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Name of Sabbat Minor or Major? Date Activites Color(s) Foods Notes
Samhain Major October 31st Candles lit in windows to provide guidance for the souls of the dead, creating Jack O' Lanterns Black, orange, gold, deep red Beets, turnips, apples, corn, nuts, gingerbread, coder, mulled wine, and pumpkin and meat dishes. The time when the Crone aspect of the Goddess rules; the veil between the worlds of the living and dead is thin.
Yule Minor Date of the winter solstice Oak or pine burned to represent the return of the sun, decorating trees Red, green, white, silver, gold Nuts, apples, pears, caraway cakes soaked in cider, pork, wassail, and hibiscus and ginger teas. Reincarnation of the Sun God from the womb of the Goddess; a time of rebirth
Imbolc Major February 2nd Candles and lamps are lit just after sunset White, green, rose, aqua Dairy foods of all types are fine, as well as things made with peppers, onions, leeks, shallots, garlic, and chives (although not necessarily all at once!). Also, spiced wines and raisins. Mother Earth begins to awaken, time of spring cleaning, cleansing and purification, growth and renewal. Festival of Brighid.
Ostara Minor Date of spring equinox Planting seeds and decorating eggs Green, lavender, sky blue, pink, canary yellow, any pastel colors Eggs (duh),leafy green vegetables, sprouts, seeds and nuts (like pine nuts and sunflower and pumpkin seeds) Stuffed nasturiums and carnation cupcakes are also good. Balance of light and dark, earth cycle of plant and animal fertility. Eggs represent rebirth.
Beltane Major May 1st May pole dancing, flower gathering, trees are decorated, and bonfires (belfires) are lit on top of hills Green Dairy foods, marigold custard, vanilla ice cream, and oatmeal cakes. Time to honor the guardian of the house; The Horned God and the Lady of the Greenwood rule.
Midsummer Minor Date of summer solstice Bonfires lit, sometimes jumped over to ensure fertility Bright yellow, scarlet, white, pink, violet, gold, black Fresh fruits. Rededication to the Great God and Goddess; Sun is at its strongest.
Lughnasadh Major August 1st Baking bread, making corn dollies White, gold, yellow Bread, berries (especially blackberries), crab apples, grains, ripe produce, cider, and acorns (although they're poisonous and should be drained of the poison first). Waning God, Waxing Goddess, the turning point in the year.
Mabon Minor Date of autumnal equinox Baking cornbread, collecting leaves and seed pods for decoration Gold, orange-red, copper, russet, bronze, browm Cornbread, beans, baked squash, grains, fruits and vegetables (especially corn. Balance of light and dark. Time of rest after labor, completion of the harvest.

Now, the thing about Sabbats is that you're really not supposed to do work on any of those days; that includes magick. They are days of rest, celebration, and reverance. That being said, here are the links to some Sabbat rituals:

