Well, it's finally happened...

In a desperate attempt to boost the hits and ratings of this site, Kia & MCD have decided to give our viewers what they want. We hoped it wouldn't come to this, but now we must aquiesce to their demands.
Alas, no longer can this site be considered good, clean, wholesome fun* to be viewed by people of all ages. But you, our faithful viewers and readers, have been adamant in your requests for less talk and more sex.

So, be warned, folks. You are about to view explicit content with mature, adult-oriented themes. If you are under the age of 18, we strongly suggest you get off the computer and go to your room for time-out.

But, here it is; here's what you all have been asking of us for so long...
Click Here for Sex!

*...Not that the rest of the content of this site is exactly "good", "wholesome", "clean", or "fun"... but whatever.