Aura Colors and their Meanings Red | Indicates physical energy and passion. dark red means anger and/or lust, and pink means love.
| Orange | Indicates new thoughts and dynamic energy.
| Yellow | Indicates happiness and prosperity; center of personal power.
| Green | Indicates balance and emotional health. | Blue | Indicates a meditative/spiritual state. | Indigo | Indicates deeply meditative/ psychic/ Alpha state.
| Purple | Indicates healing and/or connection to the Higher Power. | Black | Indicates extremely negative energy.
| Gray | Indicates sickness and/or depression.
| White | Indicates highly positive energy.
| Brown | Indicates confusion, conflicting emotions. Usually negative.
| Shades of color | As a general rule, the lighter a color is, the more positive it is, and the darker the color, the more negative. For example, Red is the color of physical energy and passion. Light red, or pink, means love, while dark red means anger and/or lust.
| The size of the Aura | The size of an aura can reveal a great deal. A large, airy aura indicates a positive, healthy individual. It means that the person has energy to spare and is healthy both physically and mentally/emotionally. A small aura indicates that the person needs that energy to be focused internally, due to some physical or mental/emotional problem. Most people have an aura that is somewhere in between. It can also be influenced by a person's mood. When someone is irritable or sad, the aura diminishes in size. A good way to determine the size of your aura is to hold your hand above your arm and bring it gradually closer to your skin until you start to feel warmth. It can range from almost the skin's surface out to a foot or beyond.
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