The Strands in the Web
May today there be peace within you.
May you trust your highest power that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of the Goddess/God/Spirit.
Let this presence settle into your bones,and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, and to bask in the sun.
It is there for each and every one of you each and every day.

These friends are my safety web that keeps me from crashing. Without them I would not have come this far. They know who they are, but I think it only right that they should have a special place on my site, as special as the place they each have in my heart. Each has his/her own qualities and unique ways to make my life complete. They are very special to me in every way. I want them to know how much each of them has helped to light my path.
- >Myst---- ehem...erious, heheh, I thought I would put you on my friend list, just because you are nuttier than empy.(notice placement in nut list)...goddess knows I love ya, but if you keep jumping on me your gonna kill me !! Always the protector, I know you could never let anyone hurt my friends.(oooo have I ever witnessed that !) {{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}
- Empress - You have taught me how to laugh at myself,what can I say. Life can be so serious, and to find the humor in most things is a true gift.
- Zor - you are the glue that binds us all together,you are the most helpful person ,and seem to be able to tell just what it is that will swing my mood into the light. Thank you for allowing me to take your mountain. It brings me to one of the places I can find peace.
- Amoskeag - my Dragon lover friend, with the greatest outlook on life! I would never have learned this most important thing with out you!!"If they dont agree, never forget to hide the bodies",LMAO,and I am doing this 'cause I can --{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}.
- Monk-- my little monk'o puss, miss ya when you are not on line. Of course if I were on it might be helpful, huh ? You are one of the best listeners I have. and also a very good writer"writenbyeme" things jst seem to have gone awry lately .. I know we will see each other on line soon. hope all is still well with you and your friend. great thanks to you for listening to my rantings..hehe{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}
- Dellit---Wow, what can I say , you have a gift , that can't be matched, I dont know what I would have done some nights, without you to help me find a pain free minute .. and help me sleep. I really wish we didnt miss each each other when you came to my neck of the woods. hopefully you will be up this way again soon , until then ...peace out friend , and I am sure we will talk on msn. dont let the shitters get ya down, hehe.
- Kirby -My friend through thick and thin. You have taught me how to stand tall in the face of adversity. How to bounce back when it seems the elastic may snap. For that I will be forever thankful. Hugs going out to you and Chance.
- Satanas - Love Ya!!, My very outspoken and truthful friend it is you, I seek to speak with when I want to know the views that may or may not be ,on the beaten path,your views are the kind that make me ask the right questions, sometimes I am unable to answer right away ,but I love "food for thought".
- ScyByte - My stubborn friend, and also the chivalrous one. Always thinking of me, even when you were having your worst day. I still check your site for updates on occassion.
- Soladon and Family - My friend who is like the wind itself. Your silence has been my saving grace, since it leaves me to think about the things I say . You may not think it so, but your opinion (when i get it) is of great value to me. =0) (update- there is a song that makes me think of you when I hear it. Superman by five for fighting, belive me it fits..even the silly red sheet =) )
- Lost Dragons Tail - One of my first on-line friends, it was your page that started me thinking about one of my own,but getting to it was another thing,finally it is at least started.You have seen me through some rough nites and times also, My oppinions being verbal now instead of kept locked away, comes from our chats about the goddess, and the gazillion icq urls I have recieved.Thanks so much=)
- Trashman- Always the listener, always here to help if you can, mostly through listening to my ramblings,hehe, are you sure you are not related to Dr. Ruth ? I wish only the best for you in life ,you deserve it for sure.(update-- trashman and athena are a couple !)Best news I have heard, be well my friend.
- Winter - the oringinal adversary turned ali ,finding your friendship from battle was the reward for standing my ground. And you are part of my supporting web of friends.