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WG at The Downtown 12-22


"Twas the Friday before Christmas and all through the land, not a creature was stirring... except 50-60 screaming drunks listening to the "Where's Grant?" band!"

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! We of WG would like to thank everyone who didn't waste all their money on silly Christmas trinkets and decided to spend it wisely...on beer, while watching us perform. To you who have been out lately, we hope Santa brought you everything you asked for, like the Millennium Falcon with the laser lights, not the stupid one with the cheesy stickers.

As usual a fantastic double bill on Friday. We opened up the show playing some energized punk and Aisle*9 closed w/ their own mix of covers and originals. Cool gig last Friday at The Downtown. It was great to see all of your faces... some familar and some unexpected! Thanks to the Sweeney's crew.... starting with Big Ed B. from Walden; Becky, Brenda, Robin, Kristen from Newburgh; Mike D from Universal3 and Paul from PTM; Candy Girl, Kar Kar & Funboy, John Niss and Kristen's friend with the leather pants; Tammy, Erin, TammyA. & Cindy from Florida; GAP'ers Mike Mack & Evan(New Orleans baby!!!)Jourdan & her friend, Michele B-eatch; Ker, Kasey, Jodi, Ann MarieT, Heather S. and the amazing Miss Julia!; Bob, Troy, Howie, Pedro, Megan & Suzie from Chester; The Aisle*9 Crew-Steve, Dan, Andrew and Jay, Holger, Paul, Karen, Kasey, Mrs. R and all of their fans. We LOVE you all....
.... well, er..., "love" is kinda a strong word. Especially without any committment.
So we LIKE you all very, very much!


Our next gig is this Sunday, Dec, 31 New Year's Eve w/ special guests PunkyB at , where else?.... Sweeneys'. The party starts at 8pm.