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The Gift

This piece was told to me very late one night by a person I admire greatly , and who has taught me more lessons in two short years , than I could have learned in many on my own .

Soft spoken words I hear .. soft. ever so light dancing across my soul ... I awake...and there before me as if I had never left her to journey across time in the land of dreams she stood. She was as beautiful as I remembered, tall, lean of form, hair like golden rainbows draped across shoulders that held her perfect face high. And as I wiped my eyes to free the cobwebs of long sleep, she was looking at me .. watching. The Goddess' eyes were upon me , seeming to wait. Under this gaze I heard the wind blowing, felt the sun on my skin, and was happy.

I looked back to her and once again she was looking at me with a smile ..I asked her, why was I awoken ...why do you come to me? Then I remembered .. !! She had come to share that gift with me !! Yes, that was it.

I held out my hand for the talisman, and felt it as she softly placed it in my hands, and as I raised it to my eyes I could feel the memorys of it I looked into it .. golden eyes stared back and I was filled with joy. I felt reborn as its secrets coursed thru me .. for I knew them .. each one I knew and loved .. for they were my secrets too.

I giggled and laughed as I ran danceing and playing through pastures .. feeling the grass between my toes and the sun on my face. All the while The Goddess was there .. right there ..watching.

Suddenly as if appearing from nowhere a path lay before me, I stopped and looked at the Goddess .. What is this ... path? Where does it lead? And the sadness returned to her eyes ..this is the path of promise .. she replied ..should you walk it you will give away that which is most precious ... but you will recieve in return .. more than you could imagine.

I stopped, looking down the path I saw no danger, I felt no harm and when I returned my eyes to her, I saw no worry. In that moment .. I changed all I was ... all I would ever be ...

I started down the path, at first, I felt fear...then I raised the talisman to my eyes and saw what was there, the magic of this talisman was strong .. it would keep me safe .. clenched in my hand I held it tight and started down the path once more. Oh, it was so beautiful very beautiful...I will tell you about it...soft rays danced on dappled branches ..animals of every kind were there bears,lions, doves, tigers, butterflies. Oh yes the butterflies, weaving thru the leaves setting down on the dewed grass, and the smells, leaves , wet earth, cinnamon, honey, sap, pine...I found myself skipping down the path .. touching everything .. overjoyed at this place. The sights filled my eyes, the fruit ladden trees, the berries, flowers...and all the while she was there .. This creature who offered me yet another gift .. I was happier in that moment than ever I had been. This was truly a magical place All of the sudden ...the path broadened ..and before me was what appeared to be a garden ...of all I had seen ... this was the most spectacular ..

soft pine needles lined every path that intertwined this place, and the flowers, every kind, sunflowers, bluebells, roses, daylilies.. in my ears I could hear the soft babbling of a brook ..the wonders I saw were too many to count. As I spun in a giddy circle knowing this was all for me ...I saw her...I looked around for the Goddess yet I was alone, alone! I clutched my magical talisman tight and held it before my eyes, with this one act I was strong once again fears were allayed and I returned my gaze to the creature that was sitting .. no, not quite sitting, leaning in the corner. I couldnt see her face, her hair was tangled and hanging in strands at her throat, her head bent down, her shoulders slumped ...and a the small sound of her tears touching the ground ... was like a drumbeat to my heart ...I walked ever closer and slowly she tilted her face up to meet mine. In her eyes I could see sorrow .. hurt .. and what looked to be the pain of the ages .. In grief I cried out to the creator of all mother earth , why? Why was this person here ?? Like the sigh of the night wind it whispered across my mind .. this was her home .. her Garden . This woman had grown and nurtered and cared for all that was here ..the beauty that was in my eyes was all a gift from her soul.

I was shaken.. I didnt know what to do, once again the answer came to was why I was here I knew it with a certainty that defied time.. slowly I walked to her and lifted my hand .. in it was the shiny talisman ..I reached out and pressed that which was my most precious gift into her hand and raised it to her eyes .. as she looked into it .. I saw no change .. so I spoke look deep .. speak to it .. and tell it who you are .. it will give you all that is inside you .. but you must look . Slowly I saw it, a tightening of her back as who she was appeared befor her the power of this talisman came to her, her head lifted ..her eyes sparkled as the night sky twinkles with stars ..she smiled ..not the sad smile of self deprication, but the broad smile of realization and together we danced thru the magical Garden ..laughing, crying, prancing, scrapping with the animals . Finally spent we sat . and she told me of this place and how ridden with her own despair she had come here to hide and to create in a place that really didnt exist except on the path of promise .. all that was beautiful inside her.

As she stopped talking ..and the night grew long, once again The Goddess appeared before me in her eyes this time was Pride and Love .. but it was not for me .. I knew that .. for she looked at the Mistress of the Garden .. you have learned she asked ... her eyebrow tilted mischievously . The Garden Mistress returned her look of pride with one of her own .. in it, it seemed to say .. with the help of this gift I have seen who I am, what I am, and what I need to become to be happy, with that said ..the Goddess placed her hand upon The Garden Mistress' head and she fell asleep .. the deep unencumbered sleep of peace and dreams ..with that she turned to me and asked what have you learned here .. ? I replied .. I have learned that to give away that which is most prescious to you is to be filled with the joy of another ..with a nod she said .. we must leave this place

Slowly not wanting to go I walked with her .. looking at the Garden .. I was sad .. never to return here .. I sought refuge in myself .. I raised my hand to look into the talisman .. It Wasnt there! I had left it !! Goddess, Mother, May I get my talisman now .. may I have it back? With narrowed eyes she said , no .. you need it no more ..however, run and get it for me .. she is done with it also. Off I ran to retrieve my talisman I looked upon her . I saw the Goddess was right, her face still shone with joy and now she was in the world , doing what will make her happy, she didnt need it anymore

I reached down and took the small *mirror from her hand ..and ran after the Mother Earth ..

The End

All that you want .. all that you need ..all That you are .. Lies inside of you ..

written by: codepoet 2000 ~~it is now 2005 and you were right friend, for 2 years I have been feeling lonely and very afraid, no longer though. I have one wish and that is that you could contact me somehow.