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Hudson Valley Musicians for Musicians
Benefit concert for Bobby Spearing
Sweeney's, July 1st, 2000

What do you get when you stage a show heading Amazing Whiplash Family, People of the Sun, Aisle*9, Phillip the Meatbox, Skeleton Crew and Where's Grant at tiny Sweeney's Pub in Walden, NY. Well first you get a bunch of loud, smelly, obnoxious, sweaty people... and we're just talking about the bands. Last Saturday was a screaming success. Not only did we raise an undisclosed $$$$ sum to benefit injured Punky B. singer Bobby Spearing, Orange County for the first time in recent history had an event that presented the best in original and cover rock music. Over 300 people showed up for the event and the crowd heard everything from Sugar Ray and Blink 182 to Black Sabbath and Metallica. Special treat was a surprise appearance by former Skid Row drummer and now Soul Systems skins basher Rob Affuso.

Thanks goes out to Rich D(PTM), Mike (POTS), Al Affuso (POTS & PunkyB) and Andy Freeman (POTS & AWF) for organizing the event, keeping everything on schedule and most of all... for inviting us to play. Paul Serrao gets an MVP award for doing a great job with the sound and thanks to Gary Sweeney for providing the digs. We hope to do more of this in the future. Below are some pix for your enjoyment.
Next Gig is not until July 14th at the Downtown in Middletown, NY w/ Aisle*9

The Bands

WG in the house!!!

The head of the family..."The Amazing Andy Freeman!!!"

Aisle*9's smiling Steve giving beats!!!

"We dare anyone to Testify" that People of the Sun didn't rock the house-


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