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Nick Carter's Public Service Announcements

Nick Carter is getting into the act too. Go ahead Nick tell them your great advice...........

Nick Carter is here to tell you about showing respect to others:

Nick Carter: Youve been teased all your life. Being called fatty, meatball, pills berry dough boy. But hell now your a famous pop star. So f*beep*k you.

Nick Carter is here to tell you about the elderly:

Nick Carter: You have nothing to do, your bored, so why not help out the elderly. Go to a nursery home read them stories. And hell if they piss you off, tell them a scary story so they crap in their pants.

Nick Carter is here to tell you about technology:

Nick Carter: Is technology a gift or a threat? Well sure it does add those 10 pounds on the TV, but you can easily take off those pounds with liposuction. It worked for me.
