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Justin Timberlake Is Doing Commercials

Justin Timberlake goes on the small screen. Hes doing commercials. Check out his acting job......

] Director: Justin Timberlake on Raisen Brand Take 1.

Justin Timberlake: (rap) Hi kids, you like cereal? Want to eat raisens to get Leonardo Decaprio.....

Director: What the hell are you doing?

Justin Timberlake: Rapping yo.

Director: Just do what we went over please. Take 2!!!!

Justin Timberlake: Hi kiddies, im Justin Timberlake from the Backstreet Boys.....

Director: Cut!!!! Justin you are from Nsync!!!!

Justin Timberlake: Oh opps. I jsut spend so much time with Nick ya know I guess i got confused......

Director: Take 3!!!!

Justin Timberlake: Hi, kids. Im Justin Timberlake from Nsync and im here to tell you about Raisen Brand. See all these little figures of black guys in it. Black guys? What the hell are these?

Director: Those are raisens damnit!!!!! just read the Q card!!!! Take 4!!!!

Justin Timberlake: Hi kids. Im Justin Timberlake from N.....N...Nsy......Nsyn.....

Director: Cut!!!!! You dont even know how to read your own damn boy group name??? Get out!!!!!!!

Justin Timberlake: Fine yo im outta here.......
