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Welcome to our third edition of 20 Questions. A few months back, we did our second ever 20 Questions with our drummer Al Affuso, and had some hilarious results. Now we're moving onto one of our most loyal supporters,... our good friend Ed, (otherwise known as... The Big EB). The Big EB has been coming out to WG gigs for about two years now and rarely misses a show. He's also a pretty quiet guy, too. I remember his first words to me (Grant) at his first show in Nov. 2000. After hearing us perform "Ebin" for the very first time, he came up to me and said "Sublime... cool!". Since then we can't seem to get him to shut his mouth. Whether he's talking about computers or professing his love for Metallica, the EB is about as straight forward as you can get. He's even known to jump on the mic and sing a little back-up vocals. So find out all about the Big EB and what makes him tick. Read on and enjoy!

1. What's your full name and what day were you born?
Edward Joseph Brandon III, I was born on April 10th, 1979

2. You might be best described as:
Quiet / Serene

3. When was the first time you saw "Where's Grant" perform?
Well it was so long ago that the show isn’t even listed on the previous updates section of the web site anymore but it was at Sweeneys in November, 2000. I heard Sublime being played and I got hooked.

4. What is your favorite cover song by "Where's Grant?" and why?
DATE RAPE! Because after 6 months of yelling it after every song, the guys finally learned it!

5. What song would you beg them never to play again?
'Waiting' by Green Day, I hate that friggin song.

6. Top five favorite movies: (list them in order)
  • 1. Star Wars Trilogy
  • 2. Aliens
  • 3. Full Metal Jacket
  • 4. Predator
  • 5. Clerks

    7. Rate the following bands on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being a bunch of pussy sellouts and 10 being rock gods.
  • Blink182 = 7
  • Rancid = 4
  • Goldfinger = 7
  • Green Day = 5
  • The Misfits = 6
  • Smash Mouth = 2
  • Pennywise = 7
  • Sublime = 9
  • Papa Roach = 5
  • Metallica = 10, Yea they sold out but I still can’t get away from their music
  • Korn = 9
  • Linkin Park = 7
  • Creed = 1
  • Disturbed = 8
  • KISS = 1

    8. When was the first time Rob Tito said anything to you. Do you remember what he said?
    Well I don’t really remember but I’m sure “I was hammered” and he probably said “HOLY!”

  • 9. Out of the following listed below, which do you prefer?
  • Cristina Aqulera or Britney Spears = Christina without a doubt
  • Kings of Metal: Metallica or Megadeth = Tallica
  • Sam Adams or Killians Red = Tough choice but have to go with good ol Sam
  • Linux or Windows = Love Linux but gotta have Windows
  • Big boobs or nice butt = Nice ass
  • Korn or Limp Bizkit = Korn
  • Ed or The Big EB = The BigEB
  • Sweeneys or The Downtown = Sweeneys, I can crawl home
  • Qui-Gon Jinn or Obi Wan Kenobi = Obi One
  • Lap Dances or Table Dances = Whichever costs less at the time
  • Bigger flash in the pan... Kelly Osbourne or Avril Laverne = Kelly Osbourne
  • Bigger Asshole Dave Mustaine or Lars Ulrich = Lars, he should learn to shut his mouth, if he did, Metallica just might make a comeback
  • Buffy The Vampire Slayer or Lara Croft Tomb Raider = Buffy

    10. Rate the following Porn Stars on a scale of 1(being a crack whore) 10 (being a true porn goddess)
  • Jenna Jameson = 10
  • Alisha Klass = 5
  • Jill Kelly = 10
  • Amber Lynn= 2
  • Christy Canyon = 10
  • Asia Carrera = 10
  • Savannah = 10
  • The Chicks at Sharks = 1, but they're fun
  • Dana's Porn Double = I’m still not convinced it’s a double ;-)

  • 11. What is your opinion on Metallica going after Napster?
    Well I must say my respect for Lars was totally lost. He went after Napster because he owns his own recording company. Everyone else in the band was pretty quiet about the Napster issue.

    12. What band is the most overrated today?
    Dave Mathews, every damn song he has sung is horrible.

    13. Do you believe in the possibility of extraterretrial life?
    Of course, I’m a betting man and there are alotta planets out there, plus that’s why I have my computers running SETI all day long looking for radio spikes from space.

    14. Unrelated Tangent... this woman will die a virgin. Agree or Disagree?
    Disagree, looks like the perfect woman for Chank.

    15. Being a verifiable chick magnet, which is the most important..... and which is least important?
    *** money *** sex *** skills *** good looks *** personality ***
    Personality is the most important, chicks love a guy who can make them laugh.
    Good looks, I’ve seen a bunch of guys with hot chicks and can’t figure out how it happened.

    16. What was the worst concert you ever saw and the worst album you ever bought?
    Well I would have to say Korn at the Continental Airlines Arena, they put on an awesome show but my seats were almost behind the stage. Worst Album... Methods of Mayhem, aka Tommy Lee’s band, what was I thinking?

    17. Our morality question; For $5,000 cash: Would you walk into any random public bathroom and lick a small portion of the seemingly clean toilet seat?
    Hell NO, my tongue doesn’t go near where ass has been.

    18. Tell us what you remember from the following years....
  • 1980 = Nada, got to sleep and poop myself a lot
  • 1990 = I think I killed some brain cells but I think I discovered porn
  • 1992 = I guess High School started
  • 1996 = Discovered porn on the internet
  • 1999 = WOODSTOCK99
  • 2002 = Sleeping while leaning on a speaker in Sweeneys during Crazy Train, well actually I don’t remember it but everyone told me I did it

    19. Give us the first thought that hits your mind...
  • Creed is.... one of those bands where every song sounds the same.
  • I think Brittany Spears is.... not a virgin.
  • Fred Durst makes me want to.... be a rock star.
  • I want to puke when I eat.... a whole thing of Nachos Grande at Gullys.
  • 80’s Hair Bands are ....a bunch of sellouts.
  • When I was 12.... I listened to The Black Album being released.
  • Where's Grant is.... always a great time.

  • 20. How many PC's do you really have? Is it really necessary to have that many computers? What purpose do they serve? How much $$$ do you spend on electric?
    I have 6 working, functioning pc’s. For me it's necessary, most of them have a defined role and purpose. One is my personal day to day pc - it’s an Athlon XP 1700 with 256MB of DDR2700 memory, four 20GB hard drives which form a 40GB mirrored RAID array, Geforce3 Video, DVD and CDRW. Another PC is for my parents to use - I don’t like them touching mine, it’s a old Compaq. The Laptop I use at home and work. As you can imagine, my room gets real hot so the laptop allows me to go outside and the wireless network keeps me connected. I have 2 Windows 2000 servers now, one is a old DELL, the other I built and is currently in the process of upgrading. They share my internet connection to all the other PC’s on the network, provide firewalls, data backup, and extra storage space, etc.... The last of the bunch is an old IBM beast I got from work which I play with Linux. Electric Bill? No idea, but it's not as bad as you would think. I do, however, have an hour of battery backup in case the power goes out.

    21. Are you happy with the fame and fortune in your life?
    Well I’m still waiting for rise to power as emperor of Earth, but I’ll let ya all know.

    22. List in order the following places you've enjoyed seeing 'Where's Grant?' First being the best, and last being the worst:
  • Sweeneys = 1, it's home for me
  • Gullys = 2, always a blast
  • Finnegans = 3
  • Front St = 4
  • The Downtown = 5
  • The Trailside = 6
  • The Chance = 7
  • Daddy Macs = 8, too many cops around and K104
  • The Wreck Room = 9, although I got to be the light tech

  • Ok.... so we had 22 questions.... sue us !!
    We want to thank The Big EB for playing our little 20 Questions Game. Any final words Ed? This is your space to say whatever you'd like....
    Well in the last 2 years I’ve met alotta great friends at the WG shows, had alotta great times, and look forward to a lot more great times. I am proud to be the new Where’s Grant website game... Where’s The BigEB? People from work have been going through photos from past shows, playing a Where’s Waldo like game looking for the pics of me hammered!

    The Big EB hammered? The guy quoted in The Buckhorn 24 Hr Truck Stop at 3:17 am on Easter Sunday Morning as saying "It's Easter??? Hey everybody... let's have a beer for Jesus!", has been seen on our website drunk? All this time we just thought you were really tired Ed. To find out more about the Big EB check out his website here!

    Hope this breaks up your unbearable work week. Look for more 20 Questions from other WG Friends in the future in updates to Again, remember to catch us back at The Downtown Tavern Oct 26th.