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WHERE's Friends

What the...?!?!????

John Niss and the crowd in disbelief.

Yup, that's right John,... your eyes aren't decieving you. That's Paul Serrao from Phillip The Meatbox sitting behind the drumkit. In fact, Paul wasn't the only guest drummer to sit in with us at Gully's last Friday. The day after our Daddy Mac's gig our esteemed drummer, Jeff Kirkland, strained his back in an accident. What seemed like a minor back strain got worse and worse for Jeff as the week went on. Rather than disappointing everyone and cancelling the show we decided to go ahead and try to find someone to fill in. So all week we called several drummers who either didn't know the matieral or couldn't make the gig. They all mentioned there was only one man who could do the job....Rick Kopeck from The Amazing Whiplash Family. So we called Rick at 11pm Thursday night asking if he wouldn't mind learning 36 songs in less than 24 hrs. Expecting a big "No!" he instead said "YES!!!"... and he wasn't the only one! Paul, from PTM, hearing about our situation and wanting to help offered his skin bashing skills as well. In a matter of hours we had more drummers than we knew what to do with.

So Paul kicked off the 1st. set (before his own band played a gig at Sweeney's that night) and Rick filled in the 2nd and 3rd sets. HUGE THANKS goes out to both these guys for offering their help on such short notice. Paul did an admirable job handling songs by Blink182, Eve6 and The Ramones while Rick brought out the heavy guns filling in on Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park and Rage Against The Machine. Mike Mack, from PunkyB. even played bass on a few songs and Steve H. and Andrew from Aisle*9 got... er, well... they got drunk! But they were there, giving support. It was like an HVMM reunion.

Thanks to everyone who came out to rock the boat! Shout Outs to; Kevin, JennieLynn, Rich from PTM, Roni,& Rhonda from IBM, Becky, Brenda,Kristen....Hillary, Tammy, Erin, Big EB (Let's Have a Beer for Gully's!), John Niss (thanx for the pix of course), Mindy & Dana, Mark (Bloodshovel Rules!!!), Jay & Gwen, Gretchen & Red, Lori & Dannielle, Suzie, and everyone else who was there. Our next show is this Saturday, May 19th, 2001 at 10pm at Sweeney's in Walden, NY.

Now on to the Pics....

Pic's from Gully's Friday May 8th

Check out the pics below... hit your browser BACK button to return to this page...

NEXT GIG: Saturday May 19th, at Sweeney's, in Walden, NY