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Welcome Back Bobby Spearing!!!

Another successful OC music event!!! The Welcome Back Party for injured PunkyB. singer Bobby Spearing was held at the same place as the HVMM benefit was held.... Sweeney's Pub in Walden, NY. This time Aisle*9 and PTM couldn't make the gig, so they recruited Earth Eatz Dog, an original band from NYC to open. We played 6 songs, then AWF followed and finally... the grand finale. Bobby sang with PunkyB... the first time since his motorcycle accident in early June. He's made an amazing recovery and they played a great set. As you can see everyone had a blast!!! We hope to see you all at our next gig, Saturday 28th at the Downtown Tavern.

The Bands

The crowd waiting for a dose of WG!

Jeff peaking behind the kit

Grant...on his knees... again!!!

Gary workin up a sweat!!!


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