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Genesee Sno-Packers BY-Laws Proposed Amendment 2007-1


Article I - Offices


Current Wording:


The principal office of the corporation shall be the town of Alabama (Basom) County of Genesee, State of New York.  The corporation may also have offices at such other places with-in or without this state as the board may from time to time determine or the business of the corporation may require.



Proposed Wording:


The principal office of the corporation shall be 102 South Pearl Street, the Village of Oakfield County of Genesee State of New York.  The corporation may also have offices at such other places with-in or without this state as the board may from time to time determine or the business of the corporation may require.




Having purchased the land and the (two) buildings at said address, by law change must be in accordance.



By-Laws Committee Review of Amendment #2007-1


Recommended By:     James Elmore, Chairman of the Board


Article (s) Section (s) Parts (s):       Article I Offices


By-Laws Board of Directors Review:   _________________________


Recommendation to the Board:  James Elmore recommends that this amendment be                 approved and presented to the general membership at the October 2007 meeting.


Justification:           As outline in the above proposal.


Board Disposition:   ______________________________________________


Date Presented to General Members:_______________________________


Decision at the General Meeting:___________________________________



Signature of presiding President:____________________________ Date___________




Genesee Sno-Packers BY-Laws Proposed Amendment

Genesee Sno-Packers BY-Laws Proposed Amendment 2007-1


Article III Membership


2. Membership Meetings


Current Wording:


The Annual membership meeting of the corporation shall be held on the first Saturday of October each year except that if such day be a legal holiday, then in that event the directors shall fix a day not more than two weeks from that date fixed by these by-laws. The secretary shall cause to be mailed to every member in good standing, at his address as it appears on the membership roll book of the corporation a notice stating the time and place of the annual meeting.


Regular meetings of the corporation shall be held on the first Saturday of each month, six times per year, from October thru March, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Said meetings will be held at the Basom Hotel for the 1991-1992 term.


The presence at any membership meeting of not less than the majority of the members shall constitute a quorum and shall be necessary to conduct the business of the corporation: however, a lesser number may adjourn the meeting for a period of not more than five weeks from the date scheduled by the by-laws and the secretary shall cause a notice of the re-schedule date of the meeting to be sent to those members who were not present at the meeting originally called. A quorum as here in before set forth shall be required at the adjourned meeting.



Proposed Wording:

The Annual membership meeting of the corporation shall be held on the first Tuesday of October each year except that if such day be a legal holiday, then in that event the directors shall fix a day not more than two weeks from that date fixed by these by-laws. The Genesee Sno-Packer newsletter shall cause to be mailed to every member or member household in good standing, at the address as it appears on the membership roll book of the corporation a notice stating the time and place of the annual meeting.


Regular meetings of the corporation shall be held on the first Tuesday of each month, six times per year, from October thru April, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Said meetings will be held as determined by the Board of Directors and Officers before September 30, of each year.



The presence at any membership meeting of not less than 25 members shall constitute a quorum and shall be necessary to conduct the business of the corporation: however, a lesser number may adjourn the meeting for a period of not more than four weeks from the date scheduled by the by-laws and the Genesee Sno-Packer website and or newsletter shall cause a notice of the re-schedule date of the meeting to be sent to those members who were not present at the meeting originally called. A quorum as here in before set forth shall be required at the adjourned meeting.





Membership has risen due to the New York Snowmobile law of 2006. The Sno-Packers could not house a building large enough to accommodate all members each month.  Membership is over 1000 members and at the current by-law requires 50 percent for a quorum and this would calculate a room big enough to hold over 500 members each month to conduct monthly Sno-Packers business.  



By-Laws Committee Review of Amendment #2007-1


Recommended By:     James Elmore, Chairman of the Board


Article (s) Section (s) Parts (s):       Article III Membership


By-Laws Board of Directors Review:   _________________________


Recommendation to the Board:  James Elmore recommends that this amendment be                 approved and presented to the general membership at the October 2007 meeting.


Justification:           As outline in the above proposal.


Board Disposition:   ______________________________________________


Date Presented to General Members:_______________________________


Decision at the General Meeting:___________________________________



Signature of presiding President:____________________________ Date___________




Genesee Sno-Packers BY-Laws Proposed Amendment

Genesee Sno-Packers BY-Laws Proposed Amendment 2007-1


Article III Membership    Section 4


Current Wording:


Applications for membership shall be made in writing addressed to the secretary of the corporation on the appropriate form containing an agreement by the applicant to abide by the by-laws of the corporation.  The secretary shall refer each application for membership to the membership committee for consideration, then if approved, to the corporation for final approval and election to the corporation for final approval and election to the corporation upon payment of the required dues with proof of registration and insurance of the snowmobile.


Proposed Wording:

Applications for membership shall be made in writing addressed to the secretary of the corporation on the appropriate form containing an agreement by the applicant to abide by the by-laws of the corporation.  Membership can also be retained from the club’s website or NYSSA website.


Delete:  The secretary shall refer each application for membership to the membership committee for consideration, then if approved, to the corporation for final approval and election to the corporation for final approval and election to the corporation upon payment of the required dues with proof of registration and insurance of the snowmobile.



Due to the new snowmobile rights and responsibility act of 2006 the Genesee Sno-Packers accept all citizens for membership.



By-Laws Committee Review of Amendment #2007-1


Recommended By:     James Elmore, Chairman of the Board


Article (s) Section (s) Parts (s):       Article III Membership  Section 4


By-Laws Board of Directors Review:   _________________________


Recommendation to the Board:  James Elmore recommends that this amendment be                 approved and presented to the general membership at the October 2007 meeting.


Justification:           As outline in the above proposal.


Board Disposition:   ______________________________________________


Date Presented to General Members:_______________________________


Decision at the General Meeting:___________________________________


Signature of presiding President:____________________________ Date___________




Genesee Sno-Packers BY-Laws Proposed Amendment

Genesee Sno-Packers BY-Laws Proposed Amendment 2007-1


Article VI- Directors


2. Election and Term of Directors


Current Wording:


At each annual meeting of the membership the members shall elect directors to hold office until the next annual meeting. Each director shall hold office until the next annual meeting. Each director shall hold office until the expiration of the term for which he was elected and until his successor has been elected and shall have qualified, or until his prior resignation or removal



Proposed Wording:


The elections of directors shall take place on the first Tuesday in the month of April at the last general membership meeting. Each director shall hold office until the next annual meeting. Each director shall hold office until the expiration of the term for which he or she was elected and until his or her successor has been elected and shall have qualified, or until his or her prior resignation or removal





The club past a resolution several years ago to elect directors early so new directors would not have to play catch up with building trails and maintaining landowner goodwill.  Gender items in the old wording is wrong due to the fact the club has installed or elected female directors and officers



By-Laws Committee Review of Amendment #2007-1


Recommended By:     James Elmore, Chairman of the Board


Article (s) Section (s) Parts (s):       Article VI Directors


By-Laws Board of Directors Review:   _________________________


Recommendation to the Board:  James Elmore recommends that this amendment be                 approved and presented to the general membership at the October 2007 meeting.


Justification:           As outline in the above proposal.


Board Disposition:   ______________________________________________


Date Presented to General Members:_______________________________


Decision at the General Meeting:___________________________________



Signature of presiding President:____________________________ Date___________




Genesee Sno-Packers BY-Laws Proposed Amendment

Genesee Sno-Packers BY-Laws Proposed Amendment 2007-1


Article IX- Safety Section 1


Current Wording:


If the incidence of fighting arises more than three times by any member, said member shall be subject to suspension.



Proposed Wording:

If the incidence of fighting or inappropriate physical contact by any member against any other person, said member shall be subject to suspension. The club retains the right to refuse membership or revoke membership to citizens the board feels would dishonor our organization.  This member(s) named will be sent to NYSSA and all other member clubs in the NYSSA system. 





In this current state of society, violence and other aggressive acts or other crimes towards society can not be tolerated.



By-Laws Committee Review of Amendment #2007-1


Recommended By:     James Elmore, Chairman of the Board


Article (s) Section (s) Parts (s):       Article IX Safety


By-Laws Board of Directors Review:   _________________________


Recommendation to the Board:  James Elmore recommends that this amendment be                 approved and presented to the general membership at the October 2007 meeting.


Justification:           As outline in the above proposal.


Board Disposition:   ______________________________________________


Date Presented to General Members:_______________________________


Decision at the General Meeting:___________________________________



Signature of presiding President:____________________________ Date___________




Genesee Sno-Packers BY-Laws Proposed Amendment

Genesee Sno-Packers BY-Laws Proposed Amendment 2007-1


Article III Membership Section 9


Current Wording:


Guaests will be permitted to ride twice on a club sponsored activity before being expected to join the corporation



Proposed Wording:


Delete:  This section should be removed from the club by-laws




Due to the new snowmobile rights and responsibility act of 2006 the Sno-Packers accept all citizens for membership.



By-Laws Committee Review of Amendment #2007-1


Recommended By:     James Elmore, Chairman of the Board


Article (s) Section (s) Parts (s):       Article III Membership  Section 9


By-Laws Board of Directors Review:   _________________________


Recommendation to the Board:  James Elmore recommends that this amendment be                 approved and presented to the general membership at the October 2007 meeting.


Justification:           As outline in the above proposal.


Board Disposition:   ______________________________________________


Date Presented to General Members:_______________________________


Decision at the General Meeting:___________________________________



Signature of presiding President:____________________________ Date___________