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This is how YOU should look

Pimpin Aint Easy

A great man once said 'Pimpin Aint Easy'. We say, there's probably no better Halloween costume to find on short notice and on a limited budget (except for the Paper Bag face guy). The fact is that most of us can find suitable clothes by raiding our parents, siblings and neighbor's closets.

For men any 70's style shirt (either polyester ior rayon) and tight pants may do the job.

We're obviously not experts so we decided to contact the experts for this advice:

(From the hilarious website Grandma Higgs Pimpin Central)

How to Dress like a Pimp : To become a pimp, you first must look like a pimp! This is not as easy as you think. Pimpin has a strict dress code. From head to toe, everything must be perfect.
Head : A hat with a feather is a must! Crazy ass sun glasses are optional, but help a great deal. An earring will also help you look like a pimp.
Body : You must stick out in a crowd. Any shirt/pant combination with tiger fur and or bright colors is required. A "wife beater" with a vest combination makes you look like a pimp going off to conquer the world!

This is how YOU should look

Jewlery : To look the part of a real pimp, you better be packing plenty of jewlery. Your whole chest should be filled with gold! I suggest watching old episodes of the A team, and taking notes when Mr.T appears. All of this will get you looking the part of the perfect pimp!

The Mystery of the Pimpin Cane : Why exactly do the pimps you see on the street have that cane? Is it for walking you ask? Is it for looks? Is it used as a weapon? Well, the truth is it is a combination of many factors. A good comparison would be while an evil witch would need her broom, a pimp needs his cane! It's that simple....or is it? Although you have not seen them advertised, their are actually Pimpin Schools! When you finish school, you get your cane! And you know why you never see the police arrest any pimps with canes? Because you can legally pimp when you have one! The secret of the cane has been revealed, and every pimp in America is gonna come and kick my ass!

A Couple Phrases You Should Know : There a few phrases you should get used to saying when you become a pimp, and here they are :
" Everybody Come Aboard the HO Train! "
" Pimpin Aint Easy " (Unless ya come to Crazy Crap)
" Get Over here Woman! "
" I got the best ho's in ADD CITY NAME HERE"
" The Train has just come into the station, the HO TRAIN that is!!! "

There are obviously many variations on these phrases! Get creative!

This is about the best advice we could give. Ladies, judging by most of current fashion trends you need alot less help in this department. You're on your own.

We costume or not, we hope you join us this Saturday at The Downtown Tavern, in Middletown, NY. Peace!

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