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Sweeney's Nov 18th, 2000

I know... these aren't the pictures from AJ's from the week prior. They will be up soon. We had such an unforgettable show at Sweeney's on Saturday we wanted to rush to press with these first.

We're pretty accustomed to playing to a packed house at Sweeney's in Walden, NY. It's a pretty small place. Squeeze fifty people in that bar and you feel like you're playing Woodstock. Between the "HVMM show" and "Bobby Spearing's Welcome Back Party" we've had our share of elbow to elbow gigs. At the same point we've also had shows where the band outnumbered our "friends" by one person. But none of us were expecting the turnout we recieved this past Saturday. The beer was flowin, we were rockin' and everyone (I mean EVERYONE) was "Jumping Around" to our version of "House of Pain".

Memorable Moments include