This guy just sickins me, take me back home so I can throw up
Oh yes how can I not do an inetview with Justin. I mean come on how can I not let him lose his dignity in some way shape or form. Well anyhow heres the interview.
Me: Hi all, today were here with Justin Timberlake. Hi Justin.
Justin Timberlake: Hi yo, call me J.
Me: Umm, okay J. So J, do you want to continue with our first question?
Justin Timberlake: Sure, why not yo?
Me: Okay. Justin how has the case verse BMG make you feel?
Justin Timberlake: Well you know yo, I didn't feel to good bout dat. Ya know when your suckin your manager's di......I mean I felt umm dou-doub-double crossed. Yeah thats it.
Me: Umm okaaaaay. Next question ::cough::-fag-. Excuse me.
Justin Timberlake: Yo what did you just say yo?
Me: Nothing. Nothing at all. Lets continue. So ::sigh:: J, how do you feel about the settlement with your case.
Justin Timberlake: Oh, I felt great. Especially the after case orgy with the guys and some girls but I like remembering the guys.
Me: What in the hell......
Justin Timberlake: Umm wait I was kidding yo. Hey to prove it to you we can have sex right now no no wait I mean oh wait umm yo......
Me: Security!!!!
Justin Timberlake: Uhh oh.
::Security takes Justin away::
Me: Asshole bitch. Well good bye folks. Once again we have learned something from another loser from a boy group. Good bye all.