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WHERE's Friends

Did Anyone Say Party???

That's right... these are the first pics (some courtesy of J. Niss) to go up after last weekend's GAP Party Extravaganza. Be warned... we have MANY more to come. Between us, John and everyone else who submitted pics to us over the last week we'll be putting up pics for a month. We want to personally thank Mike, Evan, Tom, Mark, Steve, Brian and the rest of the GAP'ers for inviting us. We had a blast!!! The bands, the food, the booze... hell, even the guests were all cool. When we get the rest of the pics loaded on the site we'll write something the gives it justice.

In the meantime enjoy these....

John Niss supplied his own batch as well... thanks to Johnny Boy for always having a camera ready.

More GAP Party Pic's

Check out the pics below... hit your browser BACK button to return to this page...

We're taking a much needed break over the next few weeks... we'll list our September dates soon.