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"The Sounds of Memphis Band at Shenanigans~May 5~2001~Reunion"

Ricky, Cousin Jonah, Misty and Aunt June.

Sounds of Memphis Band

The band in the background, Sabrina and Linda rockin' and boppin' on the dance floor...

Sounds of Memphis Band

This crowd loves to dance to Old Time R&R!

Sounds of Memphis Band

The band, Sabrina, Amanda and Linda dancing...

Sounds of Memphis Band

"The Sounds of Memphis Band~New Years Eve...J.C. Eagles Club...2001/2002"

Sounds of Memphis Band, New Years~2002!

Sounds of Memphis Band~2002!

"The New Years Girls~2002..left-right; Linda, (Drummers wife) Brenda,Tracy.."

New years Girls! left-right; Linda, Brenda, Tracy.

"Rockin' Ricky New Years~2002.."

Rockin' Ricky!

"Rickys New Years Hat!"

Rockin' Rickys new years hat!
"Steenburg's Inn from March 16th, 2002.."

Steenburg's Inn from April and May, 2002..

Scott Yager Sat In For A Tune.. He was the bass player for the Sounds Of Memphis Band when R~Ricky left the group to move to Tucson-AZ.. Scott last played in a country trio band called "Blackjack."



The Crowd!:)

The Crowd!:)

Hey.. The Sounds of Memphis Band thanks you for your past support.. Keith decided to do a karaoke show now, so the group has disbanded. Ricky, Dave and Dennis have formed a new group called Ricky & the Blue shadows.. Be sure to check us out on the next page.. Thanks!;)

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