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...And on this day in history!
"A WG B-Day Tribute"

August 28, 1975 is a great day in entertainment history. It is the birthdate of great television actor Eugene "The Acting Machine" Bryd .

He has had stand-in and extra roles in over 16 made for TV movies mostly for the The LifeTime Channel. He is most noted for a walk-on role in the made for CBS movieEnslavement:The True Story of Fanny Kemble. In a key, very dramatic, 5 second scene with Emmy Award winning actress Jane Seymore ("Dr. Quinn-Medicine Woman", "Battlestar Galactica") Eugene delivers his now famous line
"...over here my Lady!".

Believe it or not... there was another birth that same day that is important to the entertainment world (or at least the world of WG) and that is our friend Karen Tieg. Karen was also born on the same day August, 28 1975 and believe or not her very best friend Kristen was born a day later, Aug 29.

These two beauties come to almost all of our shows and barely ever complain when we don't play the Violent Femmes for them. Plus they bring their friends to our gigs too. Anyway we're just glad they come out to see us. The next time your at one of our gigs wish both of them a very Happy Belated B-day!!!

Happy Birthday Karen & Kris!!!!

Come out and experience the fun. We hope to see you at our next gig, this Sat. Outdoor Pig Roast at Dominick's Hickory House in Marlboro, NY. Food, Beer and 4 bands including WG, Aisle*9 and Maria's Basement are included in the ticket price. See Where's Gigs? for details.

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