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90 Broadway, Sat 9/23/00

First, we'd like to thank everyone that show up at 90 Broadway to see us last Saturday. It was one of the best shows we've ever had and by some of the comments we've gotten by emails one of the best shows we've ever done. Sorry for all the problems with the sound early in the night. Thankfully Brian from AWF whipped out some "amazing" sound board skills and fixed our nagging feedback problem. Shout Outs to: Gina, Lisa, Jimmy, Brian, JohnN, Kristen, Karen & Jennifer from Monroe, Funboy & Shawn (whoa... you made it out!). Becky... and all her friends from all over NJ, Mass and CT, Amber, Holly & their boys. Joy & all the girls from CB Driscolls, Amy (formerlly of Rite Aide now of the Huntington Learning Center) and her friend Ellen, Jennifer Lopez Hewitt and her friend Lisa, Hillary & Samora, Kim & Jermey, Alison & Michele (EarthEATZWho?) and everyone else we may have missed. Thanks.

Mountie Class of 99'

Coming to a Burger King near you... Students from the CIA!!!

Look out for the new swimsuit catalog... "The Girls Of CB Driscolls"!!!



WHERE'S Home?..take me home!