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WHERE'S Links???

Friend's Sites

Jennie Lynn's Band Site

Mindy's Fab WG Site!

John Gilmore Rock's

Kristen's Page: Really interesting photos

LJ, Dragoness Extradinaire...
More interesting photos... and hey! It's in German, Italian and about multi-lingual!!

Denise, The Ultimate Cyber Queen...Dee!!!
Her site is a work of art!

She's Blonde,... Asian,... a Bitch... and Beautiful
Andrea.. our wicked AOL Goddess!

More Great Links

Check out some of our fan's fave sites...

Metal Sludge

Bert Is Evil

The like burning.

Respect The Pussy.Com! It's not what you think

NY Chapter of Severed Ties;
The most intense rides on the planet!!!
Down Force Creationz
Watch Out! These guys will lower anything!!!
Official "I Hate Crosswinds" Site
He hates Crosswinds... but loves punk!!!

Other Cool Band Sites!!!

PunkyB-2-piece... 3-piece... this band always rocks.

Aisle*9-The best mix of originals and covers in OC.

Rage Against The Machine-... Well it's as close as we will get!!!.

The Amazing Whiplash Family -Join the family... no one else understands you!!!

Phillip The Meatbox-The Band, The Myth, The Legend

5 Cent Mary-No relation to 12 Cent George... just one of OC's BEST Classic Rock Bands

Ariel-OC's Most Beautiful Singer!!!

George Fletcher & The Handsome Men
Great Blues Band and promoter of Rhythm & News Magazine.

Johnny "Drumboy Kerr -Crazy, drunk & desperate for work.
Former drummer in metal-polka band "Mischief" in which Grant pretended to play guitar in.

Full Circle -OK... so these guys are from Albany not OC! By far one of the most entertaining and original band I've seen period. It's like Lord of The Dance meets Dave Matthews.

Take me home!!!!