The Smack-Bottom Line Official Website

Hello loyal and dedicated fans. It's me, Jumpin Jim, back with an update. If you still occassionally venture over to this site, you may have noticed that I haven't changed a damn thing in over four months! For shame Jumpin Jim!

However, I do have some good news. I am thinking about a return to the Internet. I don't know if that excites any of you, but it certainly excites me. I have become a "master" at lesson planning and my career, now a full half-year underway, is under control. What the hell does that mean? Well I'll tell you.

It means that I have some free time and that I would love to start writing The Smack-Bottom Line once again. But I guess it depends on you, the fans. So, if even one person just happens to click on this page to read this message, tell a friend. Then have him or her tell two friends and so on, until the demand is so high that I'll have no choice but to start writing again! It's up to you! I am counting on you! Let your voice , or at least your keyboard, be heard!

Jim Giancursio


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© James R. Giancursio and The Smack-Bottom Line Official Website 1999-2000.