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Fan Pic of the Week

August 1-15th

Fan Pic of the Week
. Ahhhhh....... remember Fan Pic of the Week? This is where'd we find YOU, usually in a stupid or ridicules pose, at a gig, and we showcase it for all your friends, family, loved ones, and even employers to see (don't worry we've screened the nude ones). We'd promise... they would always be an embarrassing photo or at least have a humiliating story attached to it.
Well, get over it! That s**t's in the past..... we haven't had Fan Fun Pic's in almost six months

Well it's not from lack of trying.... we've all been sooooo busy. Joe moved to Fl., Jeff's busy with school, Grant's making new friends, Gary's been doing a little life adjusting, Rob's...well Rob is just Rob... and now Quanah is learning new tunes. We had a fantastic gig at Daddy Mac's last Friday and we wanted to thank all who came out. Your response was fantastic and much appreciated. We hope to see you all this Saturday at Sweeney's rocking the house that Gary Sr. built.

In the meantime.....Let's bring on the Fan Pic for sometime last August.... John Niss

We don't know where, when or why John started coming to our shows, but we're sure glad that he did. In January... he just suddenly appeared. Since then John has been to almost every single one of our shows, always there and always supporting. In fact he has become such a fixture that sometimes it's tough to play without him out in the crowd.

Three very cool things about John.

The first is that he tells it like it is... he's honest and trustworthy and never seems to get that too loaded at one of our shows (so that's a plus).

The Second... is that John is an equal opportunity music fan... he likes all of the Orange County bands and never talks trash about any person or band. In fact, he's been known to go to see two or three of his favorite bands in a single night and still arrive in time to see our last set. NOW THAT'S A FAN!!!

The Third... and most important! He always brings good-looking chicks around!!! Girls love this guy and he always has two or three hanging on his arms. (Is #4... "can he share?")

John has been to so many of our shows that he's literally in every single picture. So many in fact that you've probably seen him on this site without even knowing it. So we've created a little game for you in which we call this "Find John Niss". But first we've got some practice pics for you so you can easilly identify him. Follow the green arrow.

That wasn't very hard was it?

John pimpin in the crowd!

We admit ...that one was was a little tough, huh?

Now!!! ... for the big challenge. Find Niss in here!!!

Did you find him?

Did you get it yet??

We're still waiting!!!

GOOD! If you've correctly identified John by the back of his shaved head you have done your homework.

Big John The Stud!!!

See if you can find John Niss at one of our next shows!!!

Come out and experience the fun. We hope to see you at our next gig, this Saturday, March 24 at 10pm, at Sweeney's Irish Pub in Walden NY!!!

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Other Fan Pic Winners are...
Travis & Mike
