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Sweeney's Dec 9th, 2000

Ohhhh!!!!... I know! I'm going to get beat up for this. NO THUMBNAILS. I'm not skippin on ya's. I haven't gotten our pic's back from the developer and our crazed friend's at the CIA took these Saturday night with a digital camera. Joe just emailed these to me minutes ago. I didn't have time or access to the software to make these into thumbs. Please forgive me and don't take me off your x-mas card list. I promise a new gallery with new pic's and new thumbnails will be up by next week. We just wanted to give you a sneak preview of what was to come.


Yeah Joe! We feel the same. Last Saturday....! What can we say except THANKS! Your response, attitude and enthusiasm was really beyond words. We all (Joe, Gary, Grant, Jeff & Rob) talked about it the next day and agreed... we've never played so hard, sweat so much and had so much fun playing at Sweeney's. You guys were great! And we just kept feeding off your energy. Of course, the party didn't really start until our friends from the CIA showed up during the second set. Thanks to everyone who came out and special thanks goes out to our bud's from the Culinary Institute of America for taking these pic's and being so damn rowdy! Ryan "Nik Tahoes" Hayes, Jeremy, Timmy Tenderloin, A-Rod, Ana R. and.... of course Paul you guys (& gal) are the best. We'll have more pic's soon. Grant dropped them off three days ago at the 1hr. photo and has yet to pick them up.

Paul, Jeremy & Ana!
... coming to a 5 star resturaunt near you!

"Wait... I got somethin to say!"
Joe on the mic.

"No! I'm not irritable!...
Just get that @&%@(* camera outta my face before I beat your ass!"