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Norms for Long Island
Average Temp 28.6, High 35.9, Low 21.3,
Precipation 3.69", Snowfall 7.5",
Record High 72, Record Low -6

Moved station to the roof of the garage on 1/4. Getting much better wind speed readings.

OBS 1st @ 23:30
35 DegreesDew Point 35
Humidity 100%Baro 30.21 R
Wind Calm Highest Gust 8 @ 12:28
High 46 @ 14:56........Low 24 @ 04:31
A cloudy morning with some fog & mild. Sun came out from 2-4.

OBS 2nd @ 23:35
51 DegreesDew Point 47
Humidity 86% Baro 29.97 F
Wind SW 6 Highest Gust 12 @ 17:00
High 54 @ 13:11........Low 34 @ 00:01
A cloudy morning with a little fog gave way to a hazy sunny day and very mild & somewhat breezy.

OBS 3rd @ 23:47
50 DegreesDew Point 50
Humidity 100% Baro 30.02 F
Wind E 1 Highest Gust 10 @ 00:05
High 60 @ 11:46........Low 48 @18:31
A cloudy start, then a few hours of hazy sun followed by overcast. Very mild. After High the temp drifted down to Low, & then has risen 2 degrees.

OBS 4th @ 23:45
49 DegreesDew Point 48
Humidity 100% Baro 29.59 R
Wind W 3 Highest Gust 23 @ 14:18
High 56 @ 19:21........Low 49 @ Current
A cloudy, breezy, & mild day with rain by evening. Total rainfall .75"

OBS 5th @ 23:55
DegreesDew Point 17
Humidity 66% Baro 30.49 R
Wind N 3 Highest Gust 24 @ 06:57
High 49 @ 00:01........Low 27 @ Current
.21" more of rain overnight for total of .96." A mostly sunny, windy, & colder day.

OBS 6th @ 23:49
32 DegreesDew Point 29
Humidity 89% Baro 30.35 F
Wind Calm Highest Gust 14 @ 12:35
High 43 @ 15:12........Low 22 @ 06:18
A sunny & cold start to the day, but temps rose quickly. A partly cloudy afternoon.

OBS 7th @ 23:55
35 DegreesDew Point 16
Humidity 45% Baro 30.25 R
Wind NW 6 Highest Gust 24 @ 18:16
High 49 @ 15:18........Low 28 @ 04:38
A partly cloudy & mild day with wind switch & increase at 3 PM

OBS 8th @ 23:35
38 DegreesDew Point 25
Humidity 60% Baro 30.17 F
Wind SW 5 Highest Gust 13 @ 02:09
High 40 @ 14:22........Low 28 @ 07:13
A beautiful sunny day with a cloudless deep blue sky. Some high thin clouds started to arrive at 3:30 when the wind went SW

OBS 9th @ 23:48
44 DegreesDew Point 41
Humidity 89% Baro 29.98 S
Wind N 1 Highest Gust 14 @ 03:33
High 48 @ 11:53........Low 37 @ 00:01
More clouds than sun for first half of the morning. Then mostly sunny & mild. Clouds moved in early afternoon, & thickened & lowered.

OBS 10th @ 23:55
48 DegreesDew Point 41
Humidity 75% Baro 29.56 R
Wind W 6 Highest Gust 30 @ 17:53
High 55 @ 16:58........Low 43 @ 01:03
Cloudy with rain just before noon & windy. Rain ended 4:30 PM .48"

OBS 11th @ 23:36
41 DegreesDew Point 26
Humidity 56% Baro 29.72 R
Wind W 9 Highest Gust 29 @ 13:03
High 51 @ 12:45........Low 41 @ Current
Partly to mostly cloudy & windy. Front pasted at 12:30 with a sprinkle & strong winds going from SW to W, then mostly sunny.

OBS 12th @ 23:55
36 DegreesDew Point 22
Humidity 57% Baro 30.08 F
Wind Calm Highest Gust 29 @ 12:49
High 47 @ 14:59........Low 32 @ 21:13
Sunny, cloudless, windy, but mild day, although it didn't feel mild.

OBS 13th @ 23:40
19 DegreesDew Point 2
Humidity 49% Baro 30.09 R
Wind 10 & gusty Highest Gust 31 @ 18:03
High 37 @ 04:50........Low 19 @ Current
Cloudy with minor snow event.
Windy, raw day, turning much colder at night. Wind chill of -11 degrees during a gust at this time. Rainfall melted .02

OBS 14th @ 23:46
17 DegreesDew Point 1
Humidity 48% Baro 30.52 R
Wind NW 7 Highest Gust 30 @ 12:24
High 23 @ 14:17........Low 14 @ 07:39
A bright sunny day with deep blue skies, but a cold & windy day. Wind chill low -23.

OBS 15th @ 23:48
30 DegreesDew Point 19
Humidity 66% Baro 30.47 F
Wind SSE 5 Highest Gust 23 @ 00:27
High 30 @ Current........Low 13 @ 06:39
Bright sunny day with clear blue skies. Much less wind. Lowest wind chill -18. Temps has risen 5 degrees in the past hour.

OBS 16th @ 23:46
23.5 DegreesDew Point -4
Humidity 29% Baro 30.06 R
Wind NW 10 Gusty Highest Gust 46 @ 22:52
High 46.6 @ 14:33........Low 23.5 @ current
Cloudy mild day with just a quick peek of dim sun in early afternoon. Front came through at 3 PM, temps headed down & wind really started blowing. Wind chills down to -6 at times.

OBS 17th @ 23:47
8.3 DegreesDew Point -10
Humidity 44% Baro 30.24 S
Wind N 8 Highest Gust 32 @ 09:45
High 23.5 @ 00:01........Low 8.3 @ Current
A sunny, windy, frigid day. Overnight low 9.7. Lowest wind chill -37. Daytime high 15.

OBS 18th @ 23:54
14.6 DegreesDew Point -4
Humidity 43% Baro 29.89 F
Wind NW 3 Highest Gust 18 @ 04:28
High 19 @ 14:33........Low 5.6 @ 04:21
Most sunny, cold and less wind. Clouds increasing by mid-afternoon.

OBS 19th @ 23:40
17.7 DegreesDew Point 8
Humidity 66% Baro 29.85 F
Wind NW 2 Highest Gust 16 @ 12:50
High 27.2 @ 15:58........Low 11.3 @ 05:35
Early morning clouds gave way to a sunny day with slightly milder temps. Low wind chill -10.

OBS 20th @ 23:50
23.8 DegreesDew Point 16
Humidity 72% Baro 29.47 R
Wind NW 7 Highest Gust 15 @ 18:50
High 27.8 @ 12:31........Low 15.7 @ 03:07
A small snow Event
Cloudy and cold. Rainfall melted .18"

OBS 21st @ 23:40
9.3 DegreesDew Point -10
Humidity 41% Baro 9.85 R
Wind NW 6 Highest Gust 29 @ 15:06
High 24.1 @ 01:25........Low 9.3 @ Current
A sunny, windy, cold day. Lowest wind chill -32

OBS 22nd @ 23:40
17.3 DegreesDew Point -2
Humidity 42% Baro 30.25 R
Wind NW 1 Highest Gust 23 @ 08:17
High 20.7 @ 15.11........Low 8.6 @ 06:11
A bright sunny, cold, breezy day. Winds diminished by late afternoon. Lowest wind chill -31

OBS 23rd @ 23:35
26.2 DegreesDew Point 19
Humidity 73% Baro 30.09 F
Wind N 5 Highest Gust 8 @ 20:44
High 27.7 @ 14:25........Low 12.5 @ 04:12
A little early sun, than an overcast day with a few tiny snowflakes from noon til 3 PM

OBS 24th @ 23:50
31.2 DegreesDew Point 24
Humidity 74% Baro 29.89 F
Wind NE 5 Highest Gust 11 @ 08:03
High 38.2 @ 14:32........Low 23.2 @ 03:29
An overcast morning, hazy sun from noon til 3 PM, then overcast again. Much milder & light winds. Ice on much of Great South Bay

OBS 25th @ 23:55
25.9 DegreesDew Point 23
Humidity 90% Baro 29.18 R
Wind * Highest Gust 36 @ 08:48
High 32.3 @ 02:19........Low 25.7 @ 04:45
A Snow Event
Messy day. Lowest Baro 29.09. *Weathervane frozen as of 22:00. Melted rainfall total .33"

OBS 26th @ 23:55
21.0 DegreesDew Point 12
Humidity 68% Baro 29.79 R
Wind * 5* Highest Gust 11* @
High 31.0 @ 15:43........Low 21.0 @ current
Early clouds quickly gave way to a nice sunny day. *Weathervane started giving wind speeds around 8 PM, but don't know how accurate. They seem ok. Directions is still frozen.

OBS 27th @ 23:40
12.3 DegreesDew Point -3
Humidity 51% Baro 30.13 R
Wind W 5 Highest Gust 28 @ 15:02
High 21.0 @ 00:01........Low 12.1 @ Current
A bright sunny, breezy, cold day. Daytime high was 20.7. Lowest wind chill -28.

OBS 28th @ 23:35
18.6 DegreesDew Point 4
Humidity 54% Baro 30.40 R
Wind WNW 6 Highest Gust 26 @ 10:47
High 23.8 @ 15:33........Low 9.5 @ 06:28
A bright, sunny, breezy, cold day. Lowest wind chill -25.

OBS 29th @ 23:55
18.0 DegreesDew Point 7
Humidity 62% Baro 30.47 S
Wind W 1 Highest Gust 16 @ 08:23
High 35.7 @ 15:24........Low 15.1 @ 06:50
A bright sunny day with milder temps

OBS 30th @ 23:55
39.0 DegreesDew Point 38
Humidity 96% Baro 29.82 F
Wind NNE 9 Highest Gust 19 23:56 @ 23:56
High 39.1 @ 14:53........Low 13.0 @ 07:00
A sunny cold start with temps rising quickly. Clouds increasing by mid-morning. A few snowflakes at 8 PM, then light sleet at 8:10, & plain rain by 8:30. Winds just started to increase in last half hour. Rainfall total so far .3"

OBS 31st @ 23:40
30.5 DegreesDew Point 20
Humidity 64% Baro 29.87 R
Wind W 3 Highest Gust 23 @ 17:20
High 45.0 @ 02:59........Low 29.9 @ 21:39
A cloudy morning, some hazy sun midday, a couple of snowflakes at 2:30, then sunny. Breezy. Total rainfall for last night .64"

Stats for the month
Average High
Average Low 22.5
Average Mean
Highest Wind Gust 46 mph 1/16
Lowest Wind Chill -37 1/17
Rainfall Total 2.61"
Snowfall total 5.2"

Impressions: A mild first half, and a cold second half. Missed two major snowstorms.


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