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This page features some recent pictures from Jean and Sam in Provo, UT. We're so happy to present them for all to see. Special appearances by kitty kats, Angel and Fingers. Hopefully, we will be able to expand this site soon with more photos.

Hey! Sammy, you look great kiddo! Love ya lots!

Auntie Krys and Uncle Stevie

click to hear polish natl anthem

Sam Boyd Autumn 2000 4th Grade!

Sam's cat, Fingers in a trunk full o' pillows

Sam at the Zoo Summer 2000

Angel (aka Bubba) relaxing in the sink

Jean wearing a Proboscus Monkey mask at the Zoo

Sam and Fingers

Angel and Fingers doing "Dead Kitties" in the kitchen

Sam and Fingers camping out in Mom's room

Baby Samuel 1991

T h a n k s g i v i n g 2 0 0 1

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