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WG & The Return of the Sensative Naked Man at Sweeney's


Last Saturday was our last appearance at Sweeney's until mid-March. It was also a going away party of sorts for Joe, our rhythm guitar player and his fellow students at the Culinary Inst. As we've said before "a party, just isn't a party" without our friends from the CIA there, laughing, having a good time and ... taking their clothes off?!?

Yes,... in a repeat performance... Paul "The Sensative Naked Dancing Man" closed the night out with his own version "Save The Last Dance". Not to be outshown, several others showed their enthusiasm for crowd participation as well. Okey sang leads on "My Own Worst Enemy" and open "Last Resort". Some nameless drunk guy with wierd looking boots skipped a mean jig during our first set. And last everyone sang their balls off during "Bro-Hymn".

Shout Outs to.... John Niss, Shannon, Kristen, Karen, Funboy from Monroe.... Brenda and Michelle (From NYC to WG all in one night) Colleen, Darren, Magical Liz,from Walden, Wendy,Shannon, Liz, Angela(from Rockland!) Jessica, Dana from "Down Under", Anna Rod, Timmy Tenderlion, Paul Whoooooouton! and friends from the CIA, Mindy, Big Ed Bradley, and Tony from Walden, Eric, Robin, Steve, Lisa, Lori, Danielle, Craig O,Mark A., Mel"Libra", Suzi & Justin, Alisha F and Alison (Hook Baby!), Tammy & Erin (3 more days till 21) all from Florida. Li'l Red and her sis. Sweeney's Staff and anyone we forgot to mention, of course!

Pic's De Jour! Enjoy!

Our next gig is Joe's going away party this Saturday, Feb, 10th at
The Trailside in Chester, NY. The party starts at 10pm. so get there early!