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Slick Willy talking about how he'll be going to "Where's Grant?" shows alot while Hillary's busy being a Senator.

1-26 Alright... alright!!! We haven't updated the news in a while. And we thought you'd be satisfied with link of the week. I guess it show's that you can't be bought, huh?

So much to talk about. To start, we want to thank everyone who has come out since New Year's to start our year off right. Lots of people have been coming to the "party" and we have been having such a great time. We would especially like to thank the 30-40 people who came out on a very snowy night last weekend to see us play in Walden. We really thought we would cancel by 10pm if no one showed... but you came and we played. Shout Outs go to... Wendy (who's first), Shannon, Meg, Magical Liz and Darren, Damian,Gary #1 Big EB, Big Mike, Michelle & Brenda, Funboy, Mikey and Scott, Tony. Mindy, Erin & Tammy, Big T and Gary Sweeney for letting us play... and everyone else who showed in the snow! You're all real troopers... or you're all just nutz. We're making a return engagement to Sweeney's this Friday, Feb 2nd, so put on your dancin shoe's and prepare to get down! We have some new killer songs to play for ya, some that will reguire some crowd participation! Hope to see everyone there... especially our friendz from the CIA in Poughkeepsie. For many of them this will be their last chance to see us for a while.

Which brings us to a bit of disappointing news... Joe, the band's rhythm guitarist, culinary expert and compadre will be leaving shortly to complete an internship for school. He'll be going to a place that most of us will dread, with living conditions so challenging that he'll need the courage and strength of both Survivior tribes just to make it through the day. Where is he going, you ask? A Marriott resort in the Florida Keys. While Joe will be in "Margertiaville: kicking back in the surf and sand his classmates will be stuck flipping omeletes at the "All You Can Eat" breakfest buffet at the Days Inn in Cleveland Ohio. And who will keep him company during this test of wills... none other than Paul "Wiener" of Little Naked Man productions. Yup! the same guy who like to disrobe at our gigs ... well actually bars from all over the county is going to be roomates with Joe. This is an extra reason to come out and see us this Friday... it might be the last time you ever see Joe and Paul! What will his departure mean for WG in the meantime? Well we'll be taking a month off after our Trailside gig on Feb 10th and we're planning to come out strong with a new guitarist, some new songs, maybe even an original or two. After much debate we've decide to keep going as a 5-piece. We placed some ad's in local rags and on the internet for a guitarist to fill in for Joe. We searched high and low for a musician cool enough to hang... and after auditioning 100's of guitar player's (sorry Slash! You're playing was great... but the hair had to go!)we believe we've found the "right" guy! We'll have more news about that person next week... What does that mean for Joe? Rest assured he'll coming back this July. Joe is a permanent member of the band and has committed to coming back. The replacement will only be temporary.

Finally some of you have mentioned to us "Where the hell is the CD!!!": the answer is soon. We're just in the final mix stage and everything should be set for a release date of Feburary 10th our Trailside gig. Again this is just a cheap demo of some of our best songs. No fancy artwork, no cool slipcases... just a CD-R with some tracks we recorded in a studio back in Nov. Everything was done live, on the first take. We've just been taking our sweet ass time on mixing it. Everyone who wants to recieve an advance copy must come to the Trailside gig on Feb 10th. This will also be Joe's final gig, so there are two reasons out of 100 to see us at the Trailside.

So we hope to see everyone out at our next two gigs... they will be our last for a little while.
  • Sweeney's, Friday, Feb 2nd
  • The Trailside(Joe's Going Away Party), Saturday, Feb 10th

Dear Where's Grant?,

I heard at bingo last nite that you wonderful boys will be playing at Sweeney's again this Saturday night. I am so excited to once again experience sleepless nights listening to the beautiful music you create with your loud guitars. I have missed listening to you play songs punk covers of The Cars, AhHa and Men at Work. , & hearing those wonderful kids yelling & screaming in front of my porch. I will especially miss those nice young men who stumble on my lawn to water the grass in the middle of the night. Of course, I'm a Glen Miller kinda gal but I've always been happy to hear you boys play "Papa Roach & Limp Bizkit". I wish you boys the very best this week and I send you my support.

Your Friendly Neighbor

12-7 Ahhhh Sweeney's! In less time we can update the news we're back at that pub, wreckin the joint. Honestly, we don't know how we are going to top our last appearance there. Things got a little crazy. Maybe this time some girls can shed a little clothing

For those of you who didn't know we missed a few birthdays last month... Our collection of little "stingers"(scorpios) included... the ever beautiful and talented duo of Rebecca Lewis and Gina Amendola (friends forever of course). Both Joe(guitar) and Gary(vocals) celebrated a birthday last month too... don't worry we won't reveal your real ages. And last for those who didn't notice.... our little website had it's first birthday two weeks ago. We're so proud of it too. It's already walking at 7000 hits. Pretty soon it's college! To celebrate, we were going to create "Year In" but we're holding off until we celebrate our 2nd Anniversary this Feburary. It took us almost a year to create thumbnails... it'll take us at least a month to create a timeline. We are interested in your birthdays though. Birthday's are very special days... we only get to celebrate 70-80 of them! Email us and let us know when you were born... we'll be sure to give you a fitting web tribute!

That's all of the updates for now! Hope to see you all this Saturday at Sweeney's.

Everybody get naked!!!!

11-23 Thanksgiving.... what a wonderful holiday. The day that we celebrate and give "Thanks" to others who make our life happier. And we can't say enough about our last two gigs except to say THANKS.... both our shows at Sweeney's and The Trailside this past Saturday were a blast. Lots of people came, ...things didn't get out of hand, ...nobody got kicked out! Ohhhh, but it came sooooo close didn't it.

Being guys in a band you can always entertain the thought that some beautiful woman, someday might be inspired enough by the music, atmosphere, the euphoria to dispense an article (or two:) of her clothing. Well someone did finally strip at one of our shows but it wasn't a girl..... We can't mention Saturday night's gig without bringing reference to a certain disrobing of an "unnamed individual from the studio audience". Well, .... OK! since you insist, his name is Paul, he's cool and he's Joe's friend!!! Since we met him back in August, at the Goldfinger show, we always knew there was something... um, well, a little "special" about him. For one, he's from the South... that in itself invites wierdness. Second, he gets kicked out of every bar he goes to. Last, he completely shaved both sides of his head leaving a mohawk and a tail in the back (we've dubbed this new hairstyle a "Mullhawk"... Who know's, it may catch on!!!). No one was as surprised as us when he came up to us at during our last set and asked..."Hey, guys, Ya mind if I get naked during yer next song". Our replies were ..."Sure!" 'He's not going to do it!'
Well "do" he did!. Before we knew it he was stripped down to his skivvies near the men's bathroom out of sight from the crowd. As we started "Fight for Your Right To Party" he asked Grant to signal him during his solo. So we all figured #1... going to dance in his underwear or #2... run out and moon the crowd. As Grant started started guitar solo sure enough... Paul slipped his thumbs in the lining of his boxers and down they came. He then ran out in the middle of the crowd. Again, we thought he was just going to streak for a prank.... NOPE! he went the distance. He danced naked in a crowd of people for the entire second half of the song.
From our view, this what we saw...
  • #1 Paul, stark naked "Mullhawk" and all, runs out in front of Gary and disappears into the crowd.
  • #2 the crowd steps back in a mix of surpise and horror.
  • #3 the crowd, sensing no danger and envelops Paul accepting him as one of their own.
  • The Moral... It's important to be yourself even if you're different from the crowd, as longs as they are drunk and willing to dance with a naked guy. Uh...on second thought, there is no moral to this story. We let a naked guy dance at our gig.
    We have no morals.
We are really looking forward to tommorow's gig at The Downtown, with Aisle*9. This is always a fun show.... Aisle*9 playing their own mix of covers and originals will open and we will close. We encourage all of you who don't have plans of staying in and eating the third serving of turkey "surprise" to come out and join us. We start at 10pm and we'll be playing until 2am. This show is 18 and up+ so we encourage all of you who have been using a fake ID at our other shows to relax and be yourself, just like our friend Paul.
Happy Turkey Day to All!!!

BORE for President in 2000

11-9 Can you believe that it's TWO days after the Presdiential election and we still have no clue who's running this ship for the next four years? Will it be Bush? Will it be Gore? Does it really matter anyways? One thing is for certain.... WG is gonna rock Pine Bush by it's roots this weekend when we play AJ's Inn this Saturday, Nov 11, 2000. This is our first time playing this club and it's gonna be a blast!!! We have some new matieral by Eve6 and some remakes of Ms. Robinson and 99 Red Balloons so if you haven't had the chance to see us in a while come check us out!!!

In other news it seems that our bass player Robbie is in high demand these days, pulling double duty in both Where's Grant? and Aisle*9. We all went out to see the Aisle*9 show last Saturday at Sweeney's and the place was mobbed. Apparently they've had some personel changes and Anth. their bass player has moved on to other things, so Robbie agree to fill in for a while. So, unless they get a bass player by Nov. 24th you'll see Robbie playing with both Aisle*9 and Where's Grant? on one stage, The Downtown.

The last piece of news... some of you (OK none of you!) may be wondering what's up w/ WG. Two shows in 4 weeks. We'll we've all been pretty busy with personal stuff (gotta catch up sometime) but we have been using our band time wisely. In addition to working on some new covers, last weekend we rented some studio time to work on a new demo. Nothing fancy, no orginals, all covers, recorded live to 2-track. We're doing it basically to beef up our press kit, but in the case that these songs came out "truely fantastic"... er well, we not mtv bound so we could settle for just OK, we'd be happy to press you a copy. Just what you always wanted, right? A CD of Where's Grant? playing Elvis. Well that's all of the news for now. Hope to see you all this Saturday's at AJ's!!!!

10/31- See what happens when you wait two whole months before posting news... you break the 6000 mark. We apologize for being so negligent in our news posting duties. The truth is that between work, events and life we've all been a little "pressed to the mats". During our break, Grant's little brother Stephen and his fiancee Alissa got married. They planned a wonderful wedding in less than two months and the ceremony was beautiful. The nearly the entire town of Florida, NY was invited so you know the bar tab must have been 6-$$$$figures. Congrats to you both.

We've also been taking some time away from gigs to work on some new matieral. For those of you who came to The Downtown, last weekend, you heard us play "Promise" by Eve6, "Minority" by Green Day, the 80's classic "99 Red Balloons" by Nena (ala Goldfinger style) and lastly "Mrs. Robinson" re-done by the Lemonheads. That's right we're playing covers of covers. We're also fooling around with our own stuff. Who knows... maybe some day you'll hear a "Where's Grant?" original. We want to thank Gina for inviting us to play her birthday party last Friday. It was a blast and a great opportunity to break out these songs. Thanks to everyone who showed on Saturday as well. Special Shout Outs to Neal, Eva & Vicki... Troy, Brian, Dave and the crew from Florida, Erich K., Gina, Erica, Steve Hansen, JohnnieAnne, Kerri O' from Florida, Jimmy & Brian who never miss a gig, Farah and the girls of the Mount, the girl with Dodge Durango, the drunk guy with the Viking hat on, Bri Ti & Jason, It was nice not being the only fools dressed up. Our next confirmed gig is Saturday, November 18th at Sweeney's in Walden, NY. We'll definately have some new songs down by then too.

9/2- We've hit another milestone in the history of WG... in just 10 months we've had over 5000 visits have been at logged on at Actually if you want the correct stats from SiteGauge (our webpage monitoring service) since 12/16/99 we've actually had 7183 hits, with an average of 12.92 unique IP visits (different people logging in) per day. Our largest day was over 188 hits on April 5,... I think that had something to do with a mass email our good friend Becky sent out to students as the "Mount". In all we've averaged a little over 25 hits a day. Not bad for a homegrown band site. Other stats that might interest you....
  • Monday & Tuesday are the highest loads per week averaging over 60% of the entire week's hits. Saturday and Sunday are the lowest. Gee from that information we can conclude that 1) Monday and Tuesday are the days people spend blowing off work and instead surf the web... 2) people are too hungover on the weekend to turn a computer on.

  • Let's here it for the Evil Empire... Internet Explorer visitors beat Netcrap users 9-1. 85.3% of the people who log on are using IE version 4 or 5. Less than 10% are using Netscape and the rest is made of of WebTV, Sega Dreamcast and others.

  • People from 14 different countires have found our site. O.2% were from Malaysia... must have been the losers kicked off of "Survivor".

    This is all just info we thought you might like to know. Now here is some info you really should pay attention to.... "WHERE'S GRANT???" is playing this Saturday, Sept 9th at Sweeney's Pub in Walden, NY. We start at 10pm and Sweeney's has lots of great food, Guiness & Murphy's on tap and best of all... Gary Sweeney has a really cool accent!!! He hope to see you all there. We'll be jamming out more fav's from Goldfinger, Godsmack, Papa Roach, MxPx, Rage Against The Machine, Limp Bizkit ... and more. As usual call WG Central 469-7473 for info and directions.

    8/29-Here's your weekly injection of WG news right at you!!!
    First and foremost... thanks to everyone who came to our Trailside gig. We were expecting a good turnout and we were certainly not disappointed. We played three great sets and we thought the roof was gonna come down during "Break Stuff". We also gave away tickets to see Goldfinger (Aug 26th) to lucky winner Karen(???). Unfortunately we don't know Karen's last name as it was her first time ever seeing us and she just left Sunday for a three year committment in the Army. So I guess our little fan appreciation experiment backfired seeing how she won't be able to see us perform again until 2003 (you better remember those tickets Karen!!!).

    As usual shout outs go to.... Fuzz (KevinP.)& wife, the Conklin Bros (wives and girlfriends included), Funboy, Travis (good luck in the army'll need it) & Karen... Mikie & all of the post-schoolers from Chester... Patty, Mike, Tracy ( Jerri?), & Sis.... Amy & Don, ...Becky, Brenda & others from Newburgh... Alison (don't take my picture) & Jodi,... the boys from AWF, Drew Diltz & Todd from the Diltz Bros... the ladies from the bachelorette party,...Lori Green, Krinkle Kut, Karen, Kris, Jen & John from Monroe... John Becz, Steve, Eric & Nick from Florida...Connie & Carly (Why did you leave so soon?)from Walden... Rachel Marino for showing up late... and our new friends Greg & Joe from Hard Drive, Carol M., Sharon B. & Matt O'Neill. Thanks for signing the mailing list. If I forgot anybody...sue me. (or maybe emailing would be easier).

    Now on to the important stuff!!! This weekend.
    Here's the scoop:
    We will be playing this Saturday, Sept.2nd At Dominicks Hickory House in Middlehope, NY. It's about 4 1/2miles on 9W north (across from the Yamaha Dealership) off exit 10 on I-84. .This is a Pig Roast and tickets are $25. OK!!! Before you start bitchin here's what $25 includes. ALL YOU CAN EAT....There will be tons of food and not just a Big Pig either, there will be other stuff as well (burgers, chicken...etc.) ALL YOU CAN DRINK.... draft beer on tap. Bring a big mug if you like. 4 LIVE BANDS... including us,WHERE'S GRANT?, Maria's Basement, an unnamed acoustic act, and Aisle*9.... PRIZES & GIVEAWAYS ALL DAY... Bud Girls, Beach Volley ball and Bocci ball. The Pig Roast is six hours from 3-9pm. That's $4.16 an hour. How much do you spend at the bar on any given night? This will probably be our last outdoor gig for the summer and we want to encourage everyone to come ***You can purchase tickets from us before hand(call us at 469-7473) or at the door!

    Last but not leastly... as you may notice to more updates on the front page. First is Fan Pic of the Year, Becky Lewis & our Happy B-day Tribute to Karen T. & Kristen M. As you can see we really appreciate all of the people who have journeyed out to see us play and we do this for you as much as we do this for ourselves. Every gig we play brand new matieral, we update (or try at least) our website on a regualr basis. Any suggestions you may have in reagrds to the songs or website please don't hesitate to email us . We don't bite honestly. We can't promise that we can or will use every suggestion but we appreciate any input or support you can provide to help make us a better band.

    8/18-Hello All...As many of you know may know, this Saturday is our gig at the Trailside Pub... the bar where it all began. The Trailside is where we had our first gig back on Feb 27, 1999. As the story goes, Pedro Garcia (former guitarist and original founder) got the gig by telling the bar owner that we were this wildly successful bar band, touring Cleveland, Buffalo & Boston. The truth was that we had never played in front of a crowd.... ever. At the time we only knew 18 songs... 18 very short songs. We figured that if 10 people showed up and we didn't get booed too much, maybe... just maybe could we play there again.

    Well tommorow will be our 7th gig there. In fact tommorow is actually 50th gig playing out as a band. A milestone for us and not too bad when you think that this started out as a jam in Gary's basement. Since then we've played, almost every weekend all over the county, down in Rockland, and even in NJ. We've been able to invest in alot of new equipment and more importantly... we've made a bunch of new friends. We want to thank everyone who has come to our shows over the last year and a half and who's supported us.

    As a show of appreciation, to you, our fans, tommorow night we will be giving away a pair of tickets to see Goldfinger at The Chance in Poughkeepsie, NY next Saturday August 26th. A winner will be announced shortly after midnight. The winner is welcome to join us (the entire band and friends are going) or they can cruise solo. The opening acts are... well, who cares who the opening acts are THESE ARE FREE TICKETS!!!! Yes, this is a thinly guised plan to get you out to see us... but take advantage of it. It's not often that we use our gig money to buy anything other than beer. So if Goldfinger is one of your favorite bands or if you just like winning, stop down to see us at the Trailside Pub This Saturday at 9pm.

    Well! OK!! Plug's over. Onto the news! Thanks to all who showed up at The Downtown in Middletown last Saturday. It was (to steal a quote from Steve Hansen)our WORLD FAMOUS Where's Grant? / Aisle*Nine DOUBLE HEADER!! As always, it was a kick ass time!!! We opened up the night playing our usual favs and also two new tunes "Ebin" by Sublime and "Last Resort" by Papa Roach. Judging by the crowd's response both were hits and we'll probably keep them in the set. For you MxPx fans out there, keep your ears out there. We have some new songs just for you!!!

    Special Thanks to: Former Mounties Becky, Amy & Christine;.... John "Did you find me"Niss, Jen "I totally miss Buffalo" Wiegert, Kristen & Karen all from Monroe,.... Troll and his group from Severed Ties,... Steve, Lisa, Eric, Nick, John B., Mike & Mel P, Pete Wanzack, Kim & Jeremey all from Florida and/or Warwick,.... Funboy & Gwen, Gina, LJ & John from Monroe,.... GAP'ers Mike M.,.... Marc "hey I got your name!!!", Tom,... oh and Steve (you get double props),... Aisle*9, ...MAU chickies Michelle, Amanda,Alison and the tall girl with short blonde hair but I don't know her name because I was never introduced.... Tammy A. formerly of Florida but now of Middletown ,... Ben & Tammy,.... Garvey for not having enough bartenders and charging the band fullprice for drinks,.... Steph and the guys from City Lights, (..."whew!!! I gotta take a break"),.... the homeless guy I gave my beer in the street and who was later busted.... Troy, Pedro, Travis & everyone from Chester....

    Well ... that's all folks. We hope we see you tommorow and we hope that you are a lucky winner.

    8/9... The pic above is dedicated to the girl who emailed us and asked whether we could play an N'Sync song. The answer is....... No!....Never!!

    On to other news. August 26th our gig at Florida's Fulton's Folly has been cancelled. We will likely reschedule in Sept or Oct but in the meantime we've decided NOT to book the date. We instead are getting together a group of people together to see the band Goldfinger at The Chance in Poughkeepsie, Sat August 26th. Anyone who wants to tag along with us is welcome to.

    Thanks to all of our new friends who showed at Sweeney's. A wierd night for us. At first there were 20 people there barely listening to our music. Then an army of Geratol-taking silver-haired seniors attending a 30 year class reunion walked in off the street hoping to hear Wayne Newton. Instead they got Gary in their face screaming Rancid and Suicide Machines. Some ran so fast they left their dentures behind. (we tried to warn them) Then shortly after 11pm a wonderful crowd showed up and the night ended perfect. Shout Outs to: John "I Won The Fan Pic Of The Week" Niss, Funboy, Greg (from VA and the CIA), Carly and Connie, Eric (Noctural Genuis), Darren (I love Goldfinger!!!)Smith, Angela & Lisa from Walden, Courtney ("There's nothing to do in New Paltz")Lander, Gwen"Titaina", Melissa & Marisa, Jay & Dave ... & everyone else we forgot!!!

    This weekend is our monthly gig at the Downtown w/ Aisle*9. For those of you who have not seen this show you're missing a great double header. Both bands get to play their absolute best matieral. We've got new matieral by Sublime and Papa Roach. We hope to see you all there this Saturday, 10pm. We go on first, so get there early. A*9 will follow after 12am with their fantastic mix of originals and covers. For details call 469-7473.

    8/2...And what a party it was!!! Over 150 people, 10 kegs, a big inflatable jumping castle, a wet t-shirt contest and... 3 great bands. The event was a HUGE sucess, courtesy of Big Mike, Steve, Tom, Evan, and the rest of the GAP'ers who gave one of the best private party's Orange County has ever seen.

    We arrived late (at 8:30 pm) and there was already over 100 people either lining up the beer pong tables, waiting in line at the kegs or listening to music. Aisle*9 started their set around 9pm and despite some early electrical problems played a great set. The Amazing Andy Freeman and his posse, THE AMAZING WHIPLASH FAMILY followed blasting System of the Down, Tool and some vintage Black Sabbath. Last but not least we (WG) followed playing our usual favorites, 3 Doors Down, Stone Temple Pilots, Face To Face and a slew of wacky 80's covers.

    Then shortly after midnight there was the real event of the evening.... the wet t-shirt contest. There was plenty of thought put into that event by the GAP-boys. The winner was handed a plague and $90. The girls worked real hard but not nearly as hard as those GAP judges, who scrutinize each contestant to make sure they had picked the right winner. We can't tell you who the winner was ... but we can tell you that she's near and dear to our hearts. :)

    Enjoy these pics... and check us out this Saturday at Sweeney's MVP Pub in Walden, NY 8/5/00 at 10 pm.

    7/25-Well it's here. The First Annual GAP Club Party/Pig Roast is this Saturday. If the event of 1999 was the Severed Ties Pimp~N~Ho Party last June this year will surely be the event for 2000. The GAP Club is a bunch of fun lovin guys from OC who are going to prove they know how to throw a party. To boot they've invited us and several other bands (Aisle*9, Punky B, The Amazing Whiplash Family) to play. There will be food, beer, Slip~n~Slides and a big Jumper Castle. This is invitation only. You MUST email us OR click on the sign above and register.

    Don’t forget the Date:

    July 29, 2000

    Don’t forget where:

    Wallkill Rod and Gun Club

    Don’t forget what time:

    ...well, that’s up to you.....we’ll be there all day setting up, But just try to not be later than 5:00 or you’ll miss out on the first few events.

    Don’t forget what to bring:

    A Tent to park your ass in. If you really don’t have one, or can’t get one just bring a sleeping bag and pillow, and we’ll stick you somewhere!

    If there is anything you need to know that we forgot to tell you, please E-mail us soon...time is running out!!

    and usual, feel free to forward ALL party emails to any of your friends that would like to come.

    7/15-Whoa!!! Three web updates in two days. That's more than we had in the entire month of June. Lotsa news to tell you.
    This Saturday, unfortunately is our last official Gully's gig for the summer. We've had a great time there this summer but we were unable to commit to a date in August. Unless we get another opportunity to play this summer this will be it until April 2001.

    Fan Pic of the Week- Well it was a damn good idea... and still is. But we've decided to leave it up for two week's instead of one. The reason being that not everyone gets to log on to our site every week... Ok that was weak. The real reason is that we just have run out of time to do updates on a weekly basis. So it is now and forevermore the Bi-Weekly Fan Pic of the Week. So don't waste any time and see this week's Bi-Weekly Fan Pic of the Week ... Amber

    Great news for us…. our box van is completely rehauled, redesigned and back on the road. We did almost all of the work ourselves w/ help from Jimmy at . We literally chopped off the front end of an 85' Chevy Conversion van and welded it to the front of ours. Pic's will be up soon.

    Great, great, show on Friday! Our first semi full gig in over a month. We played over two hours straight, 35 songs including an impromptu Sublime set. The big test was to see if everyone enjoyed the Elvis tune "Suspicious Minds". Email us and let us know if you want us to keep it in the setlist. Want to thank everyone who was there; the Becky/Amber/Holli/ trio,… Amy from Mass,… J. Niss & Gina from Monroe, … Karen & Kathy, … Tracy, Patti & Connie from Middletown Diagnostics, … Troy, Todd (where's Andrea?) and Nit from Chester, …bros Mike & Tim Kensel, …"I'm soooo tired but I'll come and see you anyway"J. Flannagan,… Steve, Lisa & Robin from Fulton's, ….Michele, Alison and various MAU-Chicks,… Rich D. & Paul from PTM, …Tom & Jim from The GAP Club,… Billy "Bad Boy" Finkel & Jen,…Funboy, LJ, Gina & Johnnianne from Aisle*9, …Joe "Peace Love and Marijuana maaaaan"from, well who knows where he's from!, …Garvey from the Downtown for having us and charging us always full price for every drink … and last but not least let's not forget Aisle*9 and their loyal fans who we always have a great time with. Next double header w/ Aisle*9 is back at the Downtown, Sat. August 12. Pics will be up soon (probably by Wed.)

    Last but not least... The 1st Annual G.A.P. Club Pig Roast is less than 2 weeks away!! Last year it was the Severed Ties Pim-N-Ho party that people talked about all year. This summer it's the GAP Club's First Annual Pig Roast. There will be food, 10 kegs a big jumping castle and of course ... the bands. You might as well call this GAPStock. We will be playing w/ Punky B and Aisle*9. Bring a tent as this event will be going on until the wee hours of the morning. This is a DWI-free event. Any attempts to drive home while intoxicated will not be tolerated. There is no cover... everything is free. It is however a private event and is by invite only. If you would like to be invited YOU MUST contact us via email or log onto The Gap Club's info page here.

    That's all folks. We hope you have a awful week at work and plan on taking those frustrations out at Gully's this Saturday night at 8pm.

    6/29-It's been a long time (almost a month since we last played out) and we are disappointed to announce that we will be unable to perform at our scheduled gig for Friday June 30th at Sweeney's Irish Pub. One of our band members had an unfortunate death in his family this week. We send our support to him and his family.

    Now for some exciting note.... WHERE'S GRANT and a number of other area bands are joining together this Saturday July 1st, to perform a special benefit show for injured singer Bobby Spearing, former frontman for Phillip The Meatbox. Bobby was severly hurt in a motorcycle accident two weeks ago and is current in a care unit at Westchester Medical Center. With no insurance and medical bills mounting RichD., manager of PTM stepped forward and decided to organize an event to help raise money for his expenses. The show is at Sweeny's Irish Pub in Downtown Walden, NY (rt 208). The cover charge is $5 and all proceeds from the door will go to Bobby's medical bills. Any donations will help as well. The rest of the line up is as follows: Special Guest members of Phillip the Meatbox and Skeleton Crew plus People of the Sun, Amazing Whiplash Family, Aisle-9 and of course Where's Grant!. Together, we are collectively known as
    The Hudson Valley Musicians for Musicians!!

    For those of you who squeek over the thought of paying $5 for a cover charge there are still plenty of things to do!!!

    ...For instance Nathan's Hot Dog's in the Middletown Galleria Mall is still running their post-Valentine's Day Dinner for Two special; 2 Dogs/2 Drinks= $4 bucks!!!

    ....Middletown Discount Theater is still showing encore perfomances of "Battlefield Earth" the blockbuster event of this summer starring John Travolta. Free candy is located on the floor, under the seats.

    Although these options may be tempting we think your best bet is to see WG,Aisle*9, AWF, PTM and others this Saturday at Sweeney's. Lots of great bands and w/ cool music, good beer and great friends you can't go wrong.

    Come out and listen to some great music for a good cause. The show starts at 9pm. Any questions or directions call 914-469-7473.

    6/14- GET A GRIP!!! It seems over the past few weeks there has been debate on the internet over the state of the current live music scene in OCNY. Opinions ranging from "who packs the largest crowd" to "who plays the best music" have been discussed. While everyone's entitled to their own opinion, good or bad, we're taking the opportunity to voice our own. For US there IS NO DEBATE. Our interest is purely in playing music, having a great time and making enough money to pay for the bar tab. We do not support publicly badmouthing other bands, musicians or fans for that matter. Afterall we are a cover band... We didn't write this music, we just play it because we enjoy it and we hope that you do too. When we formed over a year and a half ago none of us ever expected this to last more than a month, let alone playing to great crowds all over the county. We've been blessed with the fact that we have been playing out in local bars on a regular basis and to have a great group of people come out to listen to us each time.

    There are some really great bands on the scene right now,both original and cover. Where's Grant?, Aisle*9, PTM, Amazing Whiplash Family, PunkyB. ID, Towne Cryer, Skeleton Crew, The Dean Scala Band, Ariel. If you are really interested in helping out the scene then come out to see us all. I can guarantee that you will not find two bands who play exactly alike or sound the same. Last weekend Gary and I took the opportunity to support another band in the area PTM, as they played a new club for the first time. They put on a great show (as always) and once again proved why they have been successful for so long; tight musicianship and a willingness to have fun. With the price of movies these days ($50??? for dinner and a movie) and the lack of real nighttime recreational entertainment (unless cow tipping is you" thang") why waste the thought. Every weekend there are places to see and listen to live music. Forget Front St... you'll never find love there. Don't waste your money on the Fair... do you think it goes into providing better and safer rides? Live music is where it's at! So pick up a copy of the Friday's GO section, check your monthly Rhythm & News, listen for commercials on WRRV or K104, OR if your in the area, just stop by Sweeney's, Gulley's, The Downtown. As you can see in the picture above, there's a lot more constructive things to do with your time than write stupid comments on the Internet. Peace everyone and we're looking forward to seeing everyone at our next show; Sweeney's June 30th.

    5/29-Hello to all.... It's been way too long since we've written in the news section. Since then we've been "over" Bambi and back (sorry animal lovers for the bad pun)! No seriously... not much time for us to write much now. This is our busy season... Gary's busy poisoning our water supply, Greg has a new paper route, Rob and Jeff are working on their modeling contracts and Grant has taken up Scientology after seeing "Battlefield Earth" 37 times (you didn't think we took ourselves that seriously did you?). We truely appreciate the great group of friends who showed up, both at the Trailside and Gulley's a few weeks ago. After our little mishap with the van it was nice to see the show of support. As you can see we have pictures up all ready (see "Where's Pics").

    June is going to be a quiet month for us. Grant is traveling alot for his job, Gary has some Severed Ties Truck shows to attend and Jeff and Rob are in Jetski mode and Greg and his family are moving into a new house.... so our only show scheduled for June is this Saturday at The Downtown w/ Aisle*9. Don't worry, we're going to use this time off constructively, working on some new covers... and possibly unveiling some of our own stuff. So we hope to see you in the crowd this Saturday. We start at 9pm and A*9 goes on after midnight.... that's all folks!

    4/29-"A Not So Funny Thing Happened on the Way To Walden"....
    To Everyone: sorry for canceling our gig at Sweeney's last night. Luck was not in our favor. On our way toward Walden, just after 9pm a deer tried to mate with our "Fun Bus" (our box van). We had just on to Rt. 17 after getting some gas when Gary screamed "Holy Shit!". This was shortly followed by a deer the size of Godzilla (over 200 lbs) jumping in the path of the van. The van, didn't even flinch.... the deer was in much worse shape (we'd show you pictures but those people from PETA would have our heads). Luckily no one was hurt however "The Beast" isn't doing so well (and we're not talking about the deer). The front grill, radiator, fan and who knows what else were destroyed. We think it's mostly cosmetic though and to borrow a famous line from a great movie "Don't worry... my dad'a a TV repairman... he's got the tools, we can fix it" .

    So once again sorry for all of you who drove to Walden to see us. Thanks to Mike, Patty, Tracy, Becky, Holly, Sean, Amber, Nit, and two guys (Mike & Jim?) who showed up at Gary's house to help celebrate the "after the crash party". Thanks to everyone who showed at Sweeney's (Kim, Heather, Barbara K-1 & 2) who showed at Sweeney's. We'll be playing this Friday, May 5th at the Downtown in Middletown starting at 10pm. We hope to see you then.

    4/25-No news this week... except a small incident involving a Federal Marshall break-in at Gary's house. It seems they mistook Robbie for Elian Gonzalez and were about to return him to Cuba until the rest of the band intervened and stated "He couldn't possibly be Elian... he HATES Disney World". Well you know there isn't really much to talk about when we resort to bad humor....! That's it.... no news.... no thanks you's... not even a plug for our gig this Friday, April 28th, at Sweeney's Irish Pub, on Rt 208, in Walden, NY, at approx 10:30 pm where we'll even play some new songs... just some bad joke. Where's Norm MacDonald when you need him.

    4/17-Are you getting sick of us always talking about "what a great show last weekend was?" Were you there? Did you show? Were you in the crowd pulling down a Corona Banner during "Faith"? Did you see Grant breaking out a solo on top of the bar during "Fight For Your Right? (To Party)"? Were you jumping your ass off during "Jump Around"? Did you move the to smooth groove of "Super Bon Bon". Well if you weren't part of the packed crowd at Gulley's on Saturday you we won't tell you what you missed. You'll just have to come and experience the fun for yourself. Next performance Fri, April 28th at Sweeny's Pub in Walden, NY.

    Again we give shouts outs to those who came this past weekend; Funboy, Shawn, & the rest of the Severed Ties Crew; The Chester Collalition-Troy, Ginda, Andrea, Todd, Nit, Gamale, John E, Howie, Lenore and gang. The Three Amigos-Holly, Becky & Amber; Mount Alummni Carrie from LI & Angie from Mass. Mike, Pattie and her office friends(Sorry about not play the "Crue"); Amy, Erick & friends all the way from Westchester. John Niss. Guest appreance from Steve H. and the GAP club. JimboO from NC-North Cackalakie. Danny "I haven't seen you in 20 years" DeVito; "Stand by Your Men" Samora, Samatha & Michelle; Kellie formally of HSBC and Pace and now of the Mount; LiziA who wanted a free T-shirt from the Mount & who's email isn't working; Lisa & Traci, the TaT twins in the back of the bar. And all the other people we missed on this list or who just stopped by and stayed the whole evening. Thanks.... We had a blast!!!

    Which brings me to my next subject; We realize that some of you who have never seen us live must wonder...what's with all the hype. Are these guys really having that great a time? Are the crowds that thick that you can't sometimes can't get to the bar? Are people really stage diving? Well like any band we've had are ups & downs (did anyone know we were playing on March 11th?) but all in all Y2K has been a great year for us. So you might wonder... if there's no interest in a record contract...if your best chance at fame is seeing your flyer in the window of Cumberland Farms... if you make just enough money at the end of the night to cover your bar tab and diner food then "why do you do it?". Well probably for the same reason you come out to see us. We get just as much a "high" watching all of you dance, groove and sing along to songs as you do listening to us play.

    4/10- First pics from our April Fools Day Show at the Downtown are up. We still don't have the other roll of film developed so hang in there. They should be up on the site by the end of this week. Click here to view these pixs

    What a weekend!!! And two great gigs... first, Friday night at Mount Saint Mary's and then Saturday night at 90 Broadway. We would, as always, thank you to those who that came out to see us at 90 Broadway and especially for the students at Mount Saint Mary's college for being one of the best crowds we've ever played for.

    WG T-shirts are finally here!!! Over three dozen "Where's Grant" T-shirts went this past weekend (some free some purchased) and they went lightning quick. They currently come in White with Black lettering, Black w/ Grey lettering and Royal Blue w/ White lettering. All T-'s are super cheap, just $12 & are printed on both sides. Sizes are in large and XL. For anyone interested in obtaining this incredible statement of fashion please email us @ .

    Here are some of the highlights from this weekend:

    Friday night-Mary and Amber jumping on stage to sing background vocals during Semi-Charmed life. An undentified Mount student doing a perfect stage dive during a Godsmack song. A near wet t-shirt contest complete w/ "WHERE'S GRANT" T-shirts (too bad they were blue instead of white).

    Saturday night- Sonia, Julia, Marie, and Gabriela the Dancing International Au Pairs from France, Spain, and Italy. You girls were great!!! Half of the town of Florida showing up for fun (including Irene, Jodi, Alison, Juile, Kim, Kerri, Kasey and friends). Grant parading around the bar with his wireless guitar. New fans Andrew, Charlie, Noreen, Big Mike, Bigger Mike from Monroe getting crazy on the dance floor. Thanks to all who showed up.

    Thanks to Chris and Dan who have open our opportunities in Newburgh. To all: Our next gig is this Saturday Gulley's in Newburgh. We start at 8 pm and play until midnight. We hope to see you all there!!!

    4/3-And "WE" in WG didn't know how we were going to top the anniversary party at the Trailside!!! Saturday night was... beyond words! To start! Aisle*9 played a terrific set... a great mix of covers (Van Morrison, Bush and RATM) and originals off their brand new first album "Blueprint". Keep your eyes close on these guys. They have recorded a jammin album of rockin, funkin, jazzin originals with sweet hooks and catchy lyrics. I could easily hear "I Fell For You" or "Faded" on the radio.... which is where you should be, listening to them on 92.7 Sunday nights on George Fletcher's show after 9pm. Also check these guys out at Gulley's Opening Weekend, Friday April 14. We follow the night after on Saturday the 15th. Enough w/ the plugs... these guys are a great time and a fun band to play with.

    Well ... we followed and not too surprising but most of the entire crowd went along for the ride... all 150+... until 3:45 am. Who says WHERE'S GRANT? doesn't know how to throw a party. After playing two sets of over 35 songs including new stuff, "Dancing With Myself"-Billy Idol, "Head Like A Hole"-NIN and "Suck My Kiss"-Red Hot Chili Peppers an encore, we tried desperately to get people to understand that... it's the end of the night... the bar is closing and we have to go home. We know how disappointing last call gets, especially when you realize you left most of your paycheck at the bar ("I couldn't have spent THAT MUCH???").

    It's OK and we feel your pain. That's why we would all like to invite you our personal party this Saturday night (4/8)at 90 Broadway in Newburgh. It's 90 Broadway's Official Closing Party and we invite one and all. Gulley's is opening up the following week and we'll be there on April 15th, so come out this Saturday and help us shut this place down!!!!!! Unfortunately it is 21 and up and ID is required (of course anyone's ID might work). ...wait!!! There's more!!!

    We're also playing this Friday night (4/7), from 7pm to 10pm at Mount Saint Mary's College for their Annual Spring Fest Weekend. This is our very first year we,ve been invited and we plan on putting on quite a show. For all students, staff and campus stalkers who may be reading this we have plenty of music and free T-shirts and other prizes. (Just what you needed, a crappy "Where's Grant" t-shirt to go with those new Gap jeans you just bought!). All we just ask that you bring a willing ear, an open mind and a desire to dance your asses off... oh and a little free beer for the band wouldn't hurt either!!! (Are we allowed to say "Group Funnel" onstage?:)

    Thanks to all who have been showing up. Shout outs to Irene, Lori, Christina & Craig and the rest of the crew from Florida,NY, TroyC.,Kris (Richard Bey) Krinkle, Robin Lester from Chester, Stacy Heater (I mean Jansen)John N., Karen & Kris (I got it right?!?), Steve, Heather & Eric, all the girl's who attended Ivie Duran's wedding but didn't know we were playing, next door neighbor Barbara K.,Shawn, Funboy, Troll and the rest of Severed Ties, Sandy T(for stickin around), Amber, Becky & Holly for everyone we missed and all the loyal Aisle*9 fans who stuck around and gave us a chance too.......HUGE Thanks!!!You guys were the very best crowd!!!!
    We hope to see everyone again out at our shows this weekend!!!!

    3/28-New 90 Broadway pictures are up on the site for your viewing pleasure. We had a great time playing there..... too bad the weather was crappy.

    Next Gig!!!! This SATURDAY!!!!!April Fool's Fest at The Downtown w/ The Amazing Aisle*9(10pm-2am). What a bargin two great bands under one roof. Aisle*9 will open with their fantastic some covers and originals from their new album "Blueprint" and we will close the place rocking to Limp Bizkit, Blink182 and Nine Inch Nails. Can't wait to see you there.

    Grant, Greg, Gary, Rob & Jeff want to extend their thanks to all of you who came out to the Trailside last Saturday to help celebrate our one year anniversary. We were very happy to have you come out and support us and the night couldn't have been better. To see ALL (100+) of you standing in the front of us, singing along, jumping around and dancing your asses off was amazing. After playing three heart pounding, sweat soaked sets we were even treated to a surprise visit by the very talented local singer Rachel Marino long after most people had cleared out. Her and Grant did an inpromptu performances of "Landslide" by Stevie Nicks, "What's Going On" by Four Non-Blondes and even wrote & performed an original on the spot. Then loyal fan Mike T. broke out his bagpipes and closed the place with some Irish drinking music. See you'll never know what's going to happen next at a WHERE's GRANT gig. The night couldn't have been more perfect. Thank you all. We do this all for you.... oh and some free beer!!!

    3/20-Did everyone recover from their St. Patty's Day Weekend Hangover? And what a weekend it was. Although we didn't play on the second busiest bar night of the year, we all had a great time. Rob, Jeff and Gary spent Saturday attending Rob's sister's wedding, and Sunday recovering. Todd and Andrea finally tied the knot after 5+ years together and they are both avid fans of the band, so WE in the WG send a HUGE congrats out to Todd and Andrea.
    Grant was MIA (which to many, many jokes at the wedding to the phrase "WHERE's Grant"). Grant spent St. Patty's day (ALL DAY from 12 noon to 5am) at McGeary's Pub in Downtown Albany. I think it should be a federal law that St. Patty's day never falls on a weekend. It's just gives licence for people to get way too out of control. Grant spent both evenings celebrating St. Pat's getting "out of control" while listening to a kicking Irish rock band called Full Circle. Headed by the talented Jimmy Kelly (guitarist & songwriter)and Neil Anderson(Bagpipes & humor) these guys have to be seen to be believed. It's the most original band I've ever heard. Based out of Albany they played a mixture of originals and covers all with an Irish/Celtic slant. Check out their website at or go to WHERE's Links under bands (how's that for a plug!!!)
    Well, on to some important news.......WHERE's GRANT is celebrating their 1 YEAR (& 1month) ANNIVERSARY THIS SATURDAY AT THE TRAILSIDE PUB IN CHESTER, NY. For some of you the Trailside is were it all began, where we played our first gig.... where we only knew 18 songs and we ran out of music within the first hour....where we lied to the barowners and told them we just got back from a mid-west tour just to get the gig... where we will hopefully see you this Sat. Our very first gig was at the Trailside Pub last year Feb 28th, 1999 and this will be 36th gig. Boy we had alot of changes since... most noteably in our lineup, the way we sound and how many songs we play. I think it's a surprise for most of us that it's a year later and we're playing out better than ever. Now we play over 60 songs and have the best following of any bands in New York. So come out to the Trailside this Saturday and let us thank you for having a great year playing all over Orange County!!!!!!

    3/12- YAAAHHOOOOOO!!!!! The powers that be at have approved another 5MB's of space for Do You know what that means? We have room for a two car garage and a jacuzzi (in web terms). Translation: lots more pics are on the way... and maybe an MP3 or two. In the next few days look for some Sweeny's and 90 Broadway pics.
    Thanks to all who came out to see us this past Saturday. We had a really great time and just when we started to warm up the bar decided to clear out early. We apologize for all who stayed and were expecting a third set. It wasn't our choice to pack up and leave a little early but considering the miserable weather it was probably the best thing. It's OK though, we're playing there again on April 8th for 90 Broadway's closing party.
    We're off this weekend b/c it's Robbie's sister's wedding. We'll all be there of course dressed to impress. In two weeks we are having are planned 1 Year (and a month) Anniversary Party where it all The Trailside Pub in Chester, NY. Come out it will be a blast. The official count is that it will be our 36th show! Not bad for a bunch of guys that two years earlier didn't even know how to play a single tune. We want to thank everyone who has supported us over the past year, and the best way is to play a free show. That's right there is no cover. Now you have no excuses not to come out and party!!!!
    That's all for now!!!! We hope to see you on Sat. March 25th at the Trailside helping us ring in another year of WG fun!

    3/6-So does anyone actually read this page? It suddenly occurred to me that nobody may have read this page. Well I'm sure some people have seen it... it's just whether they've read it. I guess it doesn't help that we haven't updated it recently. So I've decided that we will offer weekly stuff ....and not just news either. I'm planning to write whatever's on my mind, what's going on in local politics...even commentary on life, love and the pursuit of physical happiness (sorry.... I had to get the guy's attention). Do you think this will attract more people to our site? What about our shows? Why am I writing this?
    On to some REAL news.... Well sorry about our postponement of our Downtown gig for 3/10. There was a big miscommunication in booking the gig and instead two other bands were booked in our place. We were actually looking forward to sharing some stage w/ Aisle*9(check out links). Very cool, down to earth guys who play great covers and ... have originals. But as they say in France ... sometimes you have to lose a gig in Middletown to gain one in Newburgh.
    So we are now booked at 90 Broadway this Saturday. We had a great time there last time and we are psyched to play there this weekend. Sorry for the short notice... we know this will mess up your plans to stay home and watch "Walker, Texas Ranger" (Chuck Norris is a sellout!!!). We start at 10pm and have tons o' new songs, from the Foo Fighters, Third Eye Blind, Red Hot Chili Peppers and even... The Cure. We hope to see you all there!!!!:)
    2/27-HHHHeeeeyyy!!!! We're back (I know... we never left). It's been a while since we've posted any news on the site but we've been busier than ever. First & foremost... we want to thank EVERYONE who showed up at our Feb 5th gig at 90 Broadway in Newburgh, NY. It was our first time playing there and we were thrilled at all the people who came out on a cold night to make this one of our favorite gigs ever. We are booked again, sometime in early April...more details will come.
    We've added lots of new tunes to our setlist including new Foo Fighters, Rancid & Red Hot Chili Peppers. Plus some rockin' 80's remakes that will make your hair stand on end (You'll never listen to The Cure in the same way again!!!).
    This month we're playing Sweeny's Pub in Walden, NY on Sat. March 4th and The Downtown Tavern (w/ Aisle*9) on Friday March 10th. We're sorry for cancelling our Anniversary gig on Feburary 26th. We ran into some scheduling problems and have decided to move it back until late March. For those of you who came to our first ever gig last Feb, 28th (we only knew 18 songs)at the Trailside Pub, we've sure come a long way. We're going to still have it at the Trailside. As soon as we nail down a date we'll let you know.
    Well that's all for now, but we'll keep you posted as things come up.