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WHERE's Friends

Who's The Coolest Guy In OC!!!!

The Man himself... Stud-boy Niss!

Yup.... you guessed it! Mr. J. Niss of Monroe, NY. Not only did John show up... on time, ready to party but he brought his new and much improved digital camera with him. This has proved to be of fantastic help to the band considering we lost our beloved pirated copy of Adobe Photoshop 5.5 last month in an unfortunate hard drive crash. So after spending $hundreds of dollars on disposable cameras and 1 hr photo processing (we always need that instant gratification don't we?:)we finally have had someone step up to the plate and offer to help post photos to the site. He even created the fonts and background to match the look and feel of now that's teamwork.

Check out the pics below... hit your browser BACK button to return to this page...

Pic's from the Downtown

Who's The Coolest Gal In OC!!!!

Not to go without mention... Miss Dana Ann Hargrove (from the Land Down Under) also provided some great pics from our Sweeney's gig back on the 24th. Another great example of some dedicated teamwork. We will hopefully have those up shortly... as soon as someone can loan us a new copy of Photoshop 5.5. Look for a future 20 Questions from both John and Dana in the near future!!!!! (thax for volunteering... haha!)

Well... after a very mild first set (one or two people clapped their hands at "Man Overboard") an improved second set (some of you danced but all of the you "Jumpers" stood back during House of Pain)we finally got a response during our third set. Okey once again brought the house down as guest vocalist singing not only "My Own Worst Enemy" but also lending backups to "I Will Walk 500 Miles" and Papa Roach. Everyone was front and center dancing to Blink, moshing to Godsmack, and groovin' to Soul Coffin. Thanks to EVERYONE who showed. Shout Outs go out to... Offical Band Photographers John Niss & Dana H. , Danno, LJ & Jimbo, Mindy Bob and Brian?, EB, Okey and his girl, Tammy Ayres, Becky (we've missed you girl) & Brenda, Kevin (go for the POD) and Sweet JennieLynn, Hillary (who keeps us organized) & Erin (who keeps us on time), Gina (all the way from NJ), Lori (the best Roomie) and KerriO. (nice to see the home crowd). Suzie Bullets and her friends... Kimmie, her lookalike sis Jessica, Becky, Jen and several more who's names we can't remember...Eva & Vickie(who has a crush?)... Kim Karl from Chester and Dave (the man in the red dress!), Quanah's brother and other friends... Beatrice from Eldred (sorry about 'Sedated', we ran out of time ...the pic will be up soon) the people from the GAP Club party 2000 (see you in 2001!!!), Garvey for actually giving us some "free" drinks... and anyone we've missed!!!! We love ya all

In case you missed them.... Pic's from the Downtown

We're taking the next weekend off b/c of some personal committments. We hope to see you at our next gig, Saturday April 14st at 10pm, at Sweeney's Irish Pub in Walden, NY!!! PEACE!