Cognitive Psychology Quiz #4
1)What is the Primacy Effect?
a. When the first few words in a list are remembered better than the rest.
b. When the last few words in a list are remembered better than the rest.
c. When you can recognize something faster because you have seen it before.
d. None of the above
2) What is chunking?
a. A memory strategy that involves grouping things together to increase long-term memory capacity.
b. A Type of memory test used in recall experiments.
c. A memory enhancement strategy used to increase the short term memory capacity.
d. None of the above.
3)Which of the following should lead to the best performance (most correct answers)?
a. Expect recall test, get recall test
b. Expect recall test, get recognition test
c. Expect recognition test, get recall test
d. Expect recognition test, get recognition test
4)Which should lead to the worst performance?
a. Expect recall test, get recall test
b. Expect recall test, get recognition test
c. Expect recognition test, get recall test
d. Expect recognition test, get recognition test
5) What is the Recency Effect?
a. When the first few words in a list are remembered better than the rest.
b. When the last few words in a list are remembered better than the rest.
c. When you can recognize something faster because you have seen it before.
d. None of the above
6) Which of the following memory strategies involves picturing yourself on a walk and associating different spots along the way with the things you are supposed to remember?
a. method of loci
b. chunking
c. peg words
d. digit span
7) Which type of rehearsal produces the strongest long term memory?
a. maintenance rehearsal
b. elaborative rehearsal
c. incidental rehearsal
d. visuospatial rehearsal
8) If I were to ask a person whether or not 2 words were synonyms, what level of processing would they require to answer me correctly?
a. Shallow
b. Medium
c. Deep
d. Incidental
9) What does a span test measure?
a. Long term memory capacity
b. Level of processing
c. Number of retrieval paths
d. Working memory capacity
10) What is the generally recognized capacity of working memory?
a. 3-5 numbers
b. 5-9 numbers
c. 9-13 numbers
d. unlimited capacity
11) Can working memory capacity be effectually increased?
a. yes
b. no
12) If so, how?
a. It cannot be increased
b. Using strategies such as chunking
13) Which of the following DOES NOT affect memory and/or recall?
a. level of processing
b. understanding
c. retrieval paths
d. all of the above affect memory
1)A 2)C 3)D 4)C 5)B 6)A 7)B 8)C 9)D 10)B 11)A 12)B 13)D