"Jimmy the Sexy Rider"

(Sung to the tune of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer")

By Beth

You know Ike, Buck, and Noah, Louise, Kid, and Cody,
They ride the Express, on their faithful ponies.
But do you recall,
The most sexy rider of them all...

Jimmy the sexy rider
Had a very gorgeous bod.
And if you ever saw him,
You would think he was a god.

None of the other riders
Could ever hope that they'd compare,
For Jimmy's the One and Only;
No one else could match his flair.

Short hair, long hair, hat or no,
Jimmy looked so fine.
Teeth and eyes - they'd shine so bright,
Muscles big, and ass so tight!

Oh, how I'd pray each morning,
Hoped the Lord would hear my plea,
And Jimmy the sexy rider
Would be found in bed with me!

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