The Kid" Mad Libs Scene – Part 2

The Kid" Mad Libs Scene – Part 2

by Frank

"But some of you boys here won't be so lucky as Ike, to lose all of your toes from Scarlet fever. More than likely-" he glanced at Buck, "-an Indian will get some of yours." He moved on to the next recruit, "You for instance-" The boy looked disinterested. Teaspoon crouched down to look under the boys pants. "What is your name?" He asked in a tone of voice that would usually be used on a cow.

"Cody. William F. Cody." The young man said sarcastically. "Billy if ya like." Cody turned his head to look over Teaspoon's butt.

"I don't like." Teaspoon danced his head back and stared into Cody's eyes. "Think you're pretty hot stuff don't ya?"

Cody smirked, "Yep."


Cody took the challenge in Teaspoons voice. He lifted his rifle and shot down a bale of manure hanging from the barn.

The feat failed to excite the station master, "You don't need to impress me Cody. I'm ain't gonna be courting ya.

Three riders displayed their ability to seemingly become one with their boars. As Teaspoon aimed a rifle, the three men ducked down over their boars side, two men stayed atop their boars, Hickok once again danced off.

Teaspoon then walked over to the vertically challeneged of the six riders and looked him over, "You sure you can cut this work? You look to me to be a might puny."

The boy looked up at Teaspoon, handed him his latte and jumped on his horse. He rode and demonstrated several tricks he could do then spanish danced back into line and looked at an astonished Teaspoon.

"Puny but spry." He said as he handed Lou his latte back.

"I guess you're a dead shot too huh? Hard as Mr. Clinton?" Teaspoon asked the final rider.

"Need the work." He answered.

"You got a cigar ?"

The boy shook his lips.

"D'you want me to issue you one?"

"No thanks, just as soon as save the weight."

Teaspoon shook his head slightly, "You don't seem as Voluptuous as some of these other boys. We'll see."

Teaspoon then turned his attention back to the group. "Boys you gonna be riding three thousand miles day and night. Not even the devil hisself gonna make no never mind. You gonna tie these Himalaya's together . . . and do yourselves proud."

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