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Nick Carter Doing Commercials

Nick Carter is doing commercials like other people. Lets just go see what he is up too.

Director: Nick Carter for the new Donkin' Donuts donut. Take 1.

Nick Carter: Hi kids. Im Nick Carter from........

Director: Cut. Is there something wrong with the cameras? Nick doesnt fit on the damn screen.

Camera Man: No sir its jsut that Nick is an overweight son of a bitch.

Nick Carter: Hey!!!!! Im not a son of a bitch!!!!

Director: Easy there beach whale. Just slide over toward the right. Good that should do it. Take 2 with the fat ass!!!!

Nick Carter: Hi kids. Im Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys here to tell you about the new donut from Dunkin' Donuts. One delicious donut. Filled with cream and cover with frosting and sprinkles mmmmmmm........

Director: Cut!!!!! Nick just read the cards if you forgot your lines dnt make up stuff in your head.

Nick Carter: Umm k I guess that was it.

Director: Take 3!!!!

::Nick is eating the donuts::- Hwa kwids wim.....

Director: Cut!!!!! Put down the donuts.

Nick Carter: Nwo

Director: Security...........::Nick is taking away::
