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The Reagle Beagle, Fri 1/14/00

WHERE'S Home?..take me home!

This place is great. Nice stage, big fireplace and lots of room to move. Very few bars we play at have a feel or energy like this one... Ok , so that was a little too new age. The fact is that this place rocks. This was our fourth time playing here and the crowd was awesome. With the exception of some heckler who played air guitar & kept screaming "PLAY SOME RUSH!!!" (we think his face wound up in the snow by some bouncers)the night was perfect. Irene, Alison, & Suzi-Q get credit for the Rolling Stone photos. Thanks alot (Don't worry we destroyed the photo of someone's butt!)Enjoy these pics and thanks for allowing sufficent downtime for these photos!... WG

Rocking the Beagle!!!

Yo Waiter!!! Another pitcher for the girls!

Jeff... givin some sticks....& kicks!!!



WHERE'S Home?..take me home!