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WHERE's Friends

Say it ain’t so…. Joe!!!???

Smokin Joe Scott on guitar!

Joe's here... and now he's gone! Our Ska-tarist flew all the way from a hot kitchen in Key West just to play at Gully’s and our gig in New Hampshire. A Gully's gig and a road trip all in one weekend...!!!! We all decided there was no way for him to miss this opportunity. He flew up from Miami on Thursday night (with Carson Daly and an MTV crew on board… no chance of us on TRL Live, huh Joe?), woke bright and early on Friday morning, and in 3 short hours learned about 15 new tunes. It was great to play “Ebin”, “What I Like About You”, and “Elvis” again! For the first time in 4 months we felt a band again. He went back to the Keys on Monday but should be back for good by Sweeney’s on June 30th.

Our gig in at the University of New Hampshire was fantastic! We were pretty tired, after playing Gully’s the night before and spending 5 ˝ hours in a fumes-filled van, but we got there on time and ready to rock. Despite all the challenges (a late van driver with no sense of direction… a broken snare…) we had a blast and best of all… made a bunch of new friends up there. We’ll share the complete story soon… with lots of pics.. promise!

Shout Outs to; Becky, Jamie, Brenda, … Troy, Nit, & Howie …. Dana, Mindy, Ed (Let’s Have a Beer for Joe!), JennieLynn, Roni,& Zane… Rhonda & Kevin, Jill, Tristen & Renee ...# 63 (whoever he is), Hillary, Tammy, Erin, Big EB (Let's Have a Beer for Gully's!), John Niss (thanx for the pix, as always), …. Jon & Joanna, John & Lauren, Kim,… Danno,…. GAP’er’s Scuba Steve, Tom Evan & Marc… Mark (Bloodshovel Rules!!!), Jay & Gwen, Alison & Mr. Mc Caffery, & Mark A., … Suzie-Q & Justin, Alison, Jodi, Alisha F., Irene, Gil, Roomie-Lori & Danielle, from Florida and everyone else who was there. Our next show is this Saturday, June 30th, 2001 at 10pm at Sweeney's in Walden, NY.

Now on to the Pics....

Pic's from Gully's Friday June 8th

Check out the pics below... hit your browser BACK button to return to this page...

NEXT GIG: Saturday June 30th, at Sweeney's, in Walden, NY