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The Downtown, June 3, 2000

A "WHERE'S GRANT?" & Aisle*9 double header at the Downtown. We opened with STP, closed with Limp Bizkit and everything in between was neither sweet nor nice. As always Aisle*9 did a fantastic set playing popular covers and their own originals songs off their new CD "Blueprint" (check out their site on our Links page).
We had a blast Saturday night and judging from these pictures so did most of you. Thanks to ALL who came out to listen to us: Becky & Amber(of course),... Patty, Mike, Tracy, Jeri, Connie & Lisa from Middletown Diagnostics,... Sean, Funboy, Troll & Girl(???),....Travis & "Hey I found a wristband... hey I got kicked out!!!"Mikey form Chester,... Steve, Eric and co. Hillary from Florida,... Mike, ChristineT, Captain Fuzz and various people from the Trailside shows,... John Niss, Kristen & Karen from Monroe,... Megan (Shmeggles) & Sue, Pedro, BrianT & Juila.... Erin, Michelle & Kristine from Warwick,...Troy, Kris Krinkle and Richie from Team Ballistic, Mark (SG baby!!) & Rich from PTM,... Jen, Jacqui & Ellen from Bloomingburg, LJ, SandyT, Gina, and all of Aisle*9's fans, fam, & friends... to everyone we missed and special, special thanks to our friend Mr. Joe Scott who lent us his vox & chops on really short notice.
"Face Values" was so on!!!!
It's summer vaca for us. Next Gig is not until Sweeney's June 30th. We'll keep you posted!


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