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The Trial

  • I wish this was real to but its not so bring me home

    This section is on a trial. Yes a trial. This all happened when media questioned boy groups on their work. The boy groups were 98 degrees, backstreet boys, nsync, and for some reason Aaron Carter (brother of Nick Carter). Due to the stupid answers and negativity of the answers, everyone got on their case. Well many bad things spilled out about these groups. Such things as: lack of work, then to not doing any work, seducing the teenage girls, and finally to some corruption them and Lou Pearlman pulled. Well after all this they are now on trial pleading their case and guess what I got to be the prosecutor. Yes, I am a lawyer. I jumped for this chance and now I have it. I am going to rip these fags apart. This is a special trial where the jury makes the decision guilty or not but the judge decides the punishment. Well here is THE TRIAL!!!!

    P.S.: When the boy group members are talking they are whispering unless their are !!!! then they talked higher than a whisper. Same thing with the Defendent(lawyer) most of the time.

    DAY 1: Opening Hearings. Your not missing much. Lets continue on to Day 2.

    DAY 2:

    Judge: Order in the court!!!! Order in the court!!!! All rise!!!! You may be seated. Prosecutor, defendent, we have heard your opening statements and now I would like to carry on with the Prosecution.

    Prosecutor(ME,ME,ME!!!!): Thank you your honor. Your honor I would like to call out my first witness. A teenybopper.

    Crowd: ::gets talkative::

    Judge: Order, Order!!!! A teenybopper. Okay then you may call her or him out. Proceed.

    Prosecutor(me): Thank you your honor. My witness is Linda Nick Hutchidson.

    Judge: Nick?

    AJ: Oh this should be good. Hehe.

    Nick Carter: Shut up man. Hehe.

    Defendent(lawyer): Would you two shut up.

    Justin Timberlake: Yo, chill wit dat.

    Prosecutor(me): Yes your honor she had legally changed her name to Nick because it is her favorite backstreet boy. I suppose that is one way of how to corrupt a child.

    Nick Carter: Im the best, Im the best.

    Joey Fatone: Here Nick have some of my meatballs.

    Nick Carter: Hey, thanks man.

    Lance Bass: Would both of you shut up. Were in enough trouble due to your dumb asses.

    Nick and Joey: Shut up albino.

    Lance Bass: Oooooooo thats it!!!!

    Defendent(lawyer): Shhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooshhhhhhhh!!!!

    Guard: Raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?

    Teenybopper: I do but only for the Backstreet Boys.

    Guard: Good enough. ::whispers::-you little spoiled shit.-

    Prosecutor(me): Excuse me miss will you state your name for the jury.

    Teenybopper: My name is Linda NICK!!!! Hutchidson.

    Prosecutor(me): thank you but next time with out the screech. Miss Hutchidson I will ask you a number of questions and you will answer. It's as simple as that. Miss Hutchidson, what do you think about boy groups.

    Teenybopper: I love them all, except for nstick. Prosecutor: uhh huh. Well why do you like the backstreet boys and 98 degrees but not as you would say nstink?

    JC: Little bitch.

    AJ: Shut up guy who took my 2 initial name idea.

    JC: Hey, my agent gave me this damn name hank you very much.

    Teenybopper: Well nstink doesnt have the same amount as talent as backstreet boys do and who is 98 degrees?

    Nick Lanchey and Drew Lanchey: aww come on. Ya didn't even hear of us?

    Judge: Quiet!!!! Continue Mr. Mig.... ::rumble in the crowd:: Silence!!!! Continue.

    Prosecutor(me): Thank you your honor. Miss Hutchidson you said backstreet boys have talent. What do you mean by talent?

    Teenybopper: Well I love their music, their songs, and trheir singing.

    Prosecutor(me): Is that all?

    Teenybopper: Yeah.

    Prosecutor: Okay then but is it not true that wirters make the music and the songs for the boy groups also known as boy bands.

    Teenybopper: umm well, uhh no yes wait I don't know.

    Prosecutor(me): You know that the wirters do everything, dont you. You know the only reaon you like those boy groups is becuase of their faces, dont you? DON'T YOU.!.!.!.!.....

    Defendent(lawyer): Objection you honor. The prosecutor is baggering the witness.

    Prosecutor(me): You honor the witness brought this upon herself we are here to find the truth, that is all I am doing.

    Judge: Objection denied, but noticed. Procecutor please keep it down.

    Defendent(lawyer): Fucking judge

    Chris Kirckpatrick: Shit on me and call me a bastard cause we are dead.

    Brian Littrell and Jeff Timmons: I hate you.

    Prosecutor(me): I will your honor. So, Miss Hutchidson, what is your answer?

    Teenybopper: Alright alright ill admit it......

    Justin Jeffre(of 98 degrees): Fuck me and Aaron Carter.

    Aaron Carter: Hey. Oooooooo do you mean you want to bigshawwang me?

    Justin Jeffre: Umm, I guess.

    Aaron Carter: Oooooyyyyyyyy sweety here are the keys to the hotel im staying at.

    Justin Jeffre. Oh my. prrrrrr.

    Teenybopper: ......I only like boy groups for their looks. I know they have no talent but I just want to eat them yup. Thats all. ::Starts histerical crying::

    Prosecutor(me): No futher questions your honor.

    Judge: Defendent would you like to cross-examen.

    Defendent(lawyer): No your honor. I believe this girl suffered enough for one day.

    Boy Groups: Dude what are you doing?

    Defendent(lawyer): That witness is done were in the shits.

    Judge: Witness you may be excused from the bench. This case is adjourned. You may all go home. We shall meet again tomorrow morning at 11:00 A.M. Good day.

    ::Everyone Exits::

    DAY 3:

    Crowd: Lets see how those boy groups look pathetic today.

    Justin Timberlake: Yo dudes look what I brought in? All boy groups except for Justin: A radio? With a cd? Why do you need that for?

    Justin Timberlake: Youll see. hehe.

    Judge: Order in the court. Order!!!! All rise. You may be seated. Lets get this thing going and ended with. Prosecutor you may start.

    Prosecutor(me): Thank you your honor. I would like to call out my first witness of today. That witness is Justin Timberlake.

    Justin Timberlake: Yo thats my Q. ::presses cd button on the radio::

    Radio: 1,2-X IS COMING FOR YOU. 3,4-LOCK YOUR DOORS. 5,6-GET A CRUCIFIX. 7,8 GONNA STAY UP LATE. 1,2.....::Justin is walking towards the bench moppy-like::

    Lou Pearlman: Oh God.

    Defendent(lawyer): God help us all were going down.

    Judge: Take that racket off Mr. Timberlake.

    Justin Timberlake: Yo, ok j, but just call me g.

    Judge: Shut the.....err just continue Prosecutor.

    Prosecutor(me): Umm. Im going to try to make this quick as I can to maybe I can leave you with some dignity Mr. Timberlake.

    Justin TImberlake: thanks p.

    Prosecutor(me): Dont call me that. But uhh wait the witness hasn't sworn in yet.

    Judge: Oh right umm Guard.

    Guard: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God.

    Justin Timberlake: Word. Everyone: ::silence:: Prosecutor(me): Do you mean yes? Justin Timberlake: Uhh ok. Prosecutor: Okay, I am going to ask you some questions. First, did anyone in the company such as Lou Pearlman or a man called a writer write your group a song?

    Justin Timberlake: umm, uhh, ooo.

    Prosecutor(me): Would you like me to repeat the question Mr. Timberlake?

    Justin Timberlake: No ill answer dat question yo. I dont know no one who wrote my group songs.

    Lance Bass: Yeah your group. Just like tyhe way you still all of my solos.

    Prosecutor: So people did write songs for you.

    Justin Timberlake: No i didn't say that.

    Prosecutor(me): Two negatives equals positive. So which is it?

    Justin Timberlake: What, who, leave me alone.

    Prosecutor(me): Oh I will leave you alone but will those writers.

    Justin Timberlake: ::crying:: Leave me alone all I do is sing songs nothing more.

    Prosecutor(me): So you admit it!!!! You admit you do nothing but sing.

    Justin Timberlake: Yeah, its true its all true. ::still crying::

    Prosecutor(me): ::whispers::-2 for 2 on the crying meter, hehe-. I have no futher questions your honor.

    Judge: Would the Defendent like to cross-examen?

    Defendent(lawyer): No your honor. Too much suffering has come from the prosecutor.

    Boy Groups: we are so so very dead.

    Judge: Mr. Timberlake, you may step down.

    Justin Timeberlake: ::still crying:: Thanks yo.

    Judge: Well, its 12:30 P.M. I think its time for lunch. Everyone is adjurned we will meet again at 1:15 P.M. See you then.

    ::Everyone leaves::


    Judge: ok once again Prosecutor you may go and this time dont't let these fags cry.

    Prosecutor(me): Ill try not to your honor. My next witness that I am calling out is Nick Carter.

    Nick Carter: ::Food in mouth:: Me?

    AJ: Yes you fatty.::*thinks to himself*-I need a smoke-::

    Nick Carter: Shut up. Atleast im not going to play music while im going to the stand.

    Justin Timberlake: ::still crying:: shut up.

    Drew Lanchey: Atleast he didn'y go up with food on his face.

    JC: Nick are you still trying to get that fat ass up.

    Nick Carter: Shut up your the one that wanted this ass 4 nights ago remember.

    JC: Shhhhhh. The media Nick,the media.

    Judge: Well finally Mr.Carter has made it to the stand. Will you swear him in guard.

    Guard: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?

    Nick Carter: MWHESS.

    Crowd: What the hell?

    Judge: Not this again. Prosecutor(me): Mr. Carter whats in your mouth?

    Nick Carter: A mweatbwaall. Jroey...::swallows::...Joey made meatballs for me.Hes so sweet.

    Joey Fatone: ::blushing-Waving fingers and winks-::

    Prosecutor: uhh.......

    Defendent(lawyer): Please say hes clueless and doesn't know what to do the rest of the case.

    Prosecutor: Okay lets continue on with question one shall we?

    Nick Carter: Okay. Defendent(lawyer): FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GODDAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ::Everyone thinks what the fuck?::

    All Boy Groups including Lou Pearlman: Holy shit.

    AJ: ::*Thinks to himself-man i really need a smoke. Im going to go nuts if i dont get one soon.*::

    Defendent(lawyer): I have been trying to fucking defend the assholes that keep bickering to each other back and forth up and down well i say shut the fuck up damnit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your all guilty. Lou Pearlman should go to jail with all the other scumbags!!!!!! My God ALL these boy groups these freaking fags that turn 10 through 15 year olds on is a descrase!!!!!! Here Prosceutor ill help you out on this case here is the main thing THEY ARE ALL FUCKING GUILTY!!!!!! EVERY SINGLE ONE INLCLUDING ME CAUSE I TOOK THE CASE!!!!!!! SO ARREST ME YOU DUMB FUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Judge: Do what this shmuck says take him away guards.


    Judge: Well this court is going to be condemed. Prosecutor would you like to ask your questions now?

    Prosecutor: No your honor Mr. Shwarnder took care of the questions for me. The fatty may sit down.

    Nick Carter(A.K.A. FATTY): Hey.

    Judge: Witness you may step down. Well this day hasnt sucked. We will meet tomorrow hopefully to end this massacre and get on with our lives. Case adjurned. We will meet tomorrow at 12:15 P.M. See you then.

    ::Everyone leaves::

    DAY 4:

    Crowd: I here the boy groups are going down.

    Guy in the crowd: Yes!!!!

    A Teenybopper: Oh no did I just here the crowd say that the boy groups are going down well that that means im im gonig down too because you see..... ::this is a song. this song is a low sound slow passing song. So try to read it that way or make up your own melody I dont care just like it hehe:: I feel so lonely....oh so very very lonely without these boy groups by my side. Oh I know their fakes and I know theyre gay but they make me horny out of my pants and believe me thats hard to do(for a teenybopper). OOOOO I dont really need these groups but infact they need me you asee they cannot surivive anywhere else they cant even get a job at mcyds how are they suppose to live themselves. Oh why did I ever go for the cute faces why didnt I go for the real music, the best music, oh I shall now pay for my mistake with trying to convice my friends that I never like these groups. Oh but I suppose times ill pass and these boy groups weill come to an end but how will I make friends. I have to like what they like but what will they like without any boy groups oh how I worry how I worry worry worry. So I suppose this is the............eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.

    Judge: Order in the court. I would like to get this case finished with. Prosecutor like always you may go.

    Prosecutor(me): Thank you your honor. My first witness of today is Lance Bass.

    Lance Bass: Wow even with all my solos that were taken away by Justin and JC I still get called up to the stand. Goody.

    98 degrees: What about us? Arent we going to be called to the stand?

    Chris Kirckpatrick: Well you have to remember no one knows who you are.

    98 degrees: And you have to remember to keep moving your lips during concert you dont want to be caught lip singing.

    Judge: Swear Mr. Bass in guard.

    Guard: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole...........

    Lance Bass: Yeah yeah I know I know.

    Prosecutor(me): Seem to be in a bad mood Mr. Bass. Whats the matter?

    Lance Bass: Well first thing everyone thinks im albino. The second is that my solos keep getting stolen.

    Prosecutor(me): Oh really ::coughs-albino-:: Excuse me I have a little cough this afternoon.

    Lance Bass: No you dont you just said abino.

    Judge: I didnt here anything.

    Prosecutor(me): Lets continue on ::coughs -albino-::

    AJ: Man I really need a cigarette. Im gonna go nuts if theres one more outburst with no smoke to calm me.

    JC: Hey copycat you ok? You look like you shaking there.

    AJ: Im fine I just need a light and im not a damn copycat.

    Lance Bass: He just did it again.

    Judge: Did what?

    Lance Bass: He said albino. Hes calling me albino!!!!

    Prosecutor(me): Woo calm ya self there ::cough -albino-::

    Lance Bass: STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!! IM NOT ALBINO DAMNIT!!!! IM FROM MINNASOTA!!!! YOU HEAR!!!!::Hops down from stand starts raving about::

    Judge: Guards take him away. Put him with the lawyer. Are you happy now Mr. Mig........

    Lance Bass: Im not albino!!!!!!.......


    Crowd: ::Turns heads, looking straight at AJ::


    Justin Timberlake: Calm down yo I cant do our songs all on our own.


    Crowd: Oh my GOD!!!!

    Boy Groups: I dont want to go to jail. Though we might just be able to fit in there. I mean we can be bitches right?

    Lou Pearlman: Maybe they can be someones bitches but I cant im too ugly. ::starts to cry:: Judge: Order!!!!!!!! Order in my courtroom!!!!! Prosecutor youve done it again. Thats it we will meet again at 3:30 P.M. to hear your final arguments and then we shall go on to a decision. See you then damnit!!!!

    ::Everyone Exits::


    Judge: Im glad no one is saying a word not even a mouse for i am to cranky. Since there is no defense lawyer for the defendents we will have to figure something out. Now shall there be no closing arguments, will we have to get a replacement lawyer, or will the prosecutor just go?

    Justin Timberlake and JC: Ill be the defense lawyer.

    Justin Timberlake and JC: Hey!!!!

    Judge: Well dont we have a complication. Both lead singers that take everyone solos want to take charge.

    Prosecutor(me): Haha.

    Justin Timberlake and JC: Will both do it.

    Justin Timberlake: I got the condoms.

    JC: Shut up you idiot not that!!!!

    ::Everyone is stunned::

    Judge: you guys want to star your closing arguments? Justin Timberlake and JC: Yes.

    Justin Timberlake: Iight jury im gonna light this stage up like picaso use clay. (RAP): Yo yo its time to hear me out on this. See us boy groups just do fine but we need help all the time. See my group cant sing at concerts so they set the mics for automatic intergalatic species. Now my man JC he has a big space between his front teeth so when i see him im not sure to smile or kick a field goal yo.....

    JC: Hey you dumb bastard you leave me alone......

    Justin Timberlake: Yo you dont interupt my mojo, for my friend im just getting started with this shit yo. Where my dawgs at?

    Boy groups except for JC: Were right here dawg.

    Justin Timberlake: Where my dawgs at?

    Boy Groups except for JC: Were right here dawg.

    Justin Timberlake: Where my dawgs........


    Crowd: CATFIGHT!!!!!!!


    ::Everyone runs the hell out of there::

    DAY 5: THE DECISION!!!!:

    98 Degrees: I cant beleive we werent called up to the stand.

    Justin Jeffre: Well maybe were better off. They cant find out secrets about us, right Drew?

    Drew Lanchey: Right. ::Drew and Justin hold hands::

    Nick Lanchey: Aww, how sweet. Groups hug guys. ::all members hug::

    Lou Pearlman: *thinks in head* -Why did it have to come to this? All I tried to do is make some easy money like phycics or presidents. Did I really do anything wrong? Well, ill have plenty of time to think about it in my jail cell- NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I dont want to go to jail!!!! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!................

    Nsync: Well, I guess this is the end. ::all start to tear up::

    Justin Timberlake: No yo. Dis just aint fair yo.

    Joey Fatone and Chris Kirckpatrick: Its ok Justin. Its gonig to be hell but itll be okay. Im sure youll be able to become somebody's bitch in jail.

    Justin Timberlake: Thanks yo.

    Backstreet Boys: Well I guess Chris Rock got what he asked. He asked where are the backstreets of the backstreet boys, well it looks like thats gonna happen.

    Nick Carter: Good bye guys. I hope the judge lets me get an extra meal for my day.

    Rest of the Backstreet Boys: Is the only thing you think about is food? Anyhow good bye guys. Lets kiss. ::All start to kiss each other::

    Prosecutor(me): *thinks to himself*-this was just to easy.....way to easy-

    Judge: Order. Order. All rise. You may be seated. Im glad to see that everyone is quiet when I have appeared in my courtroom. Has the jury reached a decision?

    Jury: We have your honor.

    Judge: State your decision.

    12th Jury person(main person): Your honor we have found the defendents guilty of all charges.

    Boy Groups: fuck.

    Lou Pearlman: Life sucks.

    Defendent(lawyer): ::from some place else not in court room:: HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

    Prosecutor(me): WOO HOO!!!!!

    Crowd: Wow.

    Guy in Crowd: I knew it.

    Women in Crowd: Sure you did.

    A Teenybpper: Oh no. Now who can i like? Am I allowed to go back to liking Metallica and Aerosmith? hmm....

    Judge: ORDER!!!!!!!!! ORDER!!!!!!! Thank you jury, ill take it from here now. In this case I decide the punishment if the defendtents are guilty. And so they are. Now I decide. For all the boy groups, you will be fined for 125 million dollars a group. If you do not pay all this money you will spend 5 years in jail. Thats not all boy groups. You must listen to 2 songs for 24 hours straight in a room with the lyrics in your hands just in case you do ont understand what they are saying. These to songs are Smash by the Offspring and Greed by Pennywise. These songs explain why you are trendies and why you shoudn't excist any longer. Understood?

    Boy Groups: ::all crying:: Yes your honor.-Justin Timberlake said Yes yo.

    Judge: Good. As for you Lou Pearlman, you will be fined for 225 million dollars and go to jail for 10 years. The bail is 125 million dollars. Understood?

    Lou Pearlman: Yes your honor. ::starts to cry::

    Judge: Prosecutor you pulled out a good case. Congradulations.

    Prosecutor(me): Thank you your honor.

    Judge: Case dismised.

    ::Everyone leaves. The boy groups and Lou Pearlman leave last::