too SpEll and use,[i need to learn how to spell? you mis-spelled like 10 words already] coRrect grammar and. punc,tuation?[okay grammer? you just had a question mark at the end of that sentence and your talknig about me] I how you get attacked [i how attacked? please stop now before you get hurt] by a big dog one day for this we,bsite! BSB FOREVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![umm, that is all i have to say. ummmmmm] PS. Nick from the Backstreet boys is not gay, he is my boyfriend!!!!!!![but before you said they are all gay, and now all of a sudden nick is your boyfrind? please go away, bye umm yeah bye] hahahahaha.

hahaahhahahhaha. [uhh huh, you must like to laugh]

- DHCpunkGrrl

Once again another person is saying the same crap and it is from the guestbook. Maybe its his brother. Anyhow here it is.

01/25/00 12:53:54 AM

Name: lame ass loser[lovely name]

Website Title: clockwork productions

Website Desc: programs...graffiti...skateboarding...

How did you get here? saw it advertised in a chat room

Where are you from? california

did you like my site? hell no [thanks, that helps ease the pain]

what are ways I can Improve it? delete it[umm, I dont think that can help make it prosper]

Comments: damn, man...i don't like the boy groups either,[thats nice, so why do are you saying it sucks? Also isnt that what the other guy just said in the other guestbook comments or is it just me?] but like, jesus christ, [umm, like Jesus Christ? What?]your webpage sucks shit.[Wow, thanks. I checked yours out and it isnt so great either] your jokes are fucking lame ass[Wow im sure you can do better and im sure you took a good look at them] "Justin Timberlake- Justin Doesntliveinalake"...what the hell is that shit?[Exactly its shit. Thats why I havent been updating it. It is there to just put in dumbass names, no one else seems to care] damn, at least criticize them in a funny way instead of making lame ass comments.[Thats a comment? I thought this was a comment] and as for as your page design goes...goddamn, it sucks shit.[What is with you in cursing out God and saying suck shit every sentence?] learn how to make a webpage,[Yeah, I had this page less than a month, like im really going to study all the damn html codes. Cant you just hate mail me instead of signing the guestbook. Is it that hard to read no mean or hateful messages in here?] man. well...later. [well, later to you to. Likes to critisize although I have like 6 times more hits than his site does. Also has anyone noticed, that this guy said the same thing as the other guy on the bottom?]

- wowie, this site eats poop! -[oooo, this thing was moving when i looked at it. Hes teaching me how to use a website through the guestbook]

I dont understand these people. When I say hateful messages in the guestbook get deleted I mean it. Yet I still post them in here. Cnat you people just hate mail me? It is just a more pathetic waste of time with this crap. Anyhow this person thinks he is the god of all websites or something. Here ya go.

01/25/00 12:45:08 AM

Email: Didn't get it down.

Name: trixz

did you like my site? no[wow, plain and simple. I can see where this is going cant you just hate mail me instead? Is it that hard?]

what are ways I can Improve it? ummm make sense[Uhh huh]

Comments: ummm yeh this page is like fuckin lame ass man,[And you are so exciting] first off all yeh boy bands suck[yet your hate mailing my guestbook and I have a feeling a but is coming up] but[the amazing but. GET ON YOUR KNEES FOR THE BUT!!!!] umm why make lame ass jokes that arent funny?[Why cant you just simply read what was below the guestbook link so you wouldnt have to hate mail my guestbook?] you a fuckin lame ass man[you a fucknig lame ass? Please, if your not going to say something good, dont say it at all]...if your gonna make fun of something do it in a funny way[and this isnt in a funny way? I guess everyone else that likes my site is wrong. Oh well]...some of this shit is downright childish[well, you do need to do different things for the site. Its a humor site, I dont want to keep doing the same type things over and over]...why make a whole page devoted to this gay shit?[because its easy, fun, and I am really sick of these boy groups] make a page and say that you dont like okay[say I dont liek okay? And im the one that makes no sense] i am done making sense now[you mostly said the same thing over and over and atleast 2 things didnt make sense in the comments you wrote]...ummm learn html too man[okay I just made this site less than a month ago. Im not going to sit down on my ass and study them over and over]...this layout sucks ass[its better than some others, but I like it and I dont care if one person has a problem with it, it should be more and more and more, bye]

For some reason everyone is telling me what to do, even the girl that cant spell and doesn't use question marks and only uses capitals. Take a look.

Date: 1/24/00

Email: Sorry got the wrong screen name and subject wrong.......DAMNIT hehe


WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!!!!![i dont know why dont you tell me and that sentence is suppose to end in a question mark] JUST BECAUSE YOU HATE BOY BANDS DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO MAKE A WEBSITE ABOUT IT![just because you like boy bands doesnt mean you have to hate mail me] THAT IS YOUR OPONION!!!![i know it is, just like this is your opinion] YOU SUCK BADLY. [another opinion of yours] JUST GO AWAY AND BOY BAND DO TO WRITE THE OWN SONGS!!!!!!![go away? jeez you actually make it look like im a threat to boy bands. do they really? how many songs? Two? do they have any proof?] YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT![soory i do, before i even made this website i use to go in nsync and bsb chats, yues its true, and ask them why they liked them did they write their own songs and the fans said they dont but we like them because they are hot and they sing good, so HAHA!!!!! little taste of your exclaimation points. Also go use hooked on phonics it worked for me. bye bye]

People, people lend me your ears. Hey, look im telling you what to do. This is what this person was telling me during this whole email, well kinda like that. Here it is.


Date: 1/24/00


Subject: In regards to your site..


I've visited your site profusely..therefore I feel obligated to comment on my behalf.[yes, you are allowed to speak your opinions] First and foremost, I don't think bad of it.[why thank you] Most of my dislike goes to YOU.[i didnt see that one coming. This person doent know anything about me but yet hates no no im sorry dis-likes me] If you want hits to your here's a goddamn idea...[ooooo an idea]TRY NOT TO MOCK YOUR VISITORS..?[okay i mock my visiters. i dont i-m any of my visiters unless i know them already and people only i-m me. also why is there a question mark?] Since you mentioned your only 14,[uhh oh, shes stereotyping me again. she thinks just because im 14 i have the I.Q. of a door nob] this is what is expected of 14 year boys[now shes telling me what is expecting of 14 year old boys...this should be good]...My raunts and raves favor the song parodies..[those parodies arent suppose to have any meaning and purpose even though some do. such as the drug ones, they talk about how drugs destroy you and get you addicted] which I think would be great if,perhaps,they wnet along with the stanza of the song.[well, sorry to tell you this they do because i get the lyrics of the actual songs and replace them with words] The words are funny[so why are you complaining?]..but to off tune to make sense.[thats lovely, im not weird al remember, im not a professional at this, although weird al does write a lot of his own songs not just parodies] I'm not a fan of suburban teenieboppers either.[well, atleast thats good] I feel being trendy is being bouncy and brainles[i also hate bimbos, my God are they annoying]...I hate nsync & friends[and yet you dis-like me]..I listen to metal,rock and techno[i guess you think your cool now]..but one girl mentioned she likes the BSB but isn't an obsessed fan nor a "teeniebopper"[and your point, she still thinks my web page sucks]...the bottom line:[cause stone cold said so!] YOU NEED TO HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR PEOPLE WHO DON'T THINK ON YOUR WARD.[i do, its not like i have shrines and voodoo dolls to kill them, but do i have to like there opinions?] IN ORDER TO BE A RESPECTED AUTHOR,[alright now shes telling me how to be an author, she must love pushing people around, bossy] YOU MUST LEARN TO RESPECT THE PERSONALITIES OF THE GENRE.[im sexest now? you act like i hate woman, im practically barry white j/k] YOUR A CHILD[oh yeah she is really respecting me now, hipocrite]...BELIEF IT OR NOT,[i believe, IM A BELIEVER!!!!] YOU WILL GROW OUT OF THE "HEY DRUGS AND BAD ATTITUDES ARE COOOL!!"[wow you are a shmuck. You really think I act that way? I always say never go into anything half-assed and you just did. I probably have more morals than any teenager i know, so next time know me before you judge me, as you say yourself] PHASE[ no crap, its called trying to find your identity]..THEREFORE, I'D ADVISE YOU TO RESPECT THOSE OF US WHOM ARE INTELLIGENT.[you mean unlike you, because you obviously think im a dumbass teh way you are speaking to me] THANKS[ no thank you for telling me what to do with my life] sincerely[that makes it all better now]


ps..I'm several years older than you,[i guess that makes you better and smarter than me] punk.[punk? now you just went to far. im not a punk, in both terms. im not weak and im not a loser, once again your judging me]

It would be extemely amusing to see your childish comments next to my letter to concern..[yes, i really want you to take a look at this. You have wrote a nice long letter telling me what a 14 yearold should be, what an author should be, how i should treat others, what i am, and how to run my life. thank you so much for your concerne. bye now.]

I dont get it. When I say no hateful messages in the guestbook I mean it. Take a look.

01/22/00 05:20:46 AM


Name: Jeni

How did you get here? i dont remember[drunk huh?]

Where are you from? hell[you must be the daughter of satin]

did you like my site? not really[that hurt]

what are ways I can Improve it? use more html to make it look nicer[believe it or not my site is nicer tha a lot of others, but thanks for the idea]...oh yeah...and get a sense of humor[and I suppose everyone else in the guestbook is wrong]

Comments: i really dont like your page.[how sweet, and i really dont like you] its not funny,[I think it is] in fact its stupid.[I know you are but what am I. hehe] im sorry but its definitly not the best.[i know that, i have a low self-esteem i would be the first to know that actually] see, im a bsb fan[that explains it] but[THE ALL MIGHTY BUT!!!!!] im not in anyway a teenybopper![well, in my dictionary it says you are] i make fun of them all the time and i love sites that make fun of them but yours is not funny at all.[well, maybe if you took more than 2 minutes to look at it, it could have sunk through your think head, well maybe you are an air head but anywho...] how old are you anyway...10?[no not really, 14, even though thats young, you just need to actually look at the pages before you make a conclusion, also i bet you do this with like every anti-site, so oh well, guess you dont know the meaning no hateful messages in the damn guestbook, man im using a lot of comas, goodbye now]

Please people just read it, it is pathetic.

Date: 1/8/00


Subject: Your Site

Do you have like no imagination at all?[umm, I think tv ate it all up] I went to "Alan"'s site first[uhh huh], and, which I must say was one of the most boring and un-funny sites I have ever visited.[why did I not expect that] I got your site address from his messageboard.[No you dont hate boy groups you just like reading things that make fun of them] Lo and behold, your site is completely identical to his.[yes I have to say the format is the same because HE HELPED ME WITH IT ASSHOLE!!!! Im cool im cool calm down shhh its okay] All the way down to the counter, which doesn't change at all.[Maybe because it is an angelfire counter shmucko] You really expect people to believe that you've gotten over 3000 hits in only two weeks?[HAHAHAHA, you are so sad. See stupid you are suppose to reload the site. Thats why it says that. I guess it is angelfire I dont know] You probably got your counter from "Alan" and then did something to it to make it stay the same[Oh my god this is sad] number forever. Not to mention that just about all of the things on your page are exactly like "Alan"'s.[Yes it is called the format. But the sketches are different. If you read some of the things that were on his site you would find out that I gave him some ideas for it, such as the boy band slogans] Do you have NO creativity at all[Probably not due to The Simpsons], or were you dropped on your head several times as a small child and are forced to use other people's ideas as your own because you have no brain power?[Well unlike you I am not a trendy but im sure you you were dropped on your head since you still do not know how to work websites when you look at them. Goodbye now] ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Hehe just check out this girl who sent me hate mail. No manners at all.

Subject: (no subject)

Date: 1/2/00

I see why you can think all of these things[wow not even an introduction. Uhh oh I think a but is coming up] but[BINGO!!!!]....BSB wrote some of their songs on their new album[wow, must have been a great four sogns there, and ya know they can be lieing about that too]. Just to let you know.[thanks for the fake info] Also they all play instruments.[im sure they are great at that, and not even a bye. Learn some manners lady, kids these days] ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My first hate mail. I feel so hated. I love it. This is a person that has no life at all. Its pretty sad the way she or he (lets not jump to conclusions) handles her/himself here. Take a look.

From: "a person"

Subject: U SUCK!!!!!


Hey loser your site is the suckyest of all sites.[wow you can spell. And my site also swallows.] You are just jealouse of all the boy bands. Scuh as the best Bsb pride foreva!!!![okay this isnt sad. And second I am not jealous<---(correct spelling) of these GROUPS NOT BANDS and if I were going to be jealous of any bands it would be Offspring and Pennywise. Bands that actually write their own song and play instruments.] Well I have to leave from this loser site now[Yeah im sure before any of your trendy friends see you.]Bye.[Adios loser. Yes thats right, loser.]

By the way im thinking of having a disclaimer section. What do you think? E-mail me for my editorial section and tell me what you think.
