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My Interview With Nick Carter

Quick get me back to your site before Nick Carter eats me

Yes yes I did do an interivew with Nick Carter too. Just see this fat pig talk his way through an interview.

Me: Hi, everybody im here with Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys. Hi Nick.

Nick Carter: Hey man.

Me: So Nick shall we be getting started?

Nick Carter: Yeah, umm but first can i get those tray of cookies there?

Me: Sure. Here ya go. ::passes cookies to Nick:: Nick Carter: Thanks.

Me: So Nick, lets get on with the first question. ::*sounds of chewing and swallowing and enhaling*:: So Nick how do you feel about Nsync your new rivals joining Jive where you are?

Nick Carter: ::food in mouth:: Mwa mknowr mwwa mno fwerll gwrood abowut thawt. Espweswailly thwe way thwey gwot thwere ywa knwow what Iw mweaan?

Me: Umm Nick, I have no clue what in the hell you just said.

Nick Carter: ::BIG swallow:: What I said was that I dont like Nsync becoming apart of Jive especially the way they got there if ya know what I mean.

Me: I know what you mean. Are you putting more cookies in your mouth?

Nick Carter: ::Mouth full:: Mwno

Me: Okay Nick I need you to drop the cookies if we are going to continue this interview. Nick drop the cookies.

Nick Carter: ::swallows:: But I only had two woppers and two large fries with a large coke this afternoon.

Me: Nick you can eat after the damn interview now drop the cookies. Drop the cookies Nick!!!!

Nick Carter: NO no NO no NO!!!!

Me: Thats it. ::grabbing te tray from Nick Carter:: Give me the cookies Nick!!!!

Nick Carter: No I need the cookies. Waaaaaaaaa ::starts to cry::

Me: Thats it!!!! This interview is over. ::Takes out bat::

Nick Carter: Uhh oh.

Me: ::Wacks hand of Nick Carter with bat:: Take that you shmuck.

Nick Carter: Ahhh!!!! ::Drops tray of cookies:: No the cookies!!!!

Me: Ready for a home run Nick. ::Nick turns head:: *BAM!!!!!!!* Well thats the end of this interview for today. I think we learned something here today don't you? ::takes bat and keeps beating Nick with it. Security is coming:: You fat son of a bitch im going to kill you you dumb........
