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Sweeney's on Saturday Night!!!

The Two Gary's and Crew

Yeah Baby! Last weekend's show at Sweeney's went off with out a hitch. We had a great crowd, we played some new tunes and best of all we had no visits from the local 5-0!!!

Not that we were nervous or anything... we just encouraged Sweeney's to put up as much soundproofing as they could find.

And for the record... we were all on our best behavior.

"I promise... on my honor... to be good and not to call any local law enforcement officers unmentionable names"

We had notable guest appearances on the mic by Big Bad Bill (take care of that throat dude), Damian putting his Irish lungs into Papa Roach and The Big EB and Brother Bob (the two quietest guys in Walden) singing... well we can't remember what they hell they were singing, we were just shocked that they grabbed a mic.

But the best of all was an appearance of two members from the Revelation Records recording artist and punk outfit "Shades Apart" ... well they "claimed" they were from Shades Apart".

"Look at me.... I'm a "famous" rockstar"

See the guy in the front... he's the one who proudly made the claim, boasting how he "loved" standing on the stage at The Mid-Hudson Civic Center when they opened for 3 Doors Down recently. His story probably even would have held up... if he wasn't actually talking to FANS OF THE BAND. When asked "how was it opening for Sum41 at The Chance last month?"... he couldn't recall the experience, the band or even the venue. Then... when supplied with a copy of their latest CD and asked why they didn't resemble any members of the band... they quietly mumbled
" must be an old picture"

"Uh... yeah! That's me on the left. No... I mean right! Nope... I know I said center"
That's when the two "Elvis'" left the building. They didn't even stay for an autograph.

Thanks to everyone who came out!!! Shout Outs to: Wendy (who's first...even though she hung for 2 mins) her beau & Meg from Binghampton Becky, Jamie, Brenda, John Niss, Hil, JL, Erin, Mindy, Big Eb & Brother Bob, Liz & Damon, Damian (Papa Roach singin Horsebox!)Swede (Next time we'll play "Paint It Black"), Tim Dunn & his new wife, Eva, NealD. and the rest of the wedding party, Dana, Eric, Billy, Andrew (Happy B-day) and his girl, Zane (way to make the first set), Gary Sweeney and his crew... oh and the "Shades Apart" imposters for the great laugh!!!!

This Saturday we're at Gully's in Newburgh, NY. It's our last appearance there until 2002... so come on down early, order some umbrella drinks and enjoy some great punk cover music on the Hudson. Show starts at 8... so don't be late!