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WG at The Trailside 02/10/01


WOW! So much went on that night. First it was Joe's last gig with us until mid-July. Right about now he's picking out his favorite spot on the beach... errr, we mean picking his favorite clothes to work. Grant had his 30-something birthday and we gave out the first taste of our WG cd to come. It also marks the anniversary of our first gig, at The Trailside nearly two years.

For those of you who recieved a copy of the CD... as you can see it's still a work in progress. We still have to do the final mix down and mastering, however we wanted to give all of the people who have been coming out and support us show after show a little something to take home with them. BIG thanks goes out to Evan Teetam of Gung Ho Studio's who's done a fantastic job on a little budget. We'll probably finish it up soon and add maybe an original or some live stuff to it. If you enjoyed it in it's "still in the works stage" please let us know. If you didn't, please tell us why.

We want to thank everyone who came out and helped make the night a blast... shout outs to: Wendy, Meg, Shannon, Lisa & Carly from Walden... Joe "Fish", Sharon, Jeff, Brian & Jim; Christine T., Jen D. & Desirre, Rob, Troy, Kim Karl, Eric Karl, Nit, Howie, Mikey, John Edwards, Robin Lester, Amanda, From Chester; Evan & Ellen, Rich & his wife, Ariel, & Bob all from Ariel & Gung Ho Studios! Becky, Brenda & Kristen from Newburgh,John, Niss, Kriten, Karen & Jennifer from Monroe. Danno & Shawn from Severed Ties, Jay and Gwen, Mr. Tito!, Eric, Lori, Dannielle, Alison, Jodi, Suzie, Brandon, Candy and Robin S. from Florida, SuzieBullets who loves Midget Porn, Matt O'Niell and everyone we missed. Thanks to all!!!

We're taking a short break for a few weeks to rest, regroup and well, take some time to see some other area bands (something you don't get to do when you're playing out all of the time). Our first gig with a new guitarist will be March 16, at Daddy's Mac's in Monroe. We'll let you know more about him when Grant can learn to correctly spell his name.

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Our next gig is Joe's going away party this Saturday, Feb, 10th at
The Trailside in Chester, NY. The party starts at 10pm. so get there early!