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i've always had this dream of one day starting a record label that would help out really good, under appreciated bands, put out good, affordable music. and one day this dream started to look something like a reality. it started when my favorite local band of the time - Channel 59 began talking about breaking up. they were my favorite local band and they had no record for me to sit around and reminisce with. i had to get them to make an album. i started talking with Dan Deacon, trying to talk him, Erin and the boys to go into the studio. they said they had been thinking about it themselves, but nothing was definite. then a few weeks later they announced their final show. i talked to Dan and asked him if they were still going to still put out an album. he told me it didn't look good. i had an idea. i was going to start a label to keep Channel 59's music alive. but they wouldn't go into the studio. how would i accomplish this. the idea hit me to do a live album. they were so amazing live, if you could capture that it would rock. i proposed the idea to the band and they thought it was a great idea. now i had to figure out how i was going to do it. Noah remembered seeing an ad in some zine for this portable studio and thought i should call them. p-studio #34. i called them up and talked to this guy Matt. we settled on a price and the rest was details. the show was recorded and it came out amazing. Channel even thought it was good, but also thought that they weren't that hot. so where is it you ask? well Dan Deacon currently has the master. as soon as i get it back from him, get final okays from all the boys and Erin, cut out some of Dan's babbling, and remove the tracks they didn't like - we'll put it out for you. the name for the label... my little brother Jimmy O. came up with that. and that's the story of how Outta My Way records came to be. much love & respect, appiE
p.S. send many e-mails to Channel 59 telling them how you want us to release their live album.
