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The Downtown, October 28, 2000

What if you held a halloween party and only the band dressed up?... Well then you'd have KISS playing at your local bar. Last Saturday we played our first ever Halloween gig at the Downtown(OK... the 28th is close enough to the 30th). Everyone was in a great mood, ready to party. We had some die hards dress as vikings, queens, cowgirls. Garvey was dressed... well, as Garvey! We, the band, thought it would be in the spirit of things to dress up. So we met at Party City, 3 hrs before the gig, and fought for an hour. We were first thinking about themes.... Superheros... Jeff-Superman, Joe-Batman, Robbie-Robin, Gary-Aquaman, and Grant... well the Hulk of course! Unfortunately, all the Batman costumes were taken. Then we were going as farm animals... but all of the PLUS+ size costumes for Grant were gone. Last we decided to go as famous villians... well we decided to find anything we could afford. So we bought a bunch of masks and played it by ear.

So we have have in order of appearance (left to right) Jeff-Michael Meyers, killer from "Halloween" movies...Grant-as OTB playin, flame shirt wearin, old man between jobs,.... Gary-as WWF Lookin, Scary, Neo Militant Punk....Robbie, as Ebin, the Alien... Joe-Micheal Meyers, as a bank robber... . Just in case you wondered.

You think we should dress like this for every gig?

What's scary is this group of people we don't even know.
Check out the dead-on Gary Oldman/Bram Stroker lookalike

Talk about "Roots".
Old "Mustard Bone" bass player Neal Dunn w/ Joe, & Vicki!!!


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