Yeah, so I've been telling myself and others that I suck at poetry; I can't write it, I can't understand it, and I feel really bad when I read my friends' poems. Then, one day, I just started writing . . . and ya know what? I still can't do it. Henceforth, if I were to call the following "poems", I would be doing a grave misdeed to true poets all over the world. Hell, this stuff is barely verse . . . . .
So yeah, if I can, maybe I'll see if I can get my affore-mentioned friends to donate some of their own stuff to the site too! Wouldn't that be cool? But yeah, feed me back on that one if you're one of them. Meantimes, well . . . proceed at your own expense, I suppose . . . . .
My Poe . . er, Verse:
Hallway Verse: It's amazing how much inspiration is in the overpass . . .
Boat Verse: I'm impressed how much inspiration is on a cold cruise ship deck . . .
Why Am I So Different?: It's funny how heredity works . . .
The Headache Before Christmas: In the tradition of the great Holiday Epic . . .
This is Not a Poem: The ultimate creative writing cop out . . .