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WHERE's Friends

Mr. Niss Pulls A Hatrick!!!

As always, John Niss comes through! When John said he took a few pictures he wasn't kidding. He took 41 to be exact. It 'll take a little time to download them all... in the meantime, BIG Shoutout! goes his way for delivering these pics, on time and under budget (whatever that means).

It started as one of the worst gigs in recent memory... if blowing the power into our first song wasn't bad enough then it was the inbred hick in the back of the bar who screamed "You Suck!!! Go Home!!!" that made things worse. We were hoping that after the Knick's loss to Toronto people would be ready to forget the game and just want to party. It wasn't until our second set that people began to wake up! But we stuck it out and the night turned out to be stellar. By the end we had... 1, no..2, no, 3, nope... 4 people helping us belt out "Brohymn" on vocals. door). Daddy Mac's management were very happy and have invited us back whenever we can get a free date. So thanx to all who came out to represent!
Shout Outs to; Becky (nice to see you too!:), Brenda,& Jamie....Hillary, Tammy, Erin, Katie, Erica & Joe from Florida-land, Big EB (Let's Have a Beer for Mexico!) and his girlfriend (Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice), John Niss (thanx for the pix of course), Kar Kar, Candy-girl and Jen W. (so nice to see all of you), Mindy & Dana (Monroe Diner is a cheap substitute for "Truck Stop"), Jay & Gwen, AliKat and Rob McC, Lori & Dannielle, Irene & Suzie, and finally the The Pep Boys Crew (Face2Face). I'm sure we missed someone... we always do. you can beat us up at the next show which is this Friday, May 11th, 2001 at 8pm at Gulley's in Newburgh, NY.

Now on to the Pics....

Check out the pics below... hit your browser BACK button to return to this page...

Pic's from Daddy Mac's Friday May 4th

NEXT GIG: Friday May 11th, at Gulley's, in Newburgh, NY