The Young Riders Mad Libs!

I now have a partner in crime, er, webhosting!!! A few weeks ago, Lisa came to me with a great idea for a new fan fiction section - TYR Mad Libs! She says the idea has been floating around the websites for a while now, but so far no one's created a section for it. So after a lot of hard work and planning, Lisa and I have decided to join forces and bring you the first TYR Mad Libs!

We have decided to start this off by providing the first scene for you to play with. It's from the episode "The Kid" (the very first TYR episode) and we're using the scene where Teaspoon first meets and introduces himself to the six riders. Since it's a pretty long scene, we have divided it into two parts. You can choose to do only one part, or if you're feeling REALLY adventurous you can do both!

After this first attempt, either we will pick a scene from a TYR episode, you can send in a scene suggestion from a favorite episode, or if you have a Fan fiction story posted on the web you can submit a scene from that story. Once we have the scenes, we will edit them and remove certain nouns, verbs and adjectives. Once we've editted the scenes we will post them here and it's up to YOU to email us words to fill in the blanks! After a couple of weeks we will post the revised scenes for everyone to read and enjoy!

If you think that you have a scene you would like to submit (remember, it can be taken from an actual episode or a fan fiction story) send it on over! We are eagerly awaiting entries!

If you have any questions or scene suggestions, please feel free to email us at or

Read the Mad Libs!!!