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Party Canadian Style

A trip "north of the border" is always fun and entertaining. A recent trip to Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, proved to be just that. We met up with some of our internet friends and had drinks, dinner, good conversation, and of course, KARAOKE.
"The Wanderer"
Here is the guy better known in cyber world as "The Wanderer". He does songs from the 50's and does a great job with them. If you ever ask him how he is feeling, you will always find him to be "fannnnnntasticccccc".

"Whispering Dove"
Here is our good friend known as "Whispering Dove" on the internet. A great lady with a heart of gold. We always enjoy the times we get to spend with her and "The Wanderer".

Here is another good Canadian friend that goes by the nic "Fireman" on the net. He is really a Fire Chief and one heck of a nice guy. However, don't play him at cards as he is a very poor loser. LOL..:):)

Here is a sweetheart of a lady. Her name is "LaKnob" and is another good friend from Canada. She is Fireman's best half!  Everytime you see her, there is nothing but fun and laughs written all over her face. Not only can she sing, she does one heck of a good job on webpages.

(Continue the Tour)