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Links and Webrings!!!!

These sites are cool but yours is better take me back home
Ahh the links. Isnt it great to just look at glowing words. Ill add more later. Ill add other band sites and anti-group sites. Adios im gonig to go have my capichino. Well if I could ever spell it anyway. E-mail me if you want you link on my site. E-mail:

Links, Links, And More Links!!!!

Boy Bands Suck[thanks to this kid alan my site became nice. he helped me with the design and how to organize it and stuff. Thanks man.]

Humanity Against Nsync

New Grounds

Anti-Backstreet Boys

'Nsync 'N Duces Vomitting

'N Stink Has Got To Go!

'Ye Olde Page of Parodies

Music Cud


Teenyboppers Suck Ass site owned by Moose.
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