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The Downtown Tavern w/ Aisle*9
Nov. 24th 2000


OK... Your pleas have been answered, your complaints have been heard. Many of you have commented recently about the time it takes for photos to load, so we've tried an exciting, new web technology...."thumbnails".

...But it didn't come with out blood, sweat and a few hours of desired sleep. In fact, as I spent an hour uploading all of the photo and html files to the site I was treated to a repeat viewing of "Less Than Zero" Starring the "Coke Cola Kid" himself, Robert Downey Jr. ....Can anyone admit they actually like this movie? Andrew McCarthy dresses like he is 38 not 18. Are we supposed to believe that a hot chick like Jami Gertz is attracted to him wearing boat shoes and Haggar slacks? And James Spader.... didn't he play the same stupid bad guy role in "Pretty In Pink" (hey! with Andrew "Wooden" McCarthy...again!) except instead of a rich punk, this time he's a rich punk who's a drug dealer. It's like a John Hughes movie turned into an afterschool special! The only decent performance came from Downey Jr... and let's face it! He was as stoned then as he is now so that wasn't much of a stretch!

Whew!!! Could you read the tension in those words? Anyways we'll keep this format for a while and see if everyone likes it. In the meantime we hope you all enjoyed your holiday and if you came to see us, thanks! We're playing this Friday at CB Driscoll's in Newburgh, NY and we'd love to see you. We start at 10pm and we have a few new songs to play out. If you have any questions or need directions call us at 914-651-6074.
Enjoy the pics below! Peace

PunkyB and Where's G meet!

What's Bobbi so damn happy about... all the cash he made playing with both bands!

Sometime's, when yer down you gotta feel the blues!

Jeff, alive and in your grill!

Gina and Amanda

The Chester Crew


Long Live GAP!

Friend's or Fans...? we'll settle for friends!

More of Chester's finest

Another creative product placement... Where's that endorsement contract Coors?

The Original G.... Pedro G

Dude... where are the chicks at?







Hope to see you all at CB Driscoll's This Friday Dec 1st, 2000.