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New bar... new people... new songs. We need to do this more often. Finnegan's was a blast last Saturday night. Playing in a new place makes everything seem so fresh and new. I mean, we love all the places we play, but some bars have our names engraved on brass plates, above the men's urinals.

And we pulled it off too. Despite our injuries, (Gary's leg being stapled up and Al popping pain pills like Elvis on his '68 Comeback Tour') we played 2 1/2 of straight, in your face covers... ala WG. We even had some unexpected guests. Local east side Hudson rockers John, Pat O'Connor and Eli from Dr. Mudd were there to rock out a few songs (and lend a few guitar strings).

More shout outs to... Matt Smalley (didn't forget you man!)... Jimmy & Elaina... John & Joanna, ...Zane & Tracy... Joe, Chris, and Chris #2... John, Eli, & Pat from Dr. Mudd... Jerry from Chowderhead... Andy Sloat... Pat Martin... new friends Janette, Michelle, Marissa & Angie... Annie, Jen & Karen... Alex F and Shannon... Dena & Tara....Jane, Jennie Lynn, Erin, Dana, & Mindy... John Niss (hope the party was good), Danno... The BIG Hungover EB and Bobby, Mikey and the crew from Chester...Blake the bartender, Mike the bouncer and the Chinese Flower lady!

So enjoy the pics... and sign the damn guestbook on the way out. PEACE!

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OUR NEXT GIG: Front St.- Saturday, September 21st 92.7/96.9FM WRRV Brew Bash with Simon. It's the last WRRV river concert of the season.

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